saint james striped top, gap legging jeans courtesy of lucky magazine, vintage oxfords and sunglasses
Photos are from last week while I was still in the Bay Area, I'm currently in LA for a quick trip to see family until tomorrow. No idea how I managed to look so peppy for the camera when I had just spent the entire day feeling like death at work with the sniffles. Still managed to have fun shooting at the warehouse with Carolina and Mattias though. I love them! Oh, and Yogurtland too, even if I go twice a week since it's a block away...

cute outfit!
gotta love yogurtland! i always have to get mochi
I love your pictures =)
beautiful blog! and lovely outfit as always!! xx
Legging jeans, guh, they look so comfy! ...I might have to splurge next trip to the shops. Love!
Your outfit is really nice! And that yogurt looks really good
classic! love it :)
so so cute!
youre adorable. following you
So simple yet chic Annabel. You look great! Love those pixie toed oxfords. Very beautiful.
Can you say Nicole Richie?? Adorable!
I'm loving the way you style your hair. So chic!
you look wonderful! i've been searching for the perfect striped top like that.
why must frozen yogurt be so tempting? i might just have to sneak away and get some later, thanks to this post :)
le outfit? SUPER cute n simple
what's in that cup? scares me a lil. but somehow it's ok because of that cute pink spoon. I'd eat it.
Gah! damn you + your incredible pictures! your blog is so freaking addicting.
classic look, love it!
Cute cute cute as always! I love the stripey top. There is something so fresh about stripes and sunshine.
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Cute skinnies and shoes!!
Those shoes Rock!
love the nautical look and the yogurt looks soooo yummy :)
cutieee. i didn't know gap now had jeggings... how do they compare to citizens?
also, what is that in the bottom photo? yogurt? what kind?
I love those shoes I've been trying to find shoes like those since for ever. Yogurtland is the so good but I feel like pinkberry has a better tart flavor. I love the tart flavor yogurt.
Great outfit, and yoghurt is absolutely yum!!
love this look. you're adorable
I love the outfit! you look so comfy :)
Great shoes!
I love yogurt land! I get cheesecake pieces with the tart -- sounds weird, but so good. Also, I love your vintage shoes :)
simple yet stylish!
really love your style <3
Cute as always Annabel! And what's your absolute fave yogurt at yogurtland and toppings?
legging jeans are the new thing! super comfy, love them!
ahhhh i LOOVEEE your vintage oxfords! where'd you get them? etsy?
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
Love the striped top! Yogurtland's great, but I think Pinkberry's just as good~ :)
It's so funny, seeing/hearing you talk about places I recognize on your blog. It makes me hope I see you around town sometime!
Lovely simple striped outfit!
Valentina from Fashion Trotter – 100% italian street style
Love this look.
Simple and effective.
awww you look pretty! i love the outfit :)
love your outfit, very chic yet casual
so simple, but so cute!
I love the stripes worn with a slim!
Lovely outfit!
Looking so nice and adorable,thanks for sharing.Petite Glasses
I love your look, is so nice, I really like it because it's very simple but always cool!
xxx from spain!:)
chic outfit!
come visit us at http://thefashionsmoke.com
Stripes never fail, you look so great!
And I want that yogurt:)
I love your blog (:
love the outfit, you look amazing, awesome awesome style
can we lnk exchange??
come follow the first ever fashion blog from a Guys POV, let He know what you think
loveeeeeeeeee thisssssss
Love your outfit!
Hmm..the last pic looks yummy :)
i've never been a fan of legging jeans. only you can make me think twice about them, Annabel.
simple & laidback but fabulous as always!
boat ride through the sky
lovely, as always. your style is great. been watching lots of world cup games lately? i loved the game from yesterday brazil-chili. i've just started a new blog and i would love to hear what you think of it. xx
Whenever I visit your blog I'm fascinated about your style, your taste and your person! Wonderful blog!
I adore your blog !
This look is simple but i love it !
Kisses from Morocco !
wow love the jeans, need to check out GAP, ASAP
super cool. you have mastered the art of minimalism. this look is perfection!
Wow..I love how simplistic you dress but still add such statement pieces..Love your blog and your style!
When I lived in the west village I was a block away from the Yogurtland too! I got it almost everyday but they got rid of my favorite flavors, peach and mango tart :(
I love your shoes, they're so cool. xxx
im really digging your shoes! and the perfect striped shirt, of course. not to mention... yogurtland. i walk two miles [roundtrip] to get mine!
I always love you in stripes, they suit you all too well!
And mmm fro-yo is just too good, I would probably be going everyday if it were me!
Love the outfit, very chic
Fabulous outfit on all levels!
that looks yummy! Such a cute outfit, those jeans look fantastic on you!
So casually elegant. <3
Hooty hoo. New necklaces!:
Love your outfit, classic :) xx
love your striped shirt! Comfty but cool look!
Cute outfit!
I like this. And your sunglasses are very cool! :)
you are super adorable. always loving the stripes. :)
and you should email me, because i need to ask you something!
- lauren xoxo
So lovely you are!
Good style
Love your blog
'ECH from pAris
La Bise
You always look amazing in stripes!! And I totally wish I could have some froyo!!
<3 Kelly
yummy yogurt, cute outfit. love the stripes.
some band wrote a song about you
Your outfit is very cute !
mmm, yogurt...and your outfit is so simple and wonderful. love the glasses too :)
I love your outft, the shoes are my favorite :)
I love this whole outfit. And that yogurtland looks yum!
Always love people in striped shirts! They always make for a great outfit, even though it's really simple!
perfect! i love ur hair!
I love how all of your blog photos revolve around the color white/light colors. Very refreshing!
Cuuute oufit--love your oxfords! And that frozen yogurt looks BOMB.
Remember to enter for your chance to win a Two Strap Belt from Sway!
You have a great style! After debating on the full blunt bangs, I came across your blog and was amazed at how fabulous your hair is! Long or short, it looks great! So needless to say, I cut my bangs and I love them hahah so thanks :)
Keep on the great photos!
Love your cute shoes - where did you get them?
First of all, you look adorable!! Second of all..that yogurt looks amazing. Haha <3
First of all, you look adorable!! Second of all..that yogurt looks amazing. Haha <3
Again, great outfit!
I adore your shirt and shoes!
lovee the outfit girl!
You look awesome! Great outfit :D
I got the legging jeans from Lucky too! Aren't they just perfection? Ah dammit, I was just in SF! What part of town is PappaRich in??
Also, I kind of want to swallow those oxfords whole. Yum.
I love your outfit, and I love your blog! Yogurtland sounds amazing... too bad we don't have it up here in Vancouver =(
I heart Breton stripes! They inspire me in the kitchen too! http://applesandonionsla.com/blog/?p=1545
This is a darling outfit.
love your style!
come by
Great pants!! and shades <3
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awesome outfit! loving the stripes!
i just love your shoes, also the whole outfit is lovely
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