h&m tunic and trench, citizens of humanity jeans courtesy of revolve, vintage boots, ray ban wayfarers, marc by marc jacobs bag, black peace now bow
Japantown date was a mild success saved only by delicious food and the fact that BF was there to keep me company. Hair refused to cooperate, weather was weird (60s + wind? in late May? are you kidding me?!), Muni was annoying as ever, blah, blah, etc. Let's focus on the nice things in life, yes? The trip started out with ramen at Suzu (which I've already blogged about and was delicious as always) and a quick walk around the Japanese mall before popping in to New People for Blue Bottle coffee. BF was preparing to roast a 9 pound chunk of pork for dinner and had to leave me at 5pm to baste it. So why didn't I go with him? I had to stick around for the North American premiere of my favorite anime film, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Yes, I went alone and no, I do not have any friends up here who are as into anime as I am. Maybe I cared for a second, but I wasn't about to force BF to go with me although he did offer to accompany me.

Oh hi, cutie! And look at the sandals (below) which he ordered from OAK just in time for summer. But yes, the movie. I've been writing a long rant for the past 30 minutes but decided to scrap it, maybe that's just something I should keep to myself. Let's just say it involved creepy male anime fans from all over the country who are probably legitimately in love with anime characters, a mini crisis where I questioned my own sanity for going to that screening alone*, and a renewed appreciation for where I stand as an anime fan. Not quite obsessed, but not just a casual viewer. I just really like it, okay? Okay. Although maybe this outfit wasn't such a good idea in a place where I didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb...
*by this I should clarify that by then I'd already watched the movie over five times since I wrote half of my senior seminar's final research paper on it and it was a bit absurd to be purposely hanging around there alone with all these overtly crazy people. My real problem wasