Monday, December 14, 2009

quite ferosh indeed

vintage leopard silk shirt, BDG cigarette jeans, prada lace-up booties

Let me start by saying that this is WAY outside my comfort zone. I'd always a bit weirded out by animal prints; maybe I'm just not ferosh enough to pull it off (or convince myself that I can). Give me florals or stripes and yeah, I'll WERK it. Leopard print? Nyah... maybe. There's something a little empowering about donning this however, that I must admit to noticing. I rarely venture out of my usual safe zone by going for something as bold as this and it's really quite fun. It's like playing dress up without actually looking ridiculous? Pfft, it seems I'm out running out of steam with this.

I'd also like to add that this is the closest I'll get to a DIY. See the sleeves? Obviously I rolled them myself but since it is silk it needs more than that to keep it in place. I ran of of sewing needles so guess what I used instead? Umm... lol: a stapler. Hey, hey I was desperate! Obviously I will fix it with real thread but until then, here's to my janky DIY skills.

Anyway, back to this whole "AM I FEROSH ENOUGH TO WERK THIS?" question. I suppose it comes down to this: what do you guys think? I'm still not 100% sure I can pull it off but I'll keep it on for the rest of the day and see how I feel. If worst comes to worst, I'll just put it in the shop which, by the way, has been updated. Silk shirts galore!

vintage cream silk top



anArchitekt said...

you can pull it off dont worry...but yeah somehow you look a bit tougher than usual lol

Anonymous said...

you totally did work it ;).

faye said...

Being out of your comfort zone is a good thing though, its always good to try new things! and OH PER-LEASE of course you can pull it offff! MM i want them boots please.

Sophia said...

you're totally werking the leopard, no worries. janky diy skills ftw. there's no shame. i've taken a stapler to dresses and shirts in the past with fantastic results. it just kinda hurts when the staples get caught in your skin...ya know :/

CAT KHAN said...

dude you are werking it!

Lorena said...

It looks good on you but I have to admit when I first saw what you were wearing I instantly thought "ahh that's not her usual style". That's not a bad thing though, maybe just wear it a few more times and you will feel normal and comfortable in it?

Urban Lullaby said...

Lovely print! U worked ittt!!!!

Kennedy said...

yeah that silk leopard shirt is pretty amazing

S said...

you work it! I'd be a little freaked if you roared at the camera though - you're much too sweet for THAT :)

an aspiring everything said...

feroshous!!! you can definitely pull it off! you are so cute cute cute :)

cindy said...

i love how the leopard print looks on you! you should definitely try a zebra print, i think you could rly werk that. ;]

Teresa said...

Just let that sexy, rocker chic out! You know you want to! At least you know that if you decide to divert your style direction that way, you can pull it off EASILY!

Magali said...

I love this outfit, you rock it!

samantha duenas said...

animal prints are always hard for me too, but you pull it off nicely. i can't/won't diy either, i pride myself in dda (don't do anything)!

calivintage said...

i loooove silk blouses, but i am fearful of trying animal prints. the other day i ventured out and bought some leopard print tights to try it out!

i think this look is great on you.

Diana said...

i think you look really sexy, while still keeping it classy. the cigarette jeans make your legs look extra long, your booties give the outfit that extra edge, and the looseness of the top leaves the rest to imagination. it's sexy without trying too hard.

so, to answer your question: hell yeah, girl! werk it!

Nadia Kamballa said...

You rock the leopard, gal!! It's good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes..

Nadia Kamballa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
michelle said...

you know what i'm tempted to say you look ridiculous in this so you can sell it amd i can have the shirt myself.

girl, you are rocking it so well.

Anonymous said...

girl! you are definitely working it!


The Bambina said...

You can DEFINETLY work this... look at that face! It says, "I'm hot and don't give a damn that I use staples on my shirt!" hahaha
Lovin' it.


Kathryn Sutton said...

DEFINITELY, 100%! I love it! That top is amaaaazing :)


Anonymous said...

What are you talking about??? You look awesome!!!

Annie said...

BEAUTIFUL. I have the strangest weakness for leopard print and this is amazing. If you do put it up for sale (which you should not!) I would certainly purchase it.

G Tauberge said...

loveee the shape of the boots, they're almost architectural.

Renee said...

love love love this look on you! i think i need that leopard shirt!

Unknown said...

i think going out of one's comfort zone is necessary sometimes, and i must say this was really successful--i love the leopard print on you!! i think leopard gives women a sexy empowerment, must be all the media's influence :) anyway you look great as always dear! i hope finals are going well!

Unknown said...

rawr! you work it well! love your shoes. you look so stunning!

Dirty Hair Halo said...

This WERKS. I really like how you did the sleeves, it gives the blouse that chic oomph. Better get to sewing!

This blouse is so fabulous, it should really become one of your staples.

Pun. Intended.

Writing the Ship said...

You look so good! I think you pull it off, even if it's outside of what you normally wear.

Cotton Socks said...

i have the same issue with leopard print. i think it looks great on everyone else but stupid on me.

i think this works on you because the top is loose.
i think leopard print on tight clothing is a different ball game. (unless you want that rock star kind of look)

what dia like said...

i like it! you are beautiful.

Nova said...

you look great hun! Love your blog, just started to read it. You have some fantastic pics :) how do you like going to uni in San Fran? It must be awesome!

Karafina said...

girl you are werking IT!

hope you keep it, it looks hotness on you.

the goorgeous said...

adore that shirt! really vintagee!

我想我是一個質數 said...

this look is hot. especially the sleeves, love the way they are.

Lauren said...

heck yeah you can pull it off! you look great!

