on me: apc dress, h&m cardigan, vintage booties, fjallraven backpack
on him: apc shirt, april 77 jeans, ymc oxfords
I wish I could follow these photos with a detailed and flowery description about how wonderful and picture perfect our day was but actually, I don't wish that at all, I like the lulz that accompany this story. We took BART downtown to the only Del Taco in the city where we were harassed by multiple crazy people (God bless their souls, really, but we were way too cranky to deal with that). My go-to order? Two Del Classic Chicken burritos, they're 2 for $5!! Then we walked to the mall so Mike (BF's roommate) could pick up some war memoir at the bookstore and I made my routine venture into J.Crew to oogle everything there/try to convince Brent to buy more collared shirts.
We left empty handed and stopped by Coffee Bean where I tried to assuage my post-J.Crew window shopping pain with a Jasmine green tea latte. I guess I pouted so much (total understatement) that BF said he'd buy me that Saint James shirt that I wanted. I said he didn't have to (I mean, that's the coy thing to do right?) so we ended up going back down to BART to get home in time for the special episode of Jersey Shore until I stopped at the ticker and yelled "OKAY I WANT IT!" So up we go, up three flights of escalators until we end up at J.Crew (again) and I quickly snatch the shirt and give it to BF. It must have been karma or something but right when BF got in line to pay, my insides started to act up and next think I knew I was running to a bathroom and... well, I'll let you guess what happens there. Ten minutes later, I was still feeling sick and nauseated but Jersey Shore was about to start so we ditched BART and took a cab to get home in time.
Don't know what inspired me to write about all of that but this Jezebel article has been in the back of my mind for quite a while now. Somehow I got lumped into this "Marthette"category about bloggers with seemingly perfect lives which made me question my own approach to blogging... I mean, am I really that misleading? I try to be honest in what I write but damn it, I just really like looking at and taking pretty pictures and am insufferably picky about what I post. I just want to find and capture those fleeting moments that make me so happy, whether it's an outfit that brightened up my day enough to want to share it or a meal that I feel people may like to hear about. I love hearing about people who travel to San Francisco and try restaurants that I recommend or readers who tell me that my simple little outfits helped them find out something about their own personal style. And hey, pictures can be pretty and all but there's always so much more to people's lives than what you see on the internet and it's up to you guys to discern between the things you see and don't see.**
But I really, really do love my life even if I tend to complain about it. I love my boyfriend, I love my friends, and damn it, I really did have a ton of fun yesterday so every smile you see is genuine (especially this picture inside Del after finishing my burrito). I don't like embellishing my life or pretending that it's picture perfect since I'm perfectly content with the way it is and where it is going.
We left empty handed and stopped by Coffee Bean where I tried to assuage my post-J.Crew window shopping pain with a Jasmine green tea latte. I guess I pouted so much (total understatement) that BF said he'd buy me that Saint James shirt that I wanted. I said he didn't have to (I mean, that's the coy thing to do right?) so we ended up going back down to BART to get home in time for the special episode of Jersey Shore until I stopped at the ticker and yelled "OKAY I WANT IT!" So up we go, up three flights of escalators until we end up at J.Crew (again) and I quickly snatch the shirt and give it to BF. It must have been karma or something but right when BF got in line to pay, my insides started to act up and next think I knew I was running to a bathroom and... well, I'll let you guess what happens there. Ten minutes later, I was still feeling sick and nauseated but Jersey Shore was about to start so we ditched BART and took a cab to get home in time.
Don't know what inspired me to write about all of that but this Jezebel article has been in the back of my mind for quite a while now. Somehow I got lumped into this "Marthette"category about bloggers with seemingly perfect lives which made me question my own approach to blogging... I mean, am I really that misleading? I try to be honest in what I write but damn it, I just really like looking at and taking pretty pictures and am insufferably picky about what I post. I just want to find and capture those fleeting moments that make me so happy, whether it's an outfit that brightened up my day enough to want to share it or a meal that I feel people may like to hear about. I love hearing about people who travel to San Francisco and try restaurants that I recommend or readers who tell me that my simple little outfits helped them find out something about their own personal style. And hey, pictures can be pretty and all but there's always so much more to people's lives than what you see on the internet and it's up to you guys to discern between the things you see and don't see.**
But I really, really do love my life even if I tend to complain about it. I love my boyfriend, I love my friends, and damn it, I really did have a ton of fun yesterday so every smile you see is genuine (especially this picture inside Del after finishing my burrito). I don't like embellishing my life or pretending that it's picture perfect since I'm perfectly content with the way it is and where it is going.

*for the record, I'm surprised these pictures turned out well since we were caught in a gust of wind as Mike took them and were both freezing so much that we huddled up and clutched my latte cup.
**also, I am not trashing the article at all, I can see where the writer is coming from. What you see online can be misleading but my point is that viewers should know that a blog cannot encapsulate every single detail in a person's life and it varies from blogger to blogger how selective they choose to be with what they post. I'm a very private person, I share what I want to share with people I don't know and keep the rest to myself or friends. If everything seems too perfect and impossible, I'm sorry, but there are things that happen to me behind the scenes that I really don't need to share on the internet (although I'm pretty sure that if you actually read my blog you'll find those random bits where I talk about having a bad week or complain about some stupid situation). I'll still make more of an effort to seem more real, okay? Even if that means more of my uncensored dry humor or current obsession with "Africa" by Toto...
**also, I am not trashing the article at all, I can see where the writer is coming from. What you see online can be misleading but my point is that viewers should know that a blog cannot encapsulate every single detail in a person's life and it varies from blogger to blogger how selective they choose to be with what they post. I'm a very private person, I share what I want to share with people I don't know and keep the rest to myself or friends. If everything seems too perfect and impossible, I'm sorry, but there are things that happen to me behind the scenes that I really don't need to share on the internet (although I'm pretty sure that if you actually read my blog you'll find those random bits where I talk about having a bad week or complain about some stupid situation). I'll still make more of an effort to seem more real, okay? Even if that means more of my uncensored dry humor or current obsession with "Africa" by Toto...
You and your boyfriend look very cute together! I'm glad you mentioned the Jezebel article. It rubbed me the wrong way, too.
You and your bf look so adorable. :)
That Jezebel article is so self-deprecating. This has everything to do with her and nothing to do with you. My motto is..."live the life you want to live". I sure do. Cheers.
I actually agree with the article, your life DOES come off as pretty rosy given that you blog about what you eat and what you wear, a lot of which you feature is somewhat more expensive than a lot of people can afford. Your life according to your blog has a very shiny veneer. Who cares though, right? No one wants to read about depressing things, I'd rather look at something pretty than read about dreary things. If it's going to make people vomit, they don't have to read.
you guys are so, so cute.
adorable much
you guys are so cute. i think what you blog about is great. your life seems good because, well, it probably is. but there is nothing wrong with that and i am not sure how someone could perceive that as a negative thing? anyway, i really liked this post because you are honest.
too cute! :)
don't take this the wrong way, but are you pregnant??
I actually agree with the Jezebel article. You're conscious of what you choose to blog about and the things you've chosen to blog about just happens to portray a happy and near perfect life.
It's really interesting to think about. Everything we choose to post online (facebook, twitter, blogs) gives us power to reinvent ourselves... to tweak ourselves... to make others perceive us a certain way. That's why specific pictures are chosen or why certain statuses are updated. It's as if we have to find some sort of affirmation from others to confirm who we are as individuals.
What you choose to blog about also just happens to reflect the person you want to be, or try to be.
Is there really anyone who has a perfect life? If anyone thinks that then the must be kidding themselves.
I don't think most people would write a blog to emphasise their short-comings, that would be silly.
You guys are adorable.
And Africa is amazing but have you heard Hold The Line lately? Surely one of the greatest songs ever written... No really...
^^ so true, whaleshark. i can see why it seems that way based on the pictures i post but i wish more people would read between all those lines of inane commentary that i write... although i don't really know what my twitter says about me although my boyfriend says i should really censor myself more than i already do (thank you for keeping me sane, private twitter).
i was about to go into theories of perception and recognition (and apply them to the realm of the internet) but i don't want to end up writing a full-on paper that no one will pay attention to or read... bummer.
The Jez article also points out that we, the readers, CHOOSE to accept the fantasy put forth by bloggers, and live in suspension of disbelief. That's what makes blogs like yours fun and inspirational. If I wanted to read about the mundane lives and problems of people just like me, I'd read my Facebook news feed, haha.
ntaw, worlds cutest couple !
You guys are so cute together. His style is lovely too and I really like your backpack. I try and be as honest as possible but sometimes I think do people really want to hear all this and stop myself, it's a tricky balance. Your story made me laugh though, did you get the shirt or not? I'm on tenderhooks! Kinda made me hungry as well haha!
