Thursday, May 27, 2010

parkas and pancakes

saint james striped top, parka from a korean boutique, genetic denim jeans courtesy of revolve, low top converse

I'm in LA right now visiting family and I've already realized that I didn't bring enough for this 2 or 3 week trip. I naively thought I could get away with shorts and tops but it actually rained here today. Why didn't I pack this parka when I haphazardly put together the contents of my suitcase? Why is the weather even like this in late May? My list of grievances just continues to grow, doesn't it?

For now, I'll just take advantage of endless snacks in my parent's pantry, Dodger games on local TV, and whatever else comes up to relieve me of my boredom (psst anyone want to hang out while I'm here?). Although I REALLY would like to be back up north since I'm currently experiencing an insane craving for pancakes from Mama's. Anyone know where I can find really amazing pancakes in LA? Maybe I'll track down the Buttermilk Truck one of these days and check them out...

buttermilk pancakes


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eleanor said...

oh my god, that picture made me so hungry.

love the parka!

Unknown said...

Bay Area weather right now isn't so great either. Supposedly tomorrow will be sunny, but Monday we're back to yuckyness!

Have fun in LA! I vote you track down the Nom Nom Nom truck - the girl who owns it is a halfie! (yea random fact)


Jess ♡ said...

You look too adorable :) The weather in Vancouver isn't looking too hot either. It's supposed to be pouring rain for the next 2 weeks! At least you got some omnomnom worthy food to chow on <3

Annabel said...

michelle - yeah, I've exchanged emails with her! she's so sweet. unfortunately they're on hiatus right now and i don't think i'll be here when they start up again :(

Wei's said...

The pancakes look so good! Total pancakeholic mania...

Mani said...

Oh my gosh.. the pancake photo's killing me! *__*

Ula said...

I've been making Nigella Lawson's pancakes very often rcently but I need to go to Mama's to check out these!

Anonymous said...

Cuties, take a peeek!:

Anonymous said...

The Griddle Cafe on Sunset has some pretty good pancakes.

I love the parka!

Sharon said...

ditto on the weather! summer is around two weeks away but it looks like february outside...

oh god those pancakes!

Julia said...

Now i want some pancakes too!! can you send some, please?

Anonymous said...

OOH they look delicious - nothing like home cooking! ck :) x

Megan said...

Check out BLD on Beverly and try the Ricotta Blueberry Pancakes. So yummy! They even serve it with a cute tin can of Berkshire Maple Syrup!

Josephine said...

someone's probably already asked you this but where did you get your hair cut? it's super rad!

Revital said...

mmmmm yummy!!! that looks soooo delicious! totally mouthwatering!

FlashFash said...

Oooohhh, it looks oh-so-freakin' yummyyy!

the style crusader said...

ohhh there's a good pancake place in Anaheim... bugger. I can't remember what it's called though. xx

Lauren said...

Loving the parka. Oh my! those pancakes look so delicious!!! x

Lucy said...

Great outfit!!!
Yum.. those pancakes look delicious.

Anonymous said...

You're a cutie, I like the happy go lucky feel of your photos.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Kelly said...

Nom, pancakes sound so good right now!!

Melissa said...

i would love to have those pancakes right now, they looks so good!

LUU H. said...

omg, the last photo of the pancakes looks so yummy. love your adorable outfit pictures..: )

Gela said...

argh, now i want pancakes too!!

diptea said...

hey there gorgeous girl Annabel, you look as yummy as those pancakes..

diptea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi honey!!
Great a Delicious!

xoxo* by Portugal


Heini said...

Looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

Those pancakes look delicious. I love my pancakes with a ridiculous amount of whip cream on top, too.


Megan said...

have you seen the photos from proenza schouler's pre-fall 10 collection? as soon as I saw the photos, I thought of you!

Maybe it's the awesome toggle coats :)

anon said...

I remember when I went to Paris for an exchange semester and thought I could survive on summer clothes with a good winter coat!

Neekoh said...

Hey you're in LA! If you have time, I'd love to meet you. Just drop me a line if you're still bored after this weekend (I'm out of town for Memorial Day, but will be back on Monday). I work in Santa Monica, right by the Promenade, so let me know if that interests you. :)

neekoh.livelovela @

Prad Savania said...

