Monday, October 24, 2011


random outfit
Equipment silk shirt, A.P.C. sweatshirt, Theory shorts, One Language bag, glasses c/o Bonlook, Bass loafers

I haven't been able to take outfit photos like I've wanted to for a number of reasons so I figured I'd share a couple of my favorite recent Instagram photos. I've been using Instagram for a while (I'm ornithes on there if you want to add me) but lately it's been replacing my SLR since it's so much faster at capturing images in the moment. Obviously the quality isn't superb but I guess that's what I like about it the most: I love playing around with filters to get that grainy vintage feel instantly in your hand as opposed to waiting for a roll of film to develop. I haven't shot film in a while (became too costly after a while, same goes for polaroids) and of course nothing comes close to emulating that experience of being surprised with developed film or instant polaroids but these photos are still fun, no? This, however, is a different type of new experience which Instagram has really hit on the mark and I'm enjoying every bit of it on a daily basis. I remember taking on those "one photo a day for a year" challenges and failing but I've probably already done that without realizing it through Instagram...

top of the hill
acre/sf party

I went to the Acre/SF x Refinery 29 party last week to support Jenny and Marcus and made the naive mistake of walking up to North Beach from downtown SF. Killer view but jeez, I could barely catch my breath by the time I made it into the store. I even had to take my glasses off for 5 minutes when they kept fogging up because of my body heat! The party was great though, I wish I went to these events more often. It was fun seeing a bunch of familiar faces too.

sunflowers in the ran
bonlook glasses

Of course this post wouldn't be complete without a comment about the weather. Yesterday I refused to step outside because it was so hot. It's the end of October, come on! I've been through five SF Indian summers so far and this one has been the worst. Of course it's nice to have warmer weather but it's hard to get into the Halloween/autumn spirit when you're sweating in shorts. A couple weeks ago it finally felt like fall (even with an abundance of wet sunflowers) but my new Loeffler Randall rain boots didn't arrive until the day after the rain had subsided! I have been, however, wearing my Bonlook glasses almost every day except it was probably a bad idea to wear them in the rain since I couldn't see a thing. I've been wearing contacts almost exclusively for the past five years so it's been a refreshing change to wear glasses most of the time and not worry if a contact is dry or torn.

brunch burger at beast and the hare
umami burger
super duper burger
sliders from Jasper's

I've also been on a huge burger kick lately. I'm posting these from latest to earliest. Yesterday I finally tried the brunch at Beast and the Hare (which is actually right below Brent's apartment except we've only been to dinner there once, huh), skipped the breakfast fare and went straight for the burger which had, get this: bacon, caramelized onions, AND a fried egg. Last week I went with a group of friends to the new Umami Burger joint that just opened in SF. None of them had ever been to Umami in LA and were all pretty impressed while for me it was a nice familiar taste of home. It was also the third burger that I'd eaten in a week (Super Duper was the second and a burger from Chez Maman was the first) so I was burger-ed out for a while. Next burger pictured came from Super Duper where I made the mistake of ordering the double burger thinking it would be like In-N-Out but quickly regretted it when I started feeling full and sick halfway through. Finally, Brent and I also really enjoyed the sliders at Jasper's Corner Tap & Kitchen, I think we went there before we saw Drive? Anyway, from what I remember the cute lil burgers came on a sesame pretzel bun and had blue cheese, totally worth it if you're in the area. I probably shouldn't admit this but I actually omitted two other burger photos (Red Robin lol and Chez Maman) because that would be a bit... much...

ferry building
blue bottle

Okay, back to the weather. The warm weather hasn't been that bad. Sometimes I forget how nice it is to venture out to the Ferry Building with friends when the weather is nice. Most of the time I'm there I usually go alone but with friends it's easier to lose track of time drinking happy hour margaritas by the water and picking up Blue Bottle iced coffees. We have to enjoy it while it lasts, I guess, because we won't be able to stay out like this at 5pm again in less than a month... summer's really over, isn't it?

downtown sf

See the rest of my Instagram photos here. Also, please keep voting!


Fi Fi said...

I love the first outfit look so much I think I am going to go and get changed into something similar. Lovely.

Raspberry & Rouge said...

Perfect pics! XO Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Yah! Someone else to follow on instagram! I looove instagram & my love is perhaps slighly unnatural but I do not care ;)
Kelly xo

Georgia said...

AGAIN, you've suceeced in making me hungry for food. This time bad food, mmmmmm. Love your silk shirt too. I want tthat as well :)
It would be mine

Anonymous said...