Annabel, sorry if I came off harsh at all! I had no intention to put you down because I do enjoy visiting your blog.
I'm glad to know that you are aware of such theories! Maybe not all of your readers would sit and read a massive post, but I certainly would! I completely understand though, writing a lot takes tons of effort, especially with being a college student (I recently graduated, so I know!).
I also do recognize that your entire life isn't portrayed on this blog and that you have the right to keep your personal life private (as I would as well). I only wanted to point out how we, as individuals/human beings, kind of have this need to find some sort of affirmation about ourselves, and we can now do this easier through the internet, via blogs/social networking sites.
Keep doin' your thing, girl :)
love the plaid shirt off your bf! Cool! <3
I understand your point of view, I also think it's too personal to share every detail of your life with the whole internet. And I think blog readers understand that when they read fashion blogs :)
Oh, I also wanted to mention that I actually feel that you are more real than other bloggers, say Sea of Shoes or Fashion Toast.
I guess personally for me, the more real and relatable, the better.. especially with fashion bloggers (as I feel that sometimes some fashion bloggers have such a glam life, I can't ever see myself admiring any of them). I like that you're a Berkeley student, so I feel I can relate to you as a UC student.
Like his shoes:)
I personally just stick to the fashion details, because I am not here to judge/comment on anyone's personal affairs...
Sah cuteee <3
One of the reasons why i follow your blog is because you look more real and relatable than other bloggers and more fun at that. I don't think it's proper that the Jez article used your advantages (age & style) and sorta twisted it to become negative. Why blame the blogger?
But.. that's just my opinion! :)
i follow your blog because i'm a fan of your fashion sense and blogging styles... don't mind them! Anyways there are no rules in this www that says "no beautiful pictures please!" ^_^
i actually think you're the one of the more real & natural bloggers around. obviously, you can't share EVERYTHING on the internet. that's just dumb. i think you're very down to earth, which makes you relateable & gives you that instant likability factor. :)
boat ride through the sky
This is adorable! I actually enjoy your photos (especially the food!) I tend to stay away from getting too personal on blogs simply because everything is now "free for all" People take your photos or art for that matter without any credit and they can simply do that to texts as well. Anything too personal, and you never know where your feelings expressed in the internet can lead you to.
dude you cant win. if you blog all the depressing stuff, they sh*t on you for that too so don't worry, *I* LOOOOOVE your blog and that's all that matters haha ;) xx
so cute :)
Happy to see you happy. Your joy is communicative.
Happy to see you happy. Your joy is communicative.
Sorry, I'm not even going to read that other article. I don't care for what it may have to say, nobodies life is perfect. Hell one of the reasons I come to read blogs like yours is for inspiration. Hearing you throw your guts up is not inspiring (sorry you did get sick though <3). If I wrote about all the mishaps in doing my makeup who would frequent that? Keep doing your thing hun! xoxo Heather
you look very cute indeed! I love your look
Wow, cute couple.
nice post! :)
please visit mine.
haha is that the shirt your bf stole from you? i'm sure you'd like just as cute in it tooo.
re. the article and what you want to write about, I love everything you write and even though I squint like a mad granny when reading the tiny type on your blog (um, hello forming-wrinkles!), it all makes up for it in your cute and fun stores and in the honest way you write :D
I really enjoy reading your blog, both for fashion inspiration and your great snapshots. I think it's great you're planning on being more "honest"... but I would just say - post whatever you want to post! Disregard the negative comments, because you should blog for you! Besides, I feel your blog is very honest, and your sarcasm/humor really cracks me up. Wow, this must be the longest comment I have ever written. Anyways, take care and btw, NO you absolutely do not look preggo in these pics.
i think that if readers have half an ounce of sense, then it should be obvious to them that the life people write about on the internet is not going to be an exact and in depth description of the life they lead in reality. nobody writes about the minute and frankly boring details. and few people tend to share the bad stuff because a) they don't want to focus on that, b) they don't think people want to read it and c) it's not good for "brand me"...which let's be honest, is what a lot of blogs are about these days. it's up to the individual how much they share or don't share, but i don't blame anybody for only telling the good stuff about their existence, especially to virtual strangers.
having said that, one of the reasons i like yr blog so much is that you do tend to let reality in every so often. not to the point that you divulge all the horrible details of a crappy day...but at least enough to show you're only human. so i don't know why you got lumped in with that article. people are dumb??
