kain dolman silk shirt, gap long & lean jeans courtesy of lucky, vintage belt + sunglasses, swedish hasbeens
Take what you will from that headline. The buns above are a little lacking (even if these jeans contribute to the illusion that I actually have something there) compared to the contents of the images below. I wore this out to hang out with friends and walk around Pasadena after Mexico's dismal game against Argentina (I knew it was coming but I was still affected nevertheless).

I've been trying to blog about Papparich for days now but I don't know how to accurately describe what exactly went into my mouth. That "Father of All Buns" tagline is an understatement: upon first bite, the crunchy sugary exterior gives way to an inside which is almost too soft and fluffy to comprehend. I uttered "HOLY SHIT" but hadn't even reached the best part: a glob of melted butter at the center. Butter. B-U-T-T-E-R. THERE'S A FUCKING GLOB OF BUTTER IN THE CENTER, GUYS. I don't know what else I can say, I'm salivating right now thinking about it and am angry that I won't get another until I go back down in August. Really, really angry. If you are ever anywhere in the vicinity of Pasadena, please GO NOW.

The the entire look!!
have a great weekend...
love your clean outfit :D as always and i want those buns
there's a local outlet near my apartment that sell the same type of buns too and it's so damn delicious! anyway, I really-really love your outfit, simple but chic as usual!
La Petit Poucet
looks realy great!
Those look so good.
So..wait they butter is already in the center?! That sounds AMAZING.
GOD this bun looks so yummyyyyyyy! I fear I won't ever be in Pasadena :(
GAHHH that's genius. My inner-paula dean is going nuts.
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
Your look is nice, and that bun look good I would have never thought that it will look good with butter inside
You just made me extremely hungry. :(
mmmm now i'm extra hungry!
cute outfit!! that looks delicious!!
Love your jeans and your bun haha
Hah this post made me laugh. Oh my god that bun looks good!
And you look great, as always :)
damn it, you really know how to make people hungry "
Is Papparich an Asian bakery?? The buns look really familiar to pastries/bread I've had in Korean and Japanese bakeries... I live right by Pasadena so I'll have to go and see!
Ooh I live in Pasadena! I guess I better try those buns!
you had me at glob of butter. *heart*
ohh we've those buns here as well though not from paparich, but i gather they're similar from the way you described them. we've them in coffee flavour as well & those're awesome too <3
i love your style, your outfits are always so whimsical & reminds me of alexa chung :)
i love your outfit!! and the buns look amazing :D
you're like a way cuter version of charlene yi.
butter makes everything better.
holy mackerel, those look good. you had me with the "crunchy sugary exterior" and "soft and fluffy" insides, but there's BUTTER, too?! get in my belly!
Cute outfits! :)
The food looks really yummy!
so cute, love the whole outfit
BUNS WITH BUTTER. Holy lord. Why do you always find the most appetising looking stuff? Now I am craving. AGAIN.
Love the shoes most about that outfit, HEART chunky heels.
I love the blouse you're wearing but.
why must you do this to us, i'm salivating so bad. ugghh. Love the post though.
yumm yumm yumm, food porn alert!
guuuuuurl~~~ you really DO need to come to HK! We have this place, actually it's from Singapore originally but they have this toast that's got coconut butter spread on top and in between the two toast slices, is a glob of butter.
OR there's lai yao ju, which is similar to the one you ate. Crunchy on the outside and split in half and toasted again with a dollop of butter hahaha so good!!! Expect to gain like 15 pounds if you ever come here to visit!
i'd put in extra work at the gym for just one bite of what you describe. fluffy carbs, dallop of butter AND sweet outer crust goodness???
You look so '70s, I love this look so much!
You had me at butter. These look incredible!
Check out my headband giveaway this week at tightsandbites.com!
I die for butter. Especially darigold. Yes, I have a favorite brand of butter; that's how ridiculous I am.
OMG, they have that papparich chain in Seoul!!! i tried it there.. they're so sweet but yummy!
i really enjoy this outfit, it's kind of like the simple classy hippie outfit, haha.
AND YES i've seen the glitter nail polish at sephora! duh! i especially love the confetti one... i tried it on the tips of my nails in-store and they looked cool but a bitch to take off!
Oh! This bun was really popular in Singapore like 4-5 years back and many franchise and imitations started popping up, but it died after few months of hype!
And they had shop names like Mamabun, Papabun etc.
your blog always makes me so hungry!
love your outfit and i'm gonna check it out soon, i'm 10 min away!
The buns do look nice, and you have nothing to worry about with filling the pants out. Just eat more buns! Kidding, your body looks very proportional which is the most important thing.
Haha, I love the bun/pun. :P But really, your outfit is lovely, as always and I want some papparich!
love your trasparent shirt, so chic! <3
Oh man, you made me really crave this bun, even though I've just had a huge slice of strwaberry cheesecake for breakfast... :o)
Adoring your jeans!!!
That bun sounds so tasty!! I love when you put up the food pics, it's like porn for your hungry tummy, everything always look so yum :)
What a great outfit for hanging with friends: stylish and comfy. I wish I could pull this off.
Such a perfect look for hanging out with friends!
And now I'm dying for one of those buns. I can only imagine how delicious with the butter in the middle, too!
