Monday, January 17, 2011

things are looking up

vintage Pendleton shirt, old Donkey Kong tee, Gap jeggings, Rachel Comey boots, Fjallraven backpack

Hi guys, my closet purge is still kicking my ass and I'm super behind on answering emails and photographing things for my shop blog. I *should* be posting around 20+ skirts by tonight if Tumblr stops being stupid about letting me upload images. I've also been busy sorting out my living situation but it looks like I'll be moving to San Francisco at the end of the month after all! I'll be living with some friends in Lower Haight and I'm super excited since I'll be able to see my friend Michelle every day and cook really awesome meals together.

By the way, do you guys like my boots? Sometimes I think it's eerie how lucky I get with clothes that I'd been wanting but I found these Rachel Comey boots at Buffalo Exchange in pristine condition for a fraction of the price (before my shopping ban of course). The best part is that I just happened to end up there because a friend had a gift card and would never have gone in otherwise (although I've been living a few blocks away for the past few years, hmph). To whomever dropped them off: thank you. You saved me over $200 on something I would have eventually bought otherwise! I was having a rough day/week but this made everything so much better.

I mean, I don't want to sound like I'm putting too much of an emphasis on acquiring material possessions but I think I was more affected by how much of a coincidence it was and how ~magical~ it is that these random little things can happen in your life. I remember looking at the shoes thinking from afar, "ohh, those look like those Rachel Comey boots I'd been wanting" and then feeling this strange giddy feeling when I picked them up and saw who made them. I'm not going to get too into explaining myself but for the past month I've felt a little numb about my life and everything around me. Maybe it's just because I feel weird about not being in school anymore but that little "jolt" I felt when I found the shoes reminded me that there's more to life than what you're used to and always expect to happen. It's really hard to explain.



S said...

Those boots are amazing! And they look comfy enough.

Marrisa said...

Where did you get those sunglasses from? I love them!

Rachel said...

I love Buffalo Exchange! I got a Betsey Johnson jacket there for $15. :D
Great boots, they look fantastic!

ramona west said...

cute. as always.
it's law of attraction. when you're in vibrational alignment with something, the universe provides it. love the rachel comey's. xoxo

Leya said...

you look gorgeous dear...
black and red always looks fascinating...


Unknown said...

i agree with the first comment!
they look so comfy and nice!
plus i love ur outfit :)


i think you would look mucchh better without the hair ... honestly be you! its sexy

Anonymous said...

Do love, do love. You actually ripped me away from a most hysterical animal video when I saw this pop up on Facebook because that shirt is badical!

congrats on the fun move!


oh, b/c I know you are like, "but wait, what's the animal vid?"

Anonymous said...

You really are lucky to have found those books for such a steal! They look so great on you.

xo Sherrie

Anne said...

Good luck with your move! By the way, I think you are beautiful and so cool. I really look up to you! :) Love the boots, though I'm not sure they'd go with my own wardrobe.

Megan said...

very cute outfit!

Unknown said...

I love you in grunge! And I'm jealous you'll be living in the city


The Bambina said...

Those boots are beyond belief. Life is good.

SAMANTHA said...

ah that's such a lucky find!! good for you i'd be extactic too! you look adorable.


vikky said...

Hey, chin up, girlie. Going from a student to just a "person" is a hard transition. I did 2 post-grad programs so I was trying to hang on to the student label for a very long time. Being a working "adult" is not so bad either. =) xoxo

brunchatthebeach said...

WOWWW I wish I was as lucky. I <3 Rachel Comey and those boots are so sleek and pretty! I never have much luck at Buffalo Exchange...except the first time I ever went I got a Steven Alan shirt. :)

Btw--totally into the kanken backpack. Did you buy it on the fjall raven site?

-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach

bravegrrl said...

great find! you look gorgeous, love the entire look!

Kc said...

Great outfit! :) Love the shirt/tee combination :) It's always amazing when you find exactley what you were wanted!


sammi burley (chase.dakota) said...

super cute casual look!
check out my giveaway

Anonymous said...

