thrifted floral dress, thrifted waffle knit cardigan, h&m t-strap heels, vintage wicker purse with a gold chain
I have not slept in 36 hours. I couldn't even mumble coherent sentences in class today. TGIF FOR REAL. In a bit I'm leaving for what seems to be a promising weekend in San Francisco (since the BF has it off for once!) hanging out with friends at Dolores Park Saturday afternoon and then wandering aimlessly around the city. Oh and studying for a Latin midterm. Fun, fun. But seriously, I can't wait to take a break this weekend. ^__^

Did you have to crop that dress? It has a beautiful print!
you are so lovely.
i really like your style and i also love you haircut!
and you are the one with the best thriftfinds. i dont know how you manage it but you always find the best thnigs.
Such a cute dress.
What do you want me to link? Your tumblr or your blog?
i love your facial expression in the last picture :)
air :)
i can't wait to see more of this dress.
your facial expressions that end all your posts are friggen cute >.<
I love this outfit, I commented on it on Chictopia also. We have added you to our "I spy" Section which is a blog roll.
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Have a good weekend!
lovely dress!!! great pictures,
love your blog, wanna trade links?
I know I'm so late to realize you have started a blog!! Anyway I have seen your outfits on whatiworetoday2 and I love them because it suits you so nicely!! Linking you for sure! Keep this going
Nice outfit, as always!
Giiiiirl you look good for getting no sleep!
well. you sure fooled me, you look great dear xx
love the dress,and the sweater is adorable :)
Work the florals girl. You look adorible!
Cute dress.
well you look much better than I would if I hadn't slept in 36 hours! I love the dress. I wanted those shoes in h&m so badly but they didn't have them in my size =(
p.s. I don't know how you willingly take latin! My school requires 4 years of latin, starting in the 7th grade, and this year is my last - I can't wait to be done with it. I hate it hahaa. But it's really cool that you're pursuing such a difficult subject =)
i didn't sleep for 24 hours the day before and felt worse than crap. 36 hours is CRAZY! i hope you caught up with rest+sleep over the weekend :}
Omg, please sleep. Have fun in the city!
Love this floral print! the teeny tiny florals are my fav. And thank you for adding me to your links, I added you as well! :]
i love this entire look. it is girly without being at all prissy. you have lovely skin. yours is one of my new favorite blogs now.
You have an amazing style!!I love it!
I love the dress! You always where the cutest outfits :)
You don't happen to study architecture do you? We stay up for over 24 hours all the time. Then we sleep, then we have a crazy party. Now get yourself to bed so you'll be ready for the city! Have fun ;)
you are too gorgeous!
my friend just bought those heels! jealous <3
Love the dress!
I love these photos :) Nice outfit, and your hair is just so fabulous.
Hope you get some sleep! :P
xox, mavi
great outfit. awesome shoes. i miss san fran.
What kind of camera do you use?
i like this outfit a lot i think really cute:)
such a perfect floral dress!!
could you link me? thanks :D
beautiful dress! *-*
and tyou are so perfect... i love your hair =D
Even if you haven't sleep in 24 hours, you still look gorgeous. LOL. I love the contrast between the pink cardigan and the dress. :)
loove this outfift specially the mix of colors! :)
Love your outfit and those shoes. Get some sleep!
the perfect floral spring dress. you look great :)
Ah I love this dress! so cute :)
oh this is so amazing! perfect! love it!
exchange links?
love Lara
prrrrrease update. preeeease? :D
love the hair!
agreed with above. you are already lagging! don't give up! be consistent!
Pretty sure you needed like 20 coffees
cute cute cuteeeeeeeee
the pink cardi looks so cute and comfy!
xx-LJ from SOS!
oh! i used to read your blog posts on chictopia all the time, i didn't realise you had your own blog! i'm so excited :) such a fangirl, ahaha.
love this ensemble!
where did you get those shoes?! i'm in deperate need of some like these!
Why can't I have hair like yours? :'o
Love it.
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