While it's true that yours may come across as a 'Marthette' blog due to your web design, pictures and what you chose to write, but you know what, we bloggers all do self-edit. We may share as little as we want, or even overshare if we choose to.
I won't even accuse you of trying to be perfect or that you have a perfect life, that's ridiculous notion to assume that because no one has it. And while your website can incite some sort of jealousy to some (or for the jezebel author), it can also be inspiring to others in other ways. I guess you're right, everyone can take it as they want.
One day, if you decide to monetize your website, you know what, you actually are on a good path for it. Keep up what you're doing, you have great traffic and you don't overshare. Business can be somewhat personal impersonally. :D
Eh, if you want my honesty, on why I visit often on your website: your website is my visual masturbation--sorry if the choice of word is too crude! :)
P.S. I don't think you look pregnant at all!! Why would someone say that LOL!!!
beautiful reaction to the article. i absolutely agree with you. and not sure where that pregnant comment is coming from ... you look beautiful!
I like how you´re selective about what you post. Everything is pre-filtered, so one don´t have to rummage through uninteresting parts. The humorous way you open up about you´re mishaps tells you´re not pretending to be anything you´re not. People should get that.
Keep rocking :)
Keep on blogging! I love your site and you should share what you want. It's called the editing process and you market your site very well. It's just comes with the territory. Plus I don't want to know everyone's problems...cuz we all have them and if its escapist...so be it.
Its my diversion for the day. Happy bloggling Annabel! :)
Awww young love and the City...my two favorite things ever!!!
<3 Adorable!
I say this a lot, but your blog is definitely one of my top three favorites. I like how you don't have an ego, or if you do, it isn't noticeable at all. I think you have a nice life, but whether you do or don't isn't really the point of the blog. I never tire of the fashion posts. I just LOVE them! :) Also, I appreciate when you give us tips or hints about certain sales coming up. You did thta one time for Hansel from Basel and I ended up finding some great socks. (Please let us know if you find out any more sales from that store, hehe).
You're a great blogger with GREAT style!
When i started to read the article, i took a bit of a laugh because in part, in can be true. But the more i read about it, i just felt increasingly more depressed. I have very rarely felt depressed reading the blogs that she spoke about.
I found your blog at the beginning of the year and i kept coming back to take a few peeks at the outfits you were wearing. I do like fashion, but not up to the point that most people are all into it and pretentious about it. I have also read loads of your past posts too.
I dont feel that you're fake. What i dont get is why the hell anyone would anyone WANT to post pictures of them looking like crap and living in a mess!? I want to read blogs like yours to see crisp, clean photos of stuff im interested in and people living in places where i dont!!!
I'm not here to kiss your arse and say how amazing you and your blog are, or to sound fake!
but i really do like your blog. End of story! If i had read that article adn it was about me, i would have felt like crap and i feel that you have a right to blog about what you like and choose the nice pictures you like, to edit it how you like...
In the end i left off from reading that article with the feeling that these people just seem really jealous...and tahts the sad thing...Most of the time blogs take effort. I dont want to see the effor that goes into it half the time, lol ...so....yeah
oh and you dont look prego...at ALL
These pictures are adorable.
You two are adorable. While I can see where the writer of the Jezebel article is coming from and can understand her point of view, I sometimes think that people are smart enough to realize that most bloggers don't live perfect lives. They capture great moments and share them online... most readers enjoy looking and reading about happy things and understand that's not all there is to it. Anyhow,I think your blog is adorable and genuine, for whatever that's worth.
Lol, I was just thinking that you're explosive on twitter. You swear like a sailor lady!!!
u look so pretty :)
love your outfit
I was also in that article, and I felt a little punctured after reading it.
Personally, I think there is sometimes an issue of difference of expectation between blogger and reader because this media is relatively new. Most bloggers I know have no intention at all of being paid for the work - it is a creative outlet, designed to be shared with those who appreciate a similar aesthetic.
Elitism or snobbery is perceived by a reader, whereas in fact the intention of the writer is often only the celebration and sharing of a non-dominant cultural meme.
Also, most if not all of the blogs referenced have names beginning with A, B or C - clearly, the writer did not get far down someone's blogroll...