Hello, Interesting post!
Why not check out my new shoe designing blog, all designs are hand-drawn!

Follow my blog if you like what you see and want to keep up to date with all my new posts!

Take care.
Prad Savania

c said...

cuteee jeans. have you had the gingerbread pancakes at la note on shattuck? their eggs are really custard-esque for my taste but their pancakes are SO GOOD. i live ten min away from berkeley but from all the time i spend i could probably claim i reside there!


Dana said...

you have to go to the griddle cafe on sunset and fairfax! biggest, fluffiest pancakes ever.

Elina said...

Hey, very beautiful photos again ! :-)

Angela said...

um, YUM! The Buttermilk Truck is sooo amazing. Definitely a must try!

mywhitelies said...

buttermilk truck is LEGIT but you could always also check out the famous Original Pantry for all day breakfast foods.

Anonymous said...

You should consider changing your blog to a food blog instead of a fashion blog. It's obvious that your passion for food is greater than your passion for clothing.

Angela said...

I like the griddle cafe

but the lines are CRAZY. the pancakes are huuuggeee and fluffy.

Sasha B. said...

oh my gosh. those pancakes just made me so hungry haha. they look yummyyy! love that parka.. the color looks great with the b&w stripes!

Anonymous said...

Hi! just wanted to let you know that I've tagged you with the Hello Lover Award because I love your style! Check out my blog for more info!

Kacey said...

The Original Pancake House in Redondo Beach
I love their potato pancakes but all of their other ones are just as good! I think there are other locations too...

Anonymous said...

You look so comfy and classic! ^^

Unknown said...

Oooooh I'd kill to get such a pancake right now! It looks SO yummy!
Btw I like your cute casual look :)

Anonymous said...

little dom's on hillhurst ave has the best ricotta blueberry pancakes :)

Anonymous said...

so much for going healthy! everyone needs a treat.

Little Elf said...

Whenever I am in LA I go to the Pantry Cafe Downtown for the best pancakes EVER. It's kind of dirty but amazing nonethless.

Song of Style said...

hello love,
i am currently half a block away from Mama's. writing u this comment at work....... and i smell pancakes.
ok, not really, but when u come back we'll go there again <3
i misshu

Oh, My Darling said...

I love the parka! What a great find!!!

Alexandra Gabriella Audrey said...

cool outfit and that pancake looks very delicious!

Shelby said...

breakfast food is always better when someone else makes it for you!

Tara said...

I'm travelling to San Francisco next week and your blog has helped immensely in deciding where I'm going to eat, FYI! I can't wait to go to Mama's.

Christine Lane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Vegaran said...

Ooh grey outfit, I always have trouble using greys for some reason... Oh damn, those pancakes look so gooooood... With the whip cream and all, so hungry now.


hildegarde said...

LOVE your parka, been looking for one for aaaages. and oh me oh my those pancakes. droooooling. somebody bring me a bucket.

h.h. said...

That looks so amazing..i wish it was morning already

Carolina Krews said...

Delicious blog :)

Anonymous said...

I was totally going to say the Griddle Cafe! You can't go wrong with 3 pancakes the size of frisbees. The lemon and raspberry ones are to die for...

P.S. - I ADORE that Saint James top of yours. I've seen you wear it with so many different things and I cannot get over how versatile it is!

Anne said...

Love the look! I also love that you don't look serious/pretentious in your photos! Have fun visiting LA :)

Anonymous said...

your hair is growing soooooooo fast...
gosh..whats your secret?

DaniBrava said...

the griddle is the place to get amazingggg pancakes in LA!!!

7916 West Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90046-3304
(323) 874-0377

Jennifer - StylishClindOeil said...

Very simple outfit, but soooo cute! and it seems to be so comfortable, mainly in flat shoes!
Love it!

Anna said...

The picture of the pancakes, just made my three week craving for pancakes even more strong.

umami said...

If you're still craving pancakes, doughboys in LA has some amazing pumpkin ones.

Anonymous said...

YUMMMM. Those pancakes look delicious. You are making me want to make pancakes at 1 in the morning...Ha. Have fun visiting family!

