Tuesday, September 20, 2011


beef bulgogi bun

Here are the snapshots that I promised from Smorgasburg. Like I'd mentioned earlier, we didn't have as much time as anticipated to sample more but we were satisfied with what we got. The view was amazing as well with the clouds clearing over Manhattan so we ate our food right by the waterfront. Someone left a comment on my last post wondering how I could wear shorts in seemingly cold weather but the photos are deceiving: it was actually hot and humid. TOO hot and humid. One of my friends actually asked me how I could go out in a long sleeved shirt and hat... I don't know what I was thinking either.

chicken tacos
beef bulgogi bun
shrimp balls
hot dog

From top to bottom: Choncho's chicken tacos, beef bulgogi bun from We Rub You, hot dog from Asia Dog, shrimp teriyaki balls from Mimi and Coco.

in heaven

Looking back I wish we hadn't missed most of the vendors since I have no idea when I'll be back. I was bummed that I didn't get to buy anything from Whimsy & Spice since Jenna has been one of my favorite bloggers for quite some time now (thank for trying to get Mark to look out for me while he was packing up, I wish it had worked out!) For years I've been meaning to order something from their store but keep slipping up... I finally got my chance at Dean & Deluca right before I left and picked up a pack of brown sugar gingerspice cookies for Brent since he's also a fan. Unfortunately I didn't even get to try one since he took them with him to work and finished them all on Bart without saving me one. Rude!

all donepier
east river


margaret said...

Yum. Can't wait to go to NY. You and your friends are qt.

Trivia said...

very cool and those food pictures :D eheh

David Diaz said...

The photos are amazing! :D

Have a Good Day!



Nicole said...

The hot dogs in NY are always delicious and those chicken tacos look amazingly good. Your food photos always look so fresh and vivid!

Fashion Inciter said...

Awesome, those look so good...

london loves said...

Gosh all that food looks so yummy. Tell these British people here how to make food look good please. Taste good would be a bonus too!

London Last Night

SAMANTHA said...

OMG yum!!! awesome food photography


kumiko mae said...

u all look so cute!! I gave you a blog award here! :) http://www.lovingsunshine.com/2011/09/blog-award-7-random-things.html

Riim ♥ ( Doudinou) said...

Beautiful pictures ! The food looks delicous , and you and your friends look so pretty and so cute :3 :D

Much love , Riim

Carolyn said...

smorgasburg sounds like fun. all that cilantro looks so deliciousss

Eva said...

Yummy pics! xoxo


Theresa said...

Lucky!! I wish I could visit NY someday. The food looks amazing! You always have the yummiest food photos. Looks like you had fun!


Jocy said...

O.M.G. yum.

Anonymous said...

i love all of the sunglasses/glasses in this post!


. said...

Wow, everything looks so surprisingly yummy! The cilantro was a very nice touch, it looks like you guys had a great time!

Shanen A. Kurniawan said...

nice pictures!!! I'm wondering what camera u using? I can't wait for my trip to NY this December!!! <3

Joy said...

yum! everything looks super :)

Briana Wall said...

My boyfriend's mom randomly gave me whimsy & spice cookies for Christmas last year (the same flavor you got). Pretty unexpected since I had never spoken to her about it!
Tell Brent to buy you some from their webstore to even things out! They are deliciousss.

The Fancy Teacup said...

All that vendor food looks so delectable! Wish you could have tried out the brown sugar gingerspice cookies...they sound heavenly!

♥, Jamie

Anonymous said...

*drooling*. the last snapshot of the city is beyond gorgeous.

Aya Smith said...

Oh, that food looks delicious!!! And you look adorable as always, hehe :)

Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi

Samira said...

Lovely photos!! looks so good!!!

Larissa Blintz said...

delicious! i'm loving these outfits too :)

Simone said...

Cute eye makeup!

Chantelle said...

You're writing stuff, but all I can think is: "nom nom nom nommm".

Anonymous said...

hmm..it looks delicious!

Unknown said...

love these pics...especially the first one;)!


Dominika,16 said...


Raspberry & Rouge said...

Your pics are so cute and the food looks SO YUM! Like!! That last pic with the NYC skyline makes me homesick! XO Rebecca


Serendipity Max said...

You all look very pretty & the food looks great. Booked flights to NY the other night. Big excited!



wow, all these photos are amazing. I love food! and these photos look so delicious. I'm hungry!

btw, I have brand new note with photos + my GIVEAWAY is still on! if you have time you're welcome to www.chocarome.blogspot.com

Ballerina'sBun said...

haha yummy food ! looks delicious ! xx nadine from ballerinasbun.blogspot.com

Anna said...

om nom nom i'm so hungry now xx

Anonymous said...