--pale bluebird
Mm, that looks like this one Korean eggy custardy pastry that is too ridiculously good!!
Love how sailor this is :)
MIAMI ! So lovely u are
'ECH from pAris
La Bise
I need to eat that bun!! I'll have to take my chef boyfriend as well - he knows butter is what makes everything taste better. Well hehe that, cheese & bacon. Muahaha!!
I'm really loving your hair lately! I think it's grown out now and kind of no longer has that obvious "I was just cut" edge about it.
gosh friggin gosh! that bun looks soo good! I want one now..visiting their site NOW..and darn it its in the USA :( i thought you meant Pasadena as in Australia :(
ahh well if I ever go to USA I'll know to look for a papparich :P
Haven't seen this place yet but now I'm sooooo pumped to go! I thank the universe everyday for the SGV.
Love this look! Simple but SO chic. And the title of this blog made me gigle a little :)
Hahhaa, you sold me that bun!
those jeans look great on you!
that bun has butter IN it???
it looks amazing!
haha this really reminds me of home.
cute butt!
god why can't there be any good restaurants here T________T
p.s fuck yeah futbol!
I love that your extremely obsessed with the world cup because so am I. I love your outfit by the way...it's simple, but that's why I like it so much!
The buns are totally delish! I know first hand down here in Australia because my brother owns a Papparoti store and I never knew they opened a franchise in America! That is so awesome :) Those buns will never stop being delicious!
awesome outfit as always! :)
Love your outfit. So stylish as always!! Oh and the buns....look amazing!! Hope you have a wonderful long weekend.
You may be interested in entering a beso.com sponsored contest being held on Chictopia’s blog for a chance to win a $500 cash prize and become the Beso Fashion Correspondent for the month of August. Thank you for sharing, as always, I look forward to your daily posts.
you look amazing!! perfect vibe from these shots
that reminds of this coffee bun they sell here at a local coffee shop! it's bread covered w/ coffee flavored crust & has butter filling inside. mmmmm. here's a closeup of its buttery goodness!
boat ride through the sky
Very nice outfit. That little thing sounds mouthwatering.
Next time I'm in San Francisco I want to go on a food tour with you.
Love Grace.
'i like your buns' has to be the cutest title and post ever
come by for a visit!
oooh i love this papparich thingy too! used to be really hot here in singapore, but with all things here, there come in phases. almost no where to be found once again.
That looks delicious! And your outfit looks very chic :D
you look adorable in that outfit and that bun sounds absolutely insanely amazing!!! i really wish i could go get one right now, my mouth is literally watering haha
That shirt looks so comfy!
ohh, love your blog to death. i even wrote a little piece about you on mine. hope you don't mind and i'm sure my readers will like you as much as i do. xx
Hello !
I love this outfit and this cake looks yummy !
See U !
i discovered your blog only now and i have to say that i love it and love your style!! i'm definitely a follower ^_^
yummi!!! have a look at
You look straight out of the 60s and chic, I love it. I'm usually not a fan of bellbottoms but you pull it off well. Onto more important things, a papparich needs to open in chicago. NOW. It's such a tease reading about this but never stuffing it into my mouth :(
the outfits great... but i just want some buns...
don't feed the models. part 2.
loving that look, and the mouth watering treat. <3
just thought you'd be interested in this..if you're already not! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/10521867.stm
haha, so cute. i love your hair--i want to bring it to my hairdresser. i feel like i must've said this before, but its still true!
The way you love food and describe it is so mouth-wateringly delicious. Haha I'm a bit jealous of all the food you get to taste and try. And with all that food, you atill have a pretty figure, amazing!
By the way, your bangs are very cute :) They inspired me a couple of weeks ago , while I was looking at your blog, and also with my craving for bangs these past years to cut them myself, which was a very bad idea :< I cut them too short and choppy. Plus, even though I've trimmed my own bangs before, I don't have enough forehead and chin for it, my round-face syndrome (even a hair stylist was like no bangs for you!). But my weird bangs gave my friend a laugh and this fun experiment gone a bit wrong helped smother that bang-ing desire. In the end, thanks for the inspirations.
- Steph SF, CA (mandyme2@yahoo.com)
wonderful outfit and pics as always :-)!
Melted butter in the middle...? I would probably be prompted to say 'holy shit' too...that's amazing! :)
chloe ** http://flowerponychloe.blogspot.com
[url=http://www.pozytywnafotografia.pl/]fotografia slubna warszawa, fotografia slubna gdansk, fotografia slubna otwock[/url]
well, i'd been told about these jeans but didn't bother looking them up and now i see them and they're the jeans i've been looking for! perfect not too ott 70s style. they look GREAT. maybe thats just on you though. hopefully they'll work on me too, i'll make a bee-line for the jeans dept next time i'm near a gap!
I'm laughing! This is a hilarious post!
I live in pasadena! Do you as well? I work at zara and ive seen you a couple of times come in.
Ive never been to that place but I want to go now! haha
They are not the only ones who wants to go now.
Superbe le jean j'adore ton look !!
I've just discovered the Papparoti in Sydney.Amazing! :-) Love your outfit posts
Tellement naturel, c'est parfait.
Ne changes rien on t'adore.
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