JenniePlusOne said...

omg.. i was just on the Saint James website looking at their collection and secretly gasping at the prices(but worth it im sure for the quality) and then i pop on over here and you're wearing your saint james top.
Can't help you ont the pancake front, but i think i remember the pantry pancakes being pretty good. have fun while visiting home..maybe i'll see you again randomly but this time I'll stop you and say hello. haha!

JenniePlusOne said...

-oh and i'm sure you already know this.. but la notes gingerbread pancakes are pretty friggen amazing..the other ones they make are good too, can't remember the flavor right now.. damn, wish i could have brunch there this weekend! damn not living in Berkeley anymore. ahah

Chinese Junk said...

hi there!
im pretty new at bloggin but im kind of a blog reading addict. I just discovered yours and im finding it really exciting. I think its because i also love fashion but spend more money on food.

Chloe said...

ohhh pancakes...i'm addicted to pancakes. mmmm...yum. :)

LOVE the parka and striped top!

chloe **

Loren said...

mmm pancakes!

I love how happy you look and your outfit looks so chill and relaxed (:

Macy said...

oh my goodness... those pancakes look AMAZING!!!

M said...

i think im going to go out for breakfast tomorrow morning!

Victorious Youth Shop

laura said...

that parka is seriously great and wow, the pancakes look devine!

Anonymous said...

Your parka is so cute~
I love the pancakes from this place in Silverlake called "Home" ( And it has really cool atmosphere.
And you should check out the store Wacko.


Anonymous said...

Love your get up! So comfy and classic! U rock girl!

Pancakes rock too!

Phuong said...

you look great and the pancakes looks delicious!! YUMMY

O-Morphi said...

I love your outfit! These pancakes look delicious!!!

Shen said...

They look sooo tasty!

the goorgeous said...

nice parka! lovee it!
last time I read your blog you were trying to eat healthy ;))
loove pankakes dude! ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

the absolute best pancakes in LA are at a restaurant called Dupar's. It an old diner style place in the Grove shopping center/ Farmer's Market. They're actually called "hotcakes" I believe. But they are AMAZING

Anonymous said...

one other place is called cafe stella. it's in silverlake and it is the cutest, most authentic french restaurant. they have lemon ricotta pancakes that my chef-friend claims are the best!

elspeth angharad said...

Those pancakes look delicious! I love the Parka too :) xxx

MarieBayArea said...

i'm starving.

bloo90fashion said...

mmmm you look awesome !


monicais said...

i love your blog especially when you feature food! your food taste is much like mine!

Anonymous said...

You look so cool! And I could seriously do with a holiday, away from England and the UK for just a week! And those pancakes are making my mouth

lauren said...

your outfit is adorable and those pancakes look freaking delicious!

Unknown said...

Those pancakes look amazing!!!
and now i'm hungry ... just great : )

hanna said...

u are soooooooooo perfect!

make believe said...

That looks like a great way to wake up....mmmmmm!!!!

ScribbleBabbles said...

I really love your style and your bang :D please never ever stop blogging :D

anArchitekt said...

DO you read ALL of you comments? hah I dont know but, let me tell you this.

The other day I was completely bored and would be for the next few days of being stuck in my house. I read in your blog about this anime movie you saw and how good it was. The thing is I downloaded The melancholy of haruhi Suzumiya, not 'the dissapearance', and its amazing..dont know if you ever saw rhe complete series; if not you should.

Anyways, THANK YOU :) led me to a fantastic series and will watch the movie next.

Tonje said...

hi, missy! I can`t believe your blog!! It totally rocks. I`ve actually mentioned you in my blog. feel free to visit me if you feel like it sometime.

xx T

Anonymous said...

i totally love when i find new blogs to watch, yours is amazing, your style is beautiful such as your pictures! kisses from argentina

Camilla said...

I think your blog is wonderful :3 x
following :) x


jess said...

oh my goodness. these pancakes loom DE-LISH!!!!!



food and fashion love <3


I just discovered your blog. If you still don't have you should come and visit Italy. Here there is the best food ever!:) Congratulations for your blog! It's amazing!

Regan said...