Jezebel and other bloggers can shut it. You're very honest and in the past you've mentioned feeling angry or sad, or even having a fight with your bf without going into details. If they choose to only notice the idillic aspects of your life and not even realize that it's an edit, it's their self-absorbed choice. If you started blogging about everything that goes wrong in your life, you'd be called an insufferable whiner. You can't win with these people. They're are there to point at other's flaws to make themselves feel smarter.
Besides, I think you *should* probably keep a lot of aspects of your life private. Things like politics, religion, even academic pov can come back to haunt you in the long run, if someone is inclined to use it against you. Your blog is about fashion and food, and that's just lovely. I come back for that when I'm tired of all the heavy aspects of life. A lot of other bloggers who blog about the similar stuff come up as pretentious, forced or fake. I can relate to your content because it's so easy going.
Y'all are just the most adorable things ever. I hope you're feeling better!!
I loved how you mentioned the tendency for bloggers to seem "perfect". So many blog writers manage to perpetuate the image that they have wonderful, massive closets and wear adorable outfits every single day and that everything is always wonderful. As a new blogger, I find it really hard to manage the disconnect between my real life (the days you feel sick, the times you don't leave your room because you're studying all day, the nike shorts and t-shirt outfit days) and the image I present on my blog. I'm so glad you shared a little bit more about yourself today, but I understand the need for privacy. And I love that you acknowledge that and keep doing your thing!! You're such an inspiration.
Hi there :)
Shall I introduce moi - I'm Anna, a 19 y/o girl from Poland. I like to read your blog, but I don't really comment much. Yet this post left me with an urge to write down my thoughts:
I totally don't see the point in the article where you were mentioned. I agree - photos are beautiful, but that's your way of expressing your photographer's talent, is that a bad thing? So logically, if your photos sucked, pardon for the expression, you would look more natural?
No, not really. I'm not sure if a person who called you a "Marthette" read any of your post: it's just life! Then, what is expected of a blogger? To write that you e.g. sneeze, ergo you're a human being?
That artickle really pissed me, because even if I'm really far from where you write and post, in the middle of Europe, I can see well that you're a nice, real person!
So please, don't change a thing about your blog. It should be what you want it to be.
Cheers, much.
Anna from aniaa.tumblr.com
You guys are so adorable. It shows in the picture how much you guys are 'into' each other. Knock on wood. :)
Yeah I know what you mean about keeping private things private. It comes across as embellishment most of the time to readers. I am also not someone who would want to discuss problems or issues publicly. I am sure no one wants to read about something dreary and depressing. And whenever I want to read my own blog I would prefer it to be about something nice and positive. Something that puts me in a good mood rather than a bad mood. So hugs Annabel!
It just occurred to me that I know another blogger who also apparently has/had an "idyllic" life. http://needled.wordpress.com/
Gorgeous and creative middle-aged woman, who lately is undergoing stroke recovery. Jezebel needs to google more. Before the stroke, a family member told me how jealous she was of her perfect life.
I definitely think your blog is honest and fun. You portray your life as a fun one, but it does have its obstacles. Lately I've been relating a lot to the post you made about dropping some classes last semester. I'm going through a similar situation and it's causing me tons of stress. Some people aren't as lucky as you, but it's still nice to read about.
Also, forget Jezebel. I frequent that site often and many of the posters are women who hate everything.
i LOVE that you posted this!
I wasn't aware of that article until your post, and I don't really know what to make of it, other than I guess, to each his own. I can see where this bitter jealousy comes from, (for you are so very fabulous, m'dear) but I think that by choosing to directly compare themselves shows weakness in a person's ability to make the most of their own lives.
A blog (for the most part) is a celebration. I know that if i have a big day ahead, full of stress and horribleness, I take a quick squiz at my favourite bloggers and see what wonderful things you guys are doing. Sure, there might be a day where I say 'Jeez, I want to rip those shoes right off and wear them myself', but I don't understand how anyone can assume that you blog your entire life on here. Why would you post the bad when you could post the good?
Some people are easily influenced and resentful, an unfortunate fact of their personality, and they can't help it, but maybe they're looking too much into something that isn't there. Just be inspired, like I am. :)
I love your blog. It is beautiful, and joyous and wonderful. So there.
Awaiting your next post.
aw you guys are so cute!
Y'all are adorable & I love this look on you!
If people have a problem with what you or any of the rest of us blog about, they have the freedom to not read it!