This posts make me feel a bit more optimistic about my life. I'm glad that "there's more to life than what you're used to and always expect to happen," it gives me hope that there's something else in store for me in the future. I shouldn't dread about how things aren't going my way or about the real world. I love how there's this huge insight from a pair of boots and the process of obtaining them. I'm happy things are looking up for you! Have fun living with your friends and embarking the next chapter of your life. Speaking of boots, these Rachel Comey boots are fabulous, they are the first thing that I noticed when I saw the photo! I'd wear them everyday if I have them, lol. I want a similar pair now:) The shape, the leather and the heels are just perfect. Love the background too. You are just so damn awesome!

Jenae said...

Love Love Love your whole entire outfit and that plaid shirt is LOVE!!


Jane said...

I really like the shirt! Good luck with the move.

Amanda said...

Oh my god, why anyone would drop off a pair of Rachel Comey boots at Buffalo Exchange is beyond me. But you lucked out!

Stiletto-aholic said...

You look lovely, I love the sunglasses! xx

Dinh Dinh Kat said...

I've always loved following your blog, especially all the food updates! But aside from that, I love your simple and chic sense of fashion :)

Kacrates said...

my favorite look so far. exactly my style and Frejas!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love this outfit! Your boots are amazing x

Style-Pursuit said...

A perfect pair of shoes and a fantastic plaid shirt... what's not to love?! :o)


Anonymous said...

nice slice of serendipity! hope it's the start of lots more good things for you.

elspeth angharad said...

I love your sunglasses and shirt combination! You look amazing, xx

fashionablelyours said...

lookin good girl!! would like to use this pic for my blog

Unknown said...

Your blog, aswell are you style is great! Freaking love this by the way!

B x

Eve said...

Love your vintage shirt !!

Unknown said...

u look very grunge! said...

I understand quite well what you're talking about in this post...i find your blog even don't remember how in the net and it became my favorite! You're really stylish and in some way funny (in the good way...)! Good luck for everything!!

No Alice No said...

Those boots are AWESOME.
I love them.
The last picture is great.



Annabel said...

what luck!! i've been eyeing the snakeskin pair but i think they're gone now. oh welll.

Dressed4Success said...


I don’t know If you know that I changed the "url" of my blog ... now is >;-D
…1KiSs from Spain!*

theappletea said...

you're so cool!


the shirrttt!!!! <3 agggrr

Bronwyn said...

I love your shirt and dark jeans!

Sara Downton said...

over $200 off?! that's amazing! how lucky

Rebecca said...

love this look, checkered shirts are rather popular but you definitely pull it off well!

heleen said...

Ah it's funny, the first thing I noticed about your outfit are those boots - before I even read the post was about them. They're beautiful indeed, I'm glad you found them at a reasonable price and that they made you see the magic in life again.

Closet Fashionista said...

Love this outfit!! The boots are great :D

Ammie Eliza Davies said...

i love this look
you remind me of daisy lowe a little bit, or that girl from t4 - jamil?
love that shirt!

arttu said...

you and your ourfit - gorgeous :) and the weather looks purrfect, here it's just cold and wet and slippery :(

Ripped Jeans said...

the boots are so perfect!

NLR said...

Another fantastic outfit from you! I love it all :-) xx

Ginta said...

Yep, the boots are amazing! Absolutely beautiful :)

Chloe Tweeny said...

amazing outfit. i love me some plaid

Views by Laura said...

I'm in love of your boots!
cute outfit!

MICHELLE said...

I actually kind of get what you're talking about. It's those moments that reignite the passion and give me a jolt of positive energy. I live for those moments!

Anonymous said...

Love the boots! Very nice buy!
Good luck with your move to San Fran!

Chatterazzi said...

love the look!

SU BEYAZIT said...

You have the cutest style! Love the food + fashion combo:)

franca maisha said...

love it! the last photo of you is great :)


Heahea! (welcome) said...