Yum that pancake looks great!! :)

Contact said...

it does get rainy and cold in LA, but looks like you still managed to pull off a great look!! enjoy your trip


Mar said...

this pancake made me hungry argg! i love your parka and your stripped t-shirt :) love darling! xxx

Anonymous said...

hey, just "discovered" your blog and already love it. i really like your style. it's cute and simple and kind of... clean (don't know if it's the right word :D). great!

greets from Germany ;)

Anonymous said...

hey, just "discovered" your blog and already love it. i really like your style. it's cute and simple and kind of... clean (don't know if it's the right word :D). great!

greets from Germany ;)

Anonymous said...

mm...parka...yummy! oh, no...pancakes!

Caitlin said...

I LOVE your blog! it's so cute, I've been to a lot of the places you've been, it's funny. And you and your boyfriend remind me of what my boyfriend and I do, eat, make food, and find food! haha

Anonymous said...

MMMmm..Pancakes are just beautiful!

marie said...

those pancakes are making me drool...

your jacket is super cute! <3

shirin said...

oh my god the melty whipped cream looks crazy delicious.

Anonymous said...

The jacket and the shirt combo, along with the pancake photo, are making me drool! Can't wait for your next update =D

Anonymous said...

Love the tee. The cake looks yummy


reading this post makes me wanna eat pancake suddenly!

LEAH said...

i wish it were warmer here in may.. i miss the hot & humidity of the east coast sometimes!

Dutchies rule the world said...

that picture makes me so hungryyyy!
love your oufit though :)

Tanita said...

oof, i think i might have to go and make some pancakes now..
looks d-lish!

your hair looks way cute!

Come check out my new blog

jennaforjethro said...

oh man those pancakes, that's cruel!
i love your outfit. i love that you always look so sweet and stylish but still comfortable. thats my kind of fashion :)

p.s. I dont care that you don't blog every single day.. because I always know you ensure it's good quality and worth the wait.

faye said...

lovee the parka, I have a green one quite like that :)

Sydney said...

The food you post always looks so good ahhhhh and I love your outfit xx

Sasha et moi said...

Nice planning despite of the game

The Fierce Berry said...

you look so awesome and cute! love love love ur pants!

Marika said...

Gorgeous look, so fresh and stylish
and check out my new project - Story of my Clothes

jane said...

A lot of people have already said it, but you should go to the Griddle Cafe on Sunset. It's simply amazing. They have pancakes bigger than your face!

Can I also ask where you got the layout/template of your blog? I just love it!

Anonymous said...

Such a great, casual look.


MELISSA Z. said...

I've just discovered your blog and I love it so much! You've a great style! Amazing pics! <3

Sans titre said...

Miam !
So cute ! Beautifull
Love your outfits
'ECH from pAris
La Bise

Sans titre said...

Miam !
So cute ! Beautifull
Love your outfits
'ECH from pAris
La Bise

Camilla said...

I really love this :)


Anonymous said...

I just starting following your blog last week, and I have already been through every single one of your posts... but you haven't updated in over a week!! i hope you are still updating the blog...because your style and food pics are to die for! come back and give us something to get inspired from!

xx a new reader

Anonymous said...

Your lack of posts makes me sad! It's been almost 2 weeks!!

bourgeois girl said...

love your blog! check out mine sometime =)

xo bourgeoisgirl said...

i swear that picture makes me want pancakes so bad right now :)

Anonymous said...

You're just the cutest thing! I never realized how many food trucks there are in LA until you posted about the Buttermilk Truck. It's cool how things like this have become common place.
If you're still in Los Angeles, I suggest you check out the Coolhaus ice cream truck. I had a desire for a ginger cookie ice cream sandwich and this little truck had a great one.


Vio said...

nice outfit and funny post!!

The Collector said...

i love your pictures! they make me want to blog more. you should def check out this blouse.

i just got it at anthropologie but it's sold out online. it remindes me of your kain silk blouse (which i am totes jealous of!)

Suar Gazaroglu said...

i loved your blog!im following you
please follow me thanxx (=

Anonymous said...

Those pancakes look amazing! Your site always makes me so HUNGRY. <3

-Dyanna Pure

flotsam & flummery said...

Cute little photos :) x

enterrement de vie de garçon said...

Ca donne faim mais est ce raisonnable?


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