I hope your tummy is better by now :(
o goodness, you both look like a perfect couple.
when i read your post, i feel like you're so much in love with your bf ;)
you both look stylish too!
u guys are adorable.
i dont think you should bother much about the other post. we all have the freedom to choose what to read and what to believe. and bloggers have the right to share whatever they want to share. your blog is lovely the way it is.
BF has a really goofy mug in the top picture to the left. I can see why he's your Pika,lol.
Oh my goodness you two are so cute!
I enjoy reading your blog, even if it may come off as "too perfect" at times.
On an unrelated note, I think you would probably appreciate this planner:
I hope the link works.
don't take that too seriously :) I've always love all your post. not misleading at all :)
you and your bf look super cute together ;)
**REALLY LONG, SORRY -____--**
Ugh, Annabel. I've been reading your blog for half a year now, and yep, I actually DO read it :)
I keep going back to your blog precisely because the stuff you write about isn't ALL sunhine & lollipops, nor is it ALWAYS about fashion. You touch on some interesting topics from time to time, and honestly, I enjoy reading most everything you write, from your love of Basel socks to your thoughts on cameras and your reflections on the City . I actually would enjoy reading something written by you RE: theories of perception and recognition (I graduated dec. '08 from Berkeley with a philosophy degree; I get a kick out of reading stuff like that now that it's not "assigned" reading anymore).
Anyway, I think your blog shows a lot of character. And hey, if it's worth anything, I think it's a good editorial and personal choice of yours, not to go into too much detail about the negative things. In general, it's not such a good habit, dwelling on things that make you upset; it's better to acknowledge it and move on as best ya can. And that's what you seem to do: You let your readers know that you're having a bad day - which makes you relatable - but you soon transition into something that cheered you up. Doing so makes you more than relatable; it shows something about your personality - that you're not gonna let something like X drag you down, whatever X may be :).
And while you do express what seems to be this feature of your personality, you do so without 100% giving away the idea of who you are as a person. I feel the same way as you: It's my right to let only those near and dear to me be the ones I trust with the knowledge of who I AM as a person (all the good, the bad, the weird, the quirky, the ugly, the fake, the etc.). And even with these special people, I STILL make choices of what I share and what I keep to myself. It's everyone's right to do so, even a blogger like yourself.
Your blog is great because it is a beauty to look at as well as a pleasure to read. You give your readership something meaningful without giving everything away.
Keep on bloggin' in your ol' Annabel way. Regardless of what kind of classification someone else out there in Internet-world put you in, at the end of the day, the classification just exists online, so F it :)
so cute! this pic made me smile <3 im a big fan of your blog!
Holy crap, you guys are possibly one of the sweetest couples I have ever seen. You look really happy :) It's nice to see...
Wow that article was harsh. I wouldn't fot one second assume you have a perfect life (I'm not sure anyone would really even want a perfect life--wouldn't that just be bland?). Reading blogs has never made me feel bad about my own life. It's really nice to see you enjoying yours :)
Annabel, I love you. For the past year that I have been reading your blog from time to time, never did it cross my mind to think that you're pretentious or "not real".
I love your honest and simple posts. I enjoy them. That's why I think you have a lot of followers and commenters because a lot of people relate to you.
Thanks for your photos. They cheer me up on gloomy days. Especially photos of you and your boyfriend, they really make me smile. It gives me hope that there are still people who are genuinely happy with their existence. Thanks.
Take care, honey! <3
I think the only notion that's true about the "internet" is that anyone or anything on here belongs in either, 1) content is blatantly offensive, 2) waiting for others to call it offensive or 3) not offensive at all but readers are left unsatisfied by what they read.
In terms of the last option, it's a common blunder that bloggers get themselves into. You want people to read what you write so you keep it short and sweet. This somehow leaves people more "light hearted" deeming an article either politically correct enough not to want to fuss about in the comment box. Detriment to the author, the readers only know the author to the extent of his/her blog, as you've said.
I can't say I haven't been a victim of judging bloggers based on what they write or not write. I can clearly remember a post done by Rumi of Fashiontoast. She had a feature in a magazine and all she wrote in the post was something along the lines of a "I got featured for this magazine, it was an amazing experience and so much fun." My first reaction was, "Where was the obligatory 'thank you' for the opportunity?" Not a second later, I kicked myself for thinking that way as I was clearly reading into it too much. Funny enough, I scrolled down and the second comment on that post was by an anonymous reader telling her that she takes things for granted and should thank people who give her said opportunities.