That outfit is so perfect. Love the instagram pictures x

random cat said...

oh i so love your posts both pictures and writing, even about the weather:)
i really like instagram but serbian networks support android phones so not many people have the iphone. but i was so glad to discover pixlr-o-matic and toy camera which give the similar effects as instagram. the downside is there are no community like you have with the instagram, but i hope things will change in future:)

marblava said...

Lovely photos and comments!!

Anonymous said...

maybe this is stupid but - do you iron your clothes all the time? how do you stop things from getting wrinkly? my shirts are always a mess. :(

Bang and Buck said...

too funny, i was just about to post about instagram. such a good 'on the go' app. great photos.


Bang & Buck

Maria Fernanda Zanotin said...

Love the instagram, beautiful pictures!!


Anonymous said...

cute pics, i love instagram!!

SeasideGirl said...

beautiful pictures§

The Fancy Teacup said...

So cute what your captured on your instagram. You are always having the most delectable looking grub!

Unknown said...

So fresh post !


Maria Silvia F said...

semplice e bellissima :)
xoxo from ITALY

Unknown said...

adding you on instagram now!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Anonymous said...

blue bottle + sf = true love.

Temporary:Secretary said...

STUNNING photos, I wish i was there! x

THE CAT'S MIU said...

yes! love this post and the photos! beautiful pics of san fran :)

Natali said...

Lovely photos! Instagram rules!!

Manding. said...

yes, love the grainy instagram photos so much more honestly. so much more honest and real.
ps, !

Serendipity Max said...

Really great photos.

I love instagram shots. I wish they'd made a version or something similar for Blackberry


Joy said...

I really hope to use Instagram soon! This post was real nice.

Gogo said...

I love this pics, I need a Iphone!!
I vote you, of course!


Inhale | Fashion and Beauty said...

Yum Yum now im hungry
Inhale | Fashion and Beauty

thea natalie said...

Loving the loafers, I just acquired a pair of studded patent Reggio ones, I'll be posting about them soon!

Thea Natalie @ Creatures of Life x

Rose Biscuit. said...

I love your pics !

Patrycja Tyszka said...

perfect photos:)

Nhi said...

omg lovin these photos! really big city inspired:)


Cinja said...

cute photos! i love the outfit :)

Mafalda said...

I love the pictures! and love your blog btw :)


Unknown said...

Gorgeous photos!!!

Lainey said...

I've been exact same way with my Instagram. It's such a great little tool to take pictures. Much easier than lugging around a huge camera. I'll have to follow you on Instagram because I am loving your pictures.

FMSC said...

lovely Photos, I just wanted to enter a plane and fly to this places! Looks so so great! xx

Anonymous said...

I love the second photo, very magical (: Also the outfit on the first pic is fab!

Katie said...

i love your photos! they seem nostalgic & present at the same time :) San Fran looks lovely. & i'm totally into instagram too - also, i use Camera+, it's really good, & has 36 different filters for cool effects!

Drive, huh? i liked the first half of that film - the 2nd half i could barely watch! GORY! Good though.

Katie x

the goorgeous said...

fabulous moments!

Macy said...

coolio photos! And, as always, you're looking splendid.

anna said...

amazing photos! i love the quality of the photos, makes them looking so cool..


Anonymous said...

love all of these shots! really want to go to SF


Anonymous said...

I follow you on tumblr, so I def see these instagram photos everywhere. Too bad I have a Bberry, so I can't use it :3

xo Sherrie
Closet Hound

Jane said...

Your blog makes me starving. Food looks delicious, as always.
And you're the cutest blogger ever!

Natalie Suarez said...

looks so amazing!! LOVE IT! xx

Louder Than Silence said...

Love these photos so much. Those burgers look amazing. Droool! Sally x

Laura said...

gorgeous! love the whole outfit! :)

bourgeois girl said...

always salivating when i look at your posts!! yumyumyum and im thirsty now too haha

check my blog out, i have a great giveaway happening right now :)


annie said...

yami and yami!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the outfit! Wore a similar one recently. I just used black pants as it's cold here ;)

Nina said...

lovely pictures, so inspiring.

GRACE said...

mmm that food looks delish! i'm loving your blog, by the way.


Tink said...

the food really looks delicious,especially the burgers.

works at office space for rent in makati

Anonymous said...

cute! i love the layering!

Strawberry Freckleface said...

Those burgers look like the best burgers I have ever seen. Now I'm starving.

nest + venture said...

cute outfits, yummy food, coffee, margaritas, city lights...basically all my favorite things in one post. love it!

AHearts said...

Very yummy...

xoxo aley

Antonie Rikardsson said...

You got so cute outfits hun!! Really ;-)

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