Saturday, May 30, 2009

outfit redo (and a video!)

vintage top, silence and noise highwaisted shorts, thrifted belt, vintage oxfords + blazer

It's suddenly really chilly and, upon adding these knee high socks and shrunken blazer, I realized that I like this outfit much more than I like the first. Can you tell that I was stretching the last moments of daylight to take these? This is definitely a look I should save for the fall but screw that, I'll wear it during the summer if I want to. Speaking of summer... where is it? Why has it been only 60-70 degrees tops? Something tells me that when it hits 90+ degrees I'm going to regret having complained about this...

(Since people requested seeing me in video mode here is further proof that I am a spaz and can't even get the name of my blog right.)

hello blog from Annabel Ly on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

LOL you are the cutest ever! I really like the warmer version of this outfit, the blazer is perfect.

Raisa said...

LOLOLOL You're so cute! More spaz please. :D

michelle said...

i really did lol in rl
youre adorable

Shen-Shen said...

AHAHAH man you are adorable. I like the version with the blazer too, but I also love 90+ weather. Hmmm.

denise - SUPERWOWOMG said...

hahahaha omg i loveeee this!!!

A said...

haha Aw, you are super cute! :)

Esme said...

You're so adorable on the video! Can you make more videos ?:)

THE CAT'S MIU said...

HAHA your video was funny!

THE CAT'S MIU said...

HAHA your video was funny!

Sarah said...

it's perfect

Kayla G said...

That video was so prime!

Georgia said...

i know how you feel - i sometimes garble my words!

nice way to cold proof that outfit - and that white top is amazing on you :)

It would be mine

Unknown said...

cool outfit!

morena said...

you are soo pretty :)
love this look

Anonymous said...

Haha!! That was hilarious! :D

Anonymous said...

Haha you are too cute! Love the outfit too!

Flashes of Style said...

I definitely love these two touches you added! And this video really really made me laugh hehe.

margaret said...

the house or where ever it is you take pictures is sooo nice ._.

laura said...


style-magnet said...


Annabel said...

<3 the blazer version! love your legs. haha! xx

Richcoral said...

I don't usually say this to someone older than me, but you are sooooooooo cute!

Terry said...

Oh my gosh, that was literally the cutest video I've ever seen!! Why are you so darling?!

Unknown said...

you are probably the most precious person ever. for realz girl. and i love allllllll of your outfits!

Sushi said...

Hahaha this is so cute! I'm sitting here giggling now x Sushi

Mega said...

LOL!! So cute!!! Your my favourite blogger right now.

Valeria said...

haha! that video is adorable, and made me laugh! (even after taking a ridiculously hard math final)and adding the blazer changed the whole vibe, so chicc!
your blog is amazinggg, lovelove it!

le reve

J said...

Video is too funny! :D Adorable too. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha, your face just changed when you said "Annabel"

Fashion Is Poison said...

ahahahahaha LMAO it's perfect

Fashion Is Poison said...

ahahahahaha LMAO it's perfect

Fashion Is Poison said...

ahahahahaha LMAO it's perfect

Rebecca said...

I agree with you that I like it this way better, but they're both really cool!

Style On Track said...

Hello there,
I run a fashion website and I adore your blog, I just wanted to let you know that I just wrote a post about my favourite fashion bloggers, and you are definitly one of my favourites, I hope you like the post :)


HAHAH. i <3 spazzines


hahahah you're soooo cute, girl!

Anonymous said...

you are rocking those shoes and socks...

Unknown said...

Lol awww you're too cute!!! And I prefer this outfit with the socks and jacket too :)

Anonymous said...

your pic is on refinery!

The Stylish Wanderer said...

I wanna see you talk more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Virginia de la Reynares said...

I loveee this outfit!! You pull off knee-high socks which I could never do.

Anonymous said...

Great blog!! love your style <3<3
Hugs Linnéa

Astrid said...

hello, wanna exchange links?

Jayrin Eve said...

adorably cute as always! linked you! ;)

Unknown said...

ooh I LOVEEE this outfit! everything about it is just perfect!

Ilanka Verhoeven said...

Amazing! You look stunning!

t.g.s said...

you're so aDORKable hehehe
i wish i lived in america cause then we could hang out.
you seem like a fun person :D

RoxyH said...

Please do screencaps of the faces you make on your vlog. lol you are so cute!!

Glenda said...


Miranda said...

you are ADORABLE
you're always so pretty :)

i'm holding a contest on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Love the addition of the blazer and socks! Adorable!!

zoë said...

this outfit is perfection ♥
and so is your hair, love


Miriam said...

first time i visit ur blog and i really like it! ur sweet grrl!

bisou-joue said...

great outfit ! love your socks !
You're so pretty girl !

Je ne sais quoi said...

I love yur outfit soo much!You have a great blog!

Lola-Elise said...

this outfit is perfect, as is that blazer...where did you get it? :)
its like an outfit from rag and bone.. i love your blog..and the fits gum vid is super cute! hehe


boubou said...

Bonjour !
first time i come across your blog, so im gonan visit it now :)
well if you wanna be inspired by my collage or just dream, come and visit my blog :)
a bientot!
Boubouteatime xx

FashionJazz said...

Loved this, amamzing look!! xx

Rosa said...

wow great style and blog.
exchange links darling?

Molly Gertenbach said...

I love the how the whole outfit is navy & white, with just the brown oxfords- it looks great!!

cocorosa said...

love the outfit and love the video :)

Fashion Is Poison said...


Karafina said...

Now i REALLY want to be friends. seriously.

Nina said...

Haha you're so cute :D
Great outfit too!


Hannah said...

Wow, I love your blog! You have great style!

Anonymous said...

This is really awful.

Margaux said...

The blazer makes this perfect!

Eda said...

Great outfit!

Hanna. said...

I loved the blazer and the long socks , it does like an original schoolgirl uniform ! ( Here it's 100.4 so for me, no blazer or socks, I think I will go naked ... )

Caroline T said...

Do you have a lookbook, bcz i love your clothes.


the desert foxx said...

You are so adorable, lol!
I'm so jealous of you're bangs.
Can we trade links? :)?

calavera said...

you have a very nice clothes!! i like all your outfit!

G. said...

LMAO. That's jokes.

Connie said...

Love the knee high socks. Wish I could pull this look off but I'm afraid I'd look like I'm playin dress ups.

Anon said...

You guys, I think she forget that she has a blog.....

stacyinsaddleshoes said...

The white socks look perfect on you with those shoes

Marita Bliss said...

Hahahahaha xD That video made me laugh out loud.

Aney Mei said...

LOL, you are the cutest