That said, I think the point is pretty clear that no matter how little or more your write or show people of your life, you will always be misunderstood. It's always easier to see the negative than the positive. Which, is probably why I'm thankful for Twitter or Facebook. It's short, you can be as random as you want to be, post as often as you want to without feeling like that content doesn't "belong" in your blog. It's a good way to metaphorically poke people in the eye and tell them to wake the fuck up and stop taking you so damn seriously.
Patricia Ann
I think those are probably 2 of the cutest pictures of you two that you've posted!!
Don't let that Jezebel article bother you.
This writer finds it necessary for bloggers to express negativity in order to appear "real" and "attainable"? There's enough negativity in the world, in our lives and in the lives directly encompassing us. Although honesty is a refreshing factor in blogs like yours, by no means do you need to talk about your insecurities and pet peeves in order to appear normal.
Our society has managed to encourage people to complain and wallow in their pity rather than remain positive and spread good vibes among others. This article is one example of that.
Keep doing what you're doing.
Great, great, great!
So gorgeous!
I don't think that the poster who asked if you were pregnant meant that you LOOKED pregnant - I assume it had more to do with the fact that you got sick randomly while you were out and that you (seemingly) are hungry all the time! Because you don't look pregnant in any way, shape, or form.
xoxo Birgitte
i kind of like that your blog makes your life seem "perfect". it inspired me to start a blog and write with a positive voice.
Might I add my two cents??
I have no idea what this Jezebel deal is. Haven't read it, but...your personality speaks through your blog and frankly...I <3 it! Y'all make an adorable couple and make me miss my Mr. more. [Dang you!] :)
Many blessings!
I wouldn't pay much attention to that blog, or the site it came from, but to be honest, you aren't exactly going to post something depressing on your blog are you? And your honesty is refreshing, and I think your blog is inspiring, not just clothes-wise but generally. It can seriously lift someones mood. I think some people think too much to be honest! You look lovely though. xxx
probably one of the most honest posts i've read in the world of fashion blogging, so major props to you.
i agree with the author to the extent that i'm sure you do also - there is a real concern in presenting a seemingly perfect, beautiful, idle life. i guess it's about what we choose to place emphasis on, what we present as priorities in life. but at the same time it's an amazing thing to recognize beautiful moments. if you are lucky enough to capture them, why not share? it's a weird thing, i've often had moral conflicts about it.
i mentioned this topic, and your blog, in a post of mine. hope you don't mind.
I forgot to say that I love your shoes.
Particularly with a dress.
Just perfect.
I forgot to say that I love your shoes.
Particularly with a dress.
Just perfect.
cute couple!! you look gorgeous! love your cardigan
I read the article too, but I don't think it wasn't anything negative about you or your blog. In fact, the reason I even read all of your posts, even the food posts ones (though I generally am not interested in sf food anymore, haha, shame on me) is because you are a witty and interesting writer. It all sounds very 'you' and honest, if that makes sense?
And I just noticed I'm linked on you 'loves' section of your blog, haha. I never noticed that till now!
where are your bf's bracelets from?
where are your bf's bracelets from?
i love this post, and I actually never really thought about questioning what people write in the blogs before
oh my, i love toto africa
cute!! = )
Illustrated Moodboard
cute pics
Be sure to follow my blog at tuxandtie.blogspot.com and on twitter at tuxandtie
Alex (www.alexingram.com)
thanks for sharing all the details of your day, I think there's something to it..ya know being real and really delving into details about things that happened to you. I also think that it's not always necessary, but sometimes makes the reader feel a little more connected, I guess.
anyway, cute pics!!
beautiful couple!!
i left a pretty long reply and it was deleted. boo. so, i will just say, it's unfortunate that people feel they have ownership over someone else's thoughts, feelings and life. it doesn't make sense that people forcibly ask for things and demand content of bloggers, when it's truly up to them to decide. there are so many people that enjoy your blog and come here frequently because they always like what you post. you're honest, thoughtful and endearing...we need more of that in the world. thank you.
