Saturday, December 19, 2009

happy holidays

cheesy christmas portraitcheesy christmas portrait

No holiday season is complete without those cheesy portraits that you put on your Christmas cards, right? We had originally talked about wearing ugly Christmas sweaters and actually going to a department store studio to take them but obviously that fell through. This is close enough, right?


at tartine

Since I will be in LA from 12/22 to 1/15, BF and I are trying to squeeze in as much time together this week as we can. Yesterday we went to Tartine for morning buns and coffee then Bi-Rite to prepare for the beef stew that we were planning to make in the slow cooker. He had been trying to get reindeer meat for it but apparently they sold out! I've had venison but never reindeer so it would have been interesting to try.

morning bun from tartine

latte from tartine

We actually weren't able to eat the damn stew until 11pm since we started the day quite late so we had to improvise in between. I picked out this cheese, La Tur, made from goat's, cow's, and sheep's milk. Brent wasn't too happy with but I was pleased, it was nice and creamy with a tangy rich flavor. Oh well, more cheese for me.

cheese and rosé

la tur cheese


Annie said...

As cheesy as the pictures are, you two look adorable as always. I love his sweater!

M. said...

that cheesy christmas card picture is perfect, I wish me and my boyfriend lived together/could do that!


Madeline Veenstra said...

that food looks so yummy! I hope you have a lovely Christmas, the photos look great :)

Nicola said...

oh god those cheesy portraits are lovely haha, you guys are cute.

Eli said...

look how cute you guys look together! my boyfriend and I did this too, but added our cat in the photo to add the cheese on :)

bianca said...

haha love the portraits! you look gorgeous. xx

CECELIA said...

how fun :)

Chelsea said...

Y'all are ridiculously adorable. I love your hair right now! Also, nice coffee photos.

Shini said...

you guys look sooo cute together, and the fact that you two agreed on something like that, despite that it didn't go through, makes it even more adorable :D Happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

Amazing Christmas picture!

Lainey said...

You and your boyfriend are so adorable. I love the cheesy pictures. And the cheese picture.

The Zsa Zsa Zsu said...

haahhaaha cute portrait photos!

Unknown said...

you look so adorable together.

k said...

lol @ you and your boyfriend's "christmas" picture.
you guys are adorable! :)

jules said...

You two are adorable, and the food looks amazing

Unknown said...

Well, Happy Holidays to you as well! I love the protraits of you and your boyfriend! Both of you make such a beautiful couple! I like how he dresses just like me. LOL. You food looks so delicious!
check out my trendy blog!

Anonymous said...

Ok! This is the cutest post ever!!! You two are sooo freaking adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

the both of you are adorable!


Lorena said...

Mmmmm I want to eat that cheese, looks so creamy!

what dia like said...

nice holidays :)

Patty said...

Aaw those photos of the two of you are so adorable! :)

Nana MoonDancer said...

mmm the food looks delicious^^
you really look happy

Unknown said...

Only one thing to say : "miam-miam". Love your photography.

Anonymous said...

goalsafter complemented onwards lightly minimising stick performing writes foresighting instinct settle
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Marion said...

You two are looking so cute!
I adore your pics, as always.

Becky said...

The photos are very sweet! And the food looks delicious!

theflawlet said...

and I am hungry... once again!

stardustandberries said...

Aww, you and your bf are so cute! I love your effortlessly cute and chic outfits on this blog! Can I link you under my fav. blogs scetion?
Do have any blogging tips for new bloggers like me?

and have a very merry Christmas:)

Anna from

Jenny Cindy said...

The cheesy portrait is hilarious!! haha

Love your blouse by the way ;)

And that cheese looks absolutely delicious. I wish you and your boy wonderful holidays - enjoy your time together!

Margaret said...

so cute and so delicious and I love your top and belt!

Jen Hsieh said...

you're gorgeous! and you two are ridiculously adorable. i love the cheesy pictures :)
and that bread and butter is making me drool.
now following! :)

Anonymous said...

yes, the pose does the job just fine. :) cute shot of you two.

your morning bun and latte look amazing. how i crave for their bread pudding!

have fun in la!

the desert foxx said...

you two are the epitome of cute.
merry xmas to you too annabel!

denise - SUPERWOWOMG said...

