Thursday, April 22, 2010

schmidt's in the mission

thrifted floral dress, h&m thigh highs + tights, parka from south korean boutique

Hey look, I managed to take a photo of my outfit! I don't have anything to say about it except for 1. I have a strange soft spot for grungy 90's florals that I can't seem to shake off, 2. I can't bring myself to throw away my favorite dingy booties, and 3. I freaking lurve this parka. The obvious star of this post are the photos of food (no surprise there, huh?) since they chronicle our first trip to Schmidt's in the Mission. Don't ask me how this is only our first when BF lives only a few blocks away and we've been to Walzwerk (the owners' other restaurant) countless times. Walzwerk is on my top ten list of favorite places to eat in SF and the only reason why I have never blogged about it is because I'm too busy scarfing down my pork schnitzel to remember that I have a camera. It's that good.

hello beer

Well, in any case, here we finally are. It was Mike's birthday yesterday so we chose to come for lunch instead of dinner since we had plans for a night out at Smuggler's Cove. With my terrible tolerance for alcohol, I'm not very particular about my beer so I honestly cannot name what BF and friends had while we were here. My drink of choice is usually a diesel which is half Coke and half beer (pictured upper right) since I'm so obsessed with Cola and it's actually surprisingly good mixed with this beer.

cold cuts
duck sausage

We started off with a platter of cured meats which came with bread, two mustards, butter, onions, and pickles. Next came black beer and onion soup with a pumpernickel gruyere crouton (not pictured) and finally, Mike's grilled duck sausage with homemade sauerkraut and potato salad. I'm not going to lie, I usually abhor sauerkraut and avoid it all the time but this stuff was amazing and went really well with the sausage. I'm glad Mike went with the duck but next time I'd like to try the smoked or chicken bratwurst, among many others (there's seriously over 10+ to choose from).

veal schnitzel sandwich
hello egg

The highlight of my day: this veal schnitzel sandwich with a fried egg. The four of us had one each and unanimously agreed that they were quite spectacular. My egg spewed out just the right amount of runny goo (man, I love fried eggs) and the bread was fresh and the veal was breaded and cooked perfectly well. We forgot to order a side of spätzle but oh well, it was still a delicious experience nevertheless. We're definitely going back.

hi mikehi hammi

Added bonus: here are Mike and Chris, who have been included on the blog before. There's also a photo of Brent and me but I know that the moment I post it, he's going to demand that I take it down. I don't think we have any flattering photos together, haha. Anyway, two more things to talk about: the Siwy contest is running until next Wednesday and check out these photos from Chictopia's Shop Social! Here's what I wore that night to finally meet a bunch of my blog/twitter friends!



I love the parka, especially with the floral dress. x

Hannah said...

You look wonderful Annabel! The print on that dress is so good. And the boots look so good with it all. Dingy old boots are the best typeh boots.

Anonymous said...

love your outfit, and that meal looks so delicious!



Jenae said...

I love reading your blog.And I love how you've combined fashion and food together..That's brilliant. Keep up with your great posts.They always draw me in,wanting to read more about your adventures,style,and also life.


lau-ra said...

Now I know you said the food is the star of this post but can't take my eyes of that dress I'm in love with it! I know it's thirfted but did it have any label on it? My! if you ever want to get rid of it... I let you know it'd be loved :). Haha sorry I'll stop bothering you now.

Lainey said...

That sandwich looks yum! And I also am obsessed with anything floral and grungy. Looks great!!

Aspiring Domestic Goddess said...

Yum the egg roll looks amazing! Making me so hungry.

kelly ann said...

i lovelovelove that dress! it's looks amazing on you.

Sara said...

i LOVE your hair in this post!! beautiful Annabel! yay for food porn ^_^

Anonymous said...

BAH. I gotta have that gd sandwich, holy hell. dragged to desktop; imitating asap.

Your appreciation for food is soul quenching. My husband grabbed the laptop from me to look at that sandwich, then thrust it back at me saying, "Bless her LITTLE HEART."

a new fan for you! ha.

Carey from Corks + Caftans

Bird said...

love that outfit the parka looks mega over that lovely dress. im on the hunt for a parker myself at the moment they had them on sale in h&m for a tenner but i missed the boat! livid. defs going to try and get my hands on one after seeing this post!

Rosa said...

These look so appetizing, I love having an egg sandwich and biting into the yolk and watch it leak out to the side. I love how you have a picture where everyone is grabbing something on the plate with the forks :D

Danielle said...

If I had boots like that, I wouldn't throw them away either! Haha

Jocy said...

YUM! Also, there's a reason you can't get rid of that floral number and those boots: they are great. Floral dresses like that always remind me of the 90s, like Reality Bites, Ethan Hawke and Winona pre-shoplifting -- in other words, I'm rather fond too.

calivintage said...

nom. egg sammiches are the best. it's nice that i live in the bay area coz i get new advice on places to eat just by visiting your blog!

diptea said...

Gorgeous pictures !

l said...

This post really makes me want beer, but it just doesn't agree with me :O I've never even heard of a diesel, everyone hear drinks jack and coke. I'm intrigued :]

Esther said...

yum <3 i haven't had my breakfast & your post is making me hungry. that outfit is really pretty & practical! something i always have difficulty balancing :(

Anonymous said...

Floral dresses and beer.. mmmm.. <3

rinacatastrophe said...

Everything looks so delicious (I love runny eggs)! And that dress is a great find. I've never tried a Diesel, buy now I'm intrigued...


Unknown said...

all that food hurts my heart just too look at, but it looks so good!

love the parka!