Nana MoonDancer said...

i LOVE the top
gorgeous outfit dear^^

cashmere jumpers said...

Love the animal print top!

le blog de leen said...

that's such a great leopard print!
love it!


xiang yun said...

You look great!! =] You can totally work it if you kept the same expression as in your pictures. If you smile, you'll be too cute for the prints (it's a good thing!) :)

xiang yun said...

You look great!! =] You can totally work it if you kept the same expression as in your pictures. If you smile, you'll be too cute for the prints (it's a good thing!) :)

Charlene said...

I love that shirt! I want it!!! and dont worry you pull it off perfectly looks great

Unknown said...

loving the leopard print x

theflawlet said...

you did indeed work it!

Unknown said...

I adore your style and your look.

wind said...

i think it looks AWFUL on you...put it in the shop! i want it! just kidding it rocks. anytime you wear something outside your comfort zone and feel like you stand out, you have to remember other people don't know that. that always helps me feel a little more confident when i wear something that feels attention-getting to me.

Lydia said...

I most definitely think you can work. I'm super jealous, and you've inspired me to get more leopard print in my life!

Xena said...

i have no comfort zone limits (is that a bad thing? lol) i think u can definitely pull of whatever u want to wear to ur hearts desire :P

Arielle said...

I LOVE IT! the pointed heels on the boots are amazing.

Georgia said...

You look FEROSH.
Lol at that word.
It would be mine

Jenny Cindy said...

You definitely pull it off - you look wonderful with the leopard print.

Maria said...

Hey, why not, you look amazing!

Anonymous said...

haha I'm not too comfortable with animal print either, mostly because the people around me can't pull it off and make it look SUPER tacky. =_= I think you look great though! I love the stapler idea, lmaoo. I've a question thouuuuuugh, I hope you answer! :X I'm really tired of my grandma-looking cheap eyeglasses so I was wondering what company glasses you have in the previous post?..They're sooo cute and exactly what I want! :(

The Stylish Wanderer said...

Um girl.....

You look HOT

connie said...

that leopard print looks gorgeous on you!! ;)
just wondering- what is your hair regimen? i have bangs like that but it never stays throughout the day. hopefully you can help me out!!



Tieka, Selective Potential said...

I love that print on you. You can totally work it!

Unknown said...

you look cute & FEROSH! Haha I'm the same, I'll end up looking so awkward in animal print as oppose to plain black and minimal prints/colors. Time to venture other possibilities ey?


Ania said...

oh honey this shirt was made for you ;)

lol I'm glad I'm not the only one using stapler to alter clothes - a skirt in my case...

Zoe_Deluge said...

I love your pictures! they are so cute.

and you asked me the other day on lookbook about patrick and the art show, haha yes I was there, but I don't talk to patrick anymore, and I remember you! your doing really really great in SF thats amazing!

catty said...

honey, you look RIDICULOUSLY HOT. stupidly hot. cra-zee hot. werk it :)

Jessica said...

great, as usual!!

Anonymous said...


Louela Daniele said...

i loooove your leopard shirt!
i want ittt!

Addie said...

Girlll you can walk around in a bear suit and still look hot trust me, you look awesome in leopard :)

... said...

it looks amazing don't worry!

Mads said...

You ARE definitely WERQING it!


Anonymous said...

that outfit looks amazingly put together. there's a very defined image about it that thrusts me into awe

The Book of Right-On said...

Lovely lovely blog and outfits.
I miss SF...

Margaux from Book of Right On

Margaret said...

you are my favorite blog of all time. ever.

Anonymous said...

AUGH! I despretely despretely despretely want a silk top like that cream one!
They keep getting sold before i can buy them... Quite frustrating.
Sell more?

Taylor Sterling said...

I love the leopard top!!

Anonymous said...

love that leopard top on you!!!

alexandra said...

FEROSH INDEED! you werked it, gurrrl! in fact, i feel so strongly about this that i included you in a best dressed bloggers post! i'd be flattered if you checked it out! yay!

Mani said...

definitely ferosh enough, i really like your boots too! :)

Anonymous said...

i love your style anabelle! at times when i purchase something, i think to myself, would anabelle approve/wear this? hahaha consider that a compliment! :)

K8 said...

love the top, you look super chic.

Fashion X

smalltownchic said...

i completely adore that shirt, wear it!

trade links?

Anonymous said...

incredible. would kill for this shirt!

The Sound of Lace said...

I love leopard on you! Get your roooaaaarrr on!

womens wear said...

Gorgeous outfits! loving those boots!

Ingrid Alise said...

The leopard printed blouse looks really good on you!:)

INES said...

lovely outfit

Trina said...

I think it looks pretty classy. ;]

NDYparty said...

your lepard shirt is AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Ria said...

First time at your blog so I don't really know your style or whatever yet (haven't scrolled yet) but I think this looks good on you. It doesn't look like you feel outta place wearing it and when I look at you I'm not thinking that's so not her.

Meredith said...

Oh yes dear u werked it I'm jealous! those pants r friggin awesome

Unknown said...

love your sense of style!

The Teapot said...

NGL, this look looks really good on you.

Unknown said...

I love these boots!

michelle_ said...

im freakin in love with those booties !

michelle_ said...

im freakin in love with those booties !

Kookie B. said...

love that leopard top! what lens are you using in your photos?

NDYparty said...

...your lepard shirt... <3

Elisabeth said...

it's awesome =)

Sandy M. said...

learned in my psychology class that leopard/animal prints are subconsciously provocative and arousing! haha perhaps you're uncomfortable with how arousing you look! and by arousal, I don't mean sexual, I mean a shot of adrenaline and so. LOVE YOUR POSTS & you can definitely WERK that top :)

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