LOL annabel, you guys are the best. these are so funny hahahahha

Jamie said...

love love LOVING your blog!!

what FANTASTIC 'family' photos! my friend told me about a friend of hers who sent out family photos with 70's sweaters, awkward poses, and half cropped/crooked focus... with 'Happy Christmas 1974' on the back. amazing.

Enjoy the holiday in LA!

(i linked to your blog in my entry... i hope that's ok!)

Teresa Tran said...

this is such a cute / funny idea !

The Bambina said...

No holiday is complete without cheesy portraits!
Cheese looks quite yummalish! That would've been so cool if you had reindeer meat!

carcass head said...

you eat reindeer?? that's disgusting. i may have to stop reading your blog. i knew people in asia were adventurous when it came to the carcasses they consumed...but reindeer? rudolph?!! disgusting.

Liz said...

Thanks for the tip about that coat.
The "family style" picture is totally adorable!

The Starving Stylist said...

cutest holiday photos! hahaha!! love it.

Youna said...

it's cute :)

the goorgeous said...

your portrait it's adorablee! ;) your smile is soo funny..seems like you're about to laugh! love white wine and cheese! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU :)

samantha duenas said...

that cheese looks so buttery and lovely! i will have to look for it at my local cheese shop. are your plates from crate & barrel?

RUBIE said...

cutest cheesy christmas photo. love it

the style spotter said...

that cappuccino looks delicious!

i gave you a blog award on my site, stop by to pick it up!!

Rebecca Jane said...

the classic hand on shoulder pose! Too great. I think you two look great!

Happy holidays!

Taylor Sterling said...

you two are so cute!! love the pics!

Stephanie said...

I like the pictures. With the right card they will look fabulous!


K.Coco Leonnie said...

Loving the pictures...too cute for school I think.

Kennedy said...

what a cute couple you guys make! yay love!

styledigger said...

You two look so adorable:) And all those pictures of sweets make me hungry:)

Anonymous said...

CUTE x 100 :)

merry christmas!


Adele said...

ahahah! that is the best idea ever!
i love your food pictures, and i'm amazed at how fast you got used to your dslr. it took me months, and a year to work with manual.
i keep coming back to your blog, i adore your posts.

Steph said...

I love cheesy X-mas photos. My bosses at my internship made the best x-mas card which basically was each of their faces photoshopped into a photo of the whole post birth of jesus scene. Possibly the most hilarious thing ever.

Steph said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ariela said...

You guys look so cute together!
Merry Christmas!

RUBIE said...

Hopefully the fact that I'm about to tell you your boyfriend is fucking hot won't destroy our potential blog loving and you'll just love me anyway.
You're boyfriend is fucking hot.

The end

Pinkarol said...

You two look adorable !

Taylor Barrett said...



le blog de leen said...

cheesy but so cute :)

happy holidays to both of you


Unlikely You said...

What a lovely looking couple. Btw, that cappuccino fern looks awesome. We're missing that over here.

Sylvia dite "la sooze" said...

très jolies photos!
hummm, il donne envie ce café-crème

sefei said...

i am in love with your blog. i have been constantly "stalking" it for the past week waiting on your next post :) could you maybe check out mine and tell me your thoughts. i just started making it.

K.Coco Leonnie said...

The food looks gawwjuussss. Now i'm really craving french bread even more, and scrambled eggs..loving the lighting on the food haha. Great blog as usual, keep it up X Follow moi said...

delicious looking food!!

ashley said...

haha, nice!

Dream Sequins said...

You guys are the sweetest couple! Hope you had fun in LA. I was there for Christmas break!

Enterrement de vie de jeune fille said...

Très joli couple vraiment and happy new year


Seattle DUI lawyer said...

I've always wanted to take cheesy holiday pics with a boy, but no one wants to do it with me! Yours are precious.

Afrodite Trevlopoulos said...

Love your style and your smile is cute! I'm jealous of your hair ;)

don't forget to visit me at


Anonymous said...

these pictures make me hungry, and I love all of your photos but I do have to say that the charming fixies in the background have got me drooling. are you in sf?

Youngest Indie said...

Cute couple! =( And I love your style.