Such a great outfit! I totally understand your grad life is tough and just like how you described it -- "numbing". Good luck on your move though!


i want to see more of that donkey kong shirt and i miss your short hair! great steal on the boots! love the pendleton!

x | |

Alina said...

such a cool look!
all these things together especially the hair, sunglasses, shirt and boots! WOW!

Laura said...

those boots are GORGEOUS! love them!

love your blog :)

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

I love when things come together (the boots) and all is right in the universe.

Anonymous said...

Lurve the boots.

Pamela Myers said...

ugh, that after graduation anti climax! It'll pass but it is horrible.

I think that "I've spent my entire life in a classroom, now what!" feeling is good. At least you won't rush into something like a post grad for fear of the unknown!

Megan said...

I feel you girl, and when you slip them on and they actually fit....priceless.

Alexandra said...

hi dear! i have just discover your blog and i have to say that i love it and your style!!! :)
i´m a fashion blogger of Spain... and what do you think about a link exchange?? if you want i´ll add your blog to my list of favourite blogs!
visit my blog!

Julie Harrison-Leonard said...

Love the penpal boots. I paid full price for mine unfortunately! They're amazing but not as comfy as they look :-P

Aissata said...

love the boots

Blondehead said...

Sometimes I think we're sent those little pick-me-ups from some higher power. The other day I was in a really bad mood and stuck driving behind this slow as balls mini van and after 10 minutes I realized that the license plate read BEHAPPYU. Anyways, hope you're enjoying your boots and stay positive!


Anonymous said...

You're so cute and you always dress so nice! :)

Shevah said...

Love these photos. You have beautiful style.

Anonymous said...

You sound like such an elitist. But I love your style.

Karafina said...

wow.. cute story! i know what you mean about that funny tickley feeling..

the boots are such a lucky find!!! omg omg for you!

Lisa said...

Love the boots!


LAVEL said...

fantastic outfit♥ add to follow!

MELISSA Z. said...

love your plaid shirt and those boots are so cool!

NobodyKnowsMarc said...

love the shirt and your blog too!
maybe we can follow each other..

PS: I've just added a bunch of stuff in my SHOP..

Unknown said...

this outfit is very cool ;)

Sofie said...

love the outfit, like that it was kinda 'rocking' :))

new fashion said...

Love your long hair! P.S. I NEED those booties...

Erica Wark said...

I LOVE the boots! I agree this time of year is great to do a purge and prepare yourself for another fabulous year of fashion. Every year I try to do the same thing, but there are so many great deals out right now, I often cave. Keep up the great work cleaning out that closet of yours! It'll be soo relieving when your finished!

I'm your NEWEST follower! I'd love if you visited me and followed me back:D

Chloe Scheffe said...

You are absolutely the queen of casual. Love it!


MM said...

ahh.. dream boots

catherine sprunt said...

thought you might like to see this about tartine! xo

Erica said...

Such a cute outfit!
Where did you get the extensions?
I've been thinking about getting some


Anonymous said...

love the shoes :)

Anonymous said...

how do you get your hair to be wavy like that! or is it just natural??

Zoë said...

i know what you mean about the 'jolt'! its not surprising that little material things make us happy when we feel low, no need to feel guilty about it, i too am trying to curb my consumerist consumption. x

Anonymous said...

love the boots!
cute pics

Anonymous said...

Love the outfit, but the hair is very distracting :/

Unknown said...

really love your blog. you're so adorable.

Chioma Iheoma said...

cute outfit!! very 90s with a modern twist!! <333

Bia said...

love yout shirt :) amazing blog.

kisses, bia.

Anonymous said...

Your hair makes me want hair extensions SO bad. I wish my hair would hurry up & grow! It's at that weird shoulder length, you know?
xo georgia

Joe said...

Nice outfit !

Jessica à paris said...

I DIE!! love love love this

Ella Sharif said...

this is so adorable!
i love your outfit and hair !
from UK :D

Lena said...

i love your hair :o

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