I loved the pictures of you and your BF!! So sweet and it made me smile :)
you both look good together, very casual and very stylish as you complement each other, be thankful for what you have in this time of lonliness and sadness, i like you both as a couple
i like you both, the way you are dressed looks very nice and the blue top suits you like anything and matches with your black hair while your bf looks cute in a red checked shirt - you both have good dressing sense :)
are you guys traveling together or what?? it seems like you people are going out and enjoying yourselves, nice pictures
it's your blog to do what you wish with, and if you only want to post what you think is the best of what you do, then there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure the author of the article wouldn't really want to post all of her first drafts unedited.
there have been times in the past when i'll admit i found your blog kind of intimidating, because it all looks so pretty (and your home so darn clean). But that's my problem, nothing to do with your editing standards. Do what you want and let people deal with their own issues. Anyway, I don't think your blog is unrealistic - even your briefest posts seem touched with humanity to me.
Mind you, havign said all that anything that gets people talking about toto africa is no bad thing in my book :/
I think maybe what it comes down to, is that you can tell when someone is being genuine and when someone isn't. This is especially true with blogs like yours where you post pictures of yourself. One look at someone's eyes or smile can tell you everything.
Plus, if you've got a backpack that awesome, you must have a pretty good life ;-)
Adorable pictures! And your outfit is stunning as usual.
you and brent are so cute together, one of the best pics i've seen by far.
what a lovely couple. chin up annabel!
I think blogs with PMA are the best. If you wanna read about miserable things look on livejournal, ha :)
just found your blog today and I love it....your pics are so crisp and amazing!!!
you look adorable!
Very sweet partners. I wish I have a relationship like this. :-)
You guys look great together!!! I love your blog!
Recently discovered your blog and I'm in love with it!
Sorry about the Jezebel article. Overall not very fair because a fair part of blogging is sharing beautiful things, not highlighting the worst parts of your life.
aww you guys are really cute! haha and jersey shore is the best!
i can tell that love can be that easy to seen. such lovely pieces happy for u
fabulous outfits, super stylish!
Come Follow & Vote for me xoxo
aw what a cute couple!
i have to agree on the jezebel post... i found it rather annoying. it reeks of jealousy and an immature, elitist tendency to hate on whatever is being praised at the moment.
just like elitists claim to have liked bands "first", "before they got big/ sold out" or love "their first album"... are people going to start saying "i loved such-and-such blog before they got sponsors"? or "i only right-click-saved the first year of ____ blog"?
Cute pictures! I can tell the smile is genuine :) I love your story and I understand your J. Crew dilemma. I always go in there and drool over everything that I can't buy. *Sigh* I hope you have a great week!
I hope those articles don't make you question your approach too much... We love your blog the way it is. If it makes some people feel frumpy or imperfect, that is their problem -- not yours. Plus I might never have tried Harvey Slocombe's if I hadn't read about it on your blog.
lovely blog. id love it if you could take a look at mine and maybe even follow it as i have yours :) www.classicfashiondiary.blogspot.com
What a cute couple! Love your outfit too!
so sweet!! that's all I have to say
love your outfit
Love your blog, its my favourite at the moment! Keep on blogging Annabel, can't wait for another post! :-)
just wondering where from/what brand your white shirt is that you wore in the video blog? i loveee it.
you two are seriously more adorable than a box full of kittens and baby pandas. i'm quite envious!
So sweet - you guys look great together!
you are lovely couple
You guys look so cute together :)
hey cutie, just wondering what size your backpack is (classic or mini?)
this article really bothered me too- I started writing a comment here but I had too much to say about it so it's turned into a blog post
check it out if you have a chance
your photos always cheer me up when i'm having a bad day. thanks for sharing all the good moments.
you're the cutest couple ever :) I decided. I love how trendy you are, its a pain getting a man to be 'in' with the fashion. You too JUST have it. Love love love your blog :)
i've been looking so long for one of those bags! where did you get yours?!
your BF's pants are so crazy tight! Are you sure he's not gay or maybe bi? Sorry just wondering b/c a man in tighty wighty pants and has good fashion sense always alerts my gaydar.
you two are so cute. can i take your wedding pictures some day?
Are you really complaining about the Jezebel article? That's how I discovered your blog, read deep into the archives, and have been keeping up with it ever since! I'm sure the same thing happened to others (so it was free advertising). Yes, your life looks beautiful and I love looking at it. Yes, sometimes seeing beautiful pics of the lives of others makes my life seem less nice. But if half your pics were you in sweats it wouldn't be as interesting for us to look at. Just try and be happy that, of the countless blogs to choose from for the article, yours was one of the few to get the publicity. Keep the beautiful pics of clothes and food!
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