Mmmm it looks so YUMMY!!

Romance Is Boring said...

After just moving into Uni halls, that food looks amazing! x

Elizaveta said...

Heey! You and your friends - amazing!


Sewon said...

Ohh that bulgogi bun. These photos are making me soo hungry for New York!

Unknown said...

mmm looks more than yummy!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Natalie Suarez said...




Inhale | Fashion and Beauty said...

yum! :D

twitter: @inhale_fandb

Cristiana Nunes said...

Gorgeous food and clothes!Cool outfits!

marblava said...

Yumi pictures!!

Lisa said...

You make me so hungry... not only for the foot but also for going back to NY! I really can't believe that you wore a long-sleeved shirt, I could hardly stand the heat wearing just a simple dress!

Love, Lisa

La Petite Olga said...

Food looks so yummy

xx Olga
La Petite Olga

ANNA said...

now i'm hungry.. yummy!!

Sage said...

Aw, now I'm hungry again. And your hat is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I don't know where else to tell you this but I think a girl is using your pictures on mygurlfund.com - http://www.mygirlfund.com/boys/girlsprofile/71548 - you have to sign up as a male to see the pictures. i'm pretty sure the person is also using pictures of another girl from off_wut. thought I'd let you know!

Oreleona said...

all that fooD LOOKS SOOO GOOD!! droool

Anonymous said...

I loved your blog !!
Following !


Rachel said...

All of that food looks so, so, so good!

nevena said...

that all looks so delicious and bright and fresh

Lindsay [rookie's nest] said...

You guys look so cute, and I love your passion for food; sometimes our focus on life is just on the wrong things, so this is refreshing to see :) Keep it up!

The Queen of Hearts said...

Where was this and why didn't I hear about it? I need to follow you so I can eat where you are because your posts are making my mouth water (and it looks like we both live in the same great city).


the goorgeous said...

looks delicious!

Manding. said...

mmm i had maple cotton candy at smorgs once. nomnomnom !

ps, http://amandamantes.blogspot.com !

Emma said...

Oh,I´m getting hungry,AWESOME pics

MT said...

Hey girl! Very interesting blog . U r going to my fav. Great photos.
Following each other :)?
visit me http://wienerfashionista.blogspot.com

Ragazza said...

Hey, u r a true fashion blogger. Congrats on ur great photos :).
would u mind following each other? :)
visit me :)

Kuleigh said...

Oh wow! That all looks so fresh and delicious! It'd be hard to pick just one thing.

annie said...



Magnet said...

The food looks great! which sucks.. because I'm really hungry and that just made me feel even more hungry. I really like what you and all your friends are wearing btw. For such humidity you managed to pull together some nice looking outfits.

bourgeois girl said...

i love your blog because of the food&fashion combo. its brilliant. always a follower!!!

i have a giveaway featured on my blog right now!! including $100 worth of MAC giftcards, all you need to do is subscribe!!



Pavline said...

I really love your blog ;) yours style is awesome


martina said...

i'm following you since around two months and i love your blog! you have an amazing style and you always look so happy on the pictures - i like that! can't wait for your next post!

Cinja said...

sweet photos! and yummy ;)

Kristin said...

very cool!

Kristin said...

Lavender Peasant Shirt Giveaway!! http://bit.ly/ojjB24

Kelly Lauren said...

gah, I miss NY! Your food photos always make me hungro!

Anonymous said...

i love your pics ;)



rinacatastrophe said...

New York, the land of a thousand hot dogs...


LED Grow Lights said...

Really great pictures. It's true that New York is a land of thousand of hot dogs. My mouth still watering.

Charlotte Beecham said...

i love your blog, your style and vibe are great.
please check out mine and follow me back if you like it!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos you have here! Your photos make me want to grab the food out of the computer screen! :O

I'm a new follower! :D

visit/follow me at: thevintagevolt.blogspot.com

Milla said...

i just found your blog and i came to say that i love it so much! i will absolutely follow you! :)


Roxane said...

YUM! so cute haha

Miss Chloe said...

I am sitting in class and the food is making my stomach spin! It all looks so delicious. I love New York, I will have to make a trip back there soon.

Caramel Latte Kiss said...

Oooft, what glorious food porn. All looks so tasty!

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

So happy you posted about food in NYC as that's my favorite thing to partake while there. These dishes look mighty tasty!

Bani said...

all the food there looks soooo amazing!


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