Ashley said...

I've been dying to find a lovely floral dress, and that's almost exactly the dress I had in mind.

Unknown said...

I am now craving veal and eggs.

Also, I love your oversized coat!

diptea said...

My compliments are getting repetitive. Either I find better words or you stop looking cute and start clicking bad pictures.

pink horrorshow said...

oh god....fried egg on a sandwich *orgasm*

Loving the floral! :) Can't wait to wear mine!

Nellie said...

Oh my god, why is it that whenever I am in San Francisco, I completely miss out on places like these?

And clearly, people like you!


bravegrrl said...

you look cutie all grunge grrl


Anonymous said...

I love love love that parka and the huge shape of it! You are too adorable for words, missy!!

brunchatthebeach said...

haha food pictures are always the best. and im going to korea this summer...and my plan is to come home with a new closet. hope i find a parka as cute as yours!

-jane @ Brunch at the Beach

Shelby said...

i just love your food posts!

Jane said...

Well done, I'm totally starving right now!!!! A adore your floral dress... Lovely, as usal!!

Zuzolińska said...

Look fabulous, especially parka is great!
How do you do this, you eat so many delicious things and you are still so thin?! Tottaly unfair! ;D

hester said...

your friends are hot :)


i speak mojito said...

yum, yum, yum, yum always and forever yummmmmmm

Zoë said...

I love that grunge is coming back in. The parka is perfect with the florals!

I love your food posts even though I'm a veg! x

Eli said...

I think it's great that you like traditional german food because usually everybody thinks it's disgusting (me included even though I am German). But truth is that in Germany only the old people still eat that stuff like sauerkraut ;-)
I love your blog and especially your thrift finds. I always hope that I will find beautiful second hand clothes here but I never do...

Anonymous said...

Aww, the outfit is just perfect =)
It's somehow funny to read about German food as I am half-German and living in Germany. But I agree, all you named is delicious (although you didn't eat Spätzle!!) and I love the cola-beer-mix as well.


Grace said...

Great 90s look. And I'm loving the new hair lady!

Love Grace.

The Miranda said...

Love the parka flowered dress combo - very British festival in the rain!
and HELLO your mate on the left. love him a bit too!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had so much fun. I am in love with that dress, such a gorgeous print!


b.b. said...

love your blog, that floral dress and these food pictures!!! Usually not a fan of fried eggs but this post made me so hungry for that sandwich, and some pretzels with mustard ...yummmm. :)take care!

Melissa said...

I want to put a fried egg on everything. It's soo good.

Your friendsies are cute!

elspeth angharad said...

That dress is so pretty, xx

L1L2 said...

you make the grunge look so happening! naice!

Marita Bliss said...

Cute you and cute pictures. Love the coat :)

Anonymous said...

hello jolie annabel ! i think your dress is really nice - maybe there is a place on the web where i could find it ...? thanx, emilie

Marina Xx said...

I love the floral dress. Colors are great.

The Fashion Cloud said...

Lovely outfit!!


Birgitte said...

This outfit is lovely!

Xoxo Birgitte

Anonymous said...

so... ur friend mike's fine. is he single? and how old did he turn? (stalker alert! nah, just kiddin, um on the other side of the globe.)

Kate said...

Gorgeous outfit. Food looks great!

Anonymous said...

lucky girl!having lunch with such cuties(especially Mike).hahaha. they don't hold a candle to Pika, though.

Shen said...

What a gorgeous outfit! Love it! =)

Anonymous said...

hummmm...the beers & the food! Love it! Amazing pics!

Unknown said...

ur thrifted dress looks lovely on you and it's amazing what you find at thrift stores .. i just love it.

Anonymous said...

After a quick look at the comments, i realize not many girls wrote something about Chris... What can I say except... How cute!! haha
Let's pretend it was just a way to say something else than "you're so pretty, I looove your clothes!!"

Kisses from south of France, where the whether is already hot and sunny


Anonymous said...

Alright, so I love your dress. And I love your food shots. Food shots are almost my favourite part of fashion blogs, besides I suppose the inspiring stuff. But seriously. Food shots = the best, and now I must go for I am hungry.

Unknown said...

Oh this looks yummy! Cool to see that yyyyyou guys in SF enjoy Germam food :)
And I love your parka!

Unknown said...

that dress is gorgeous x

Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous outfit. And the food looks rather delicious. I adore reading your blog.

Gabby said...

ahh the food makes me drool! n love ur jacket, it's perfect for spring! <3

gant jeans said...

Love that dress in the first pic!

Heini said...

Such a lovely blog! I´m following :)

Jessica said...

cute! the food looks amazing, as always. <3

Ana Sting said...

Lovely dress!

Zoe said...

yummm, food looks delicious!

Whatever Works said...

Nice dress!!

MELISSA Z. said...

Amazing pics and adorable dress! Love floral print! <3

sha said...

i am still yet to find an awesome parka :(

your food pics are alllways the best <3

Times of Delight said...

I love your dress and boots
And your hair looks adorable

Ana said...

You look so great and girlie and feminine :) love it so much.

Ohhh and when I read your blog and see all the food pics I just wanna go out and eat all the yummy things I can find:)

Have a great and magical weekend

the goorgeous said...

that floral dress is marvelous.

Anonymous said...

The right one looks like Kevin Federline :D

Anonymous said...

i am a voluntary designer, any chance you'd like to use some of my images? i think it would be cool and fit on your blog :-)
absolutely like your design! write me a mail please in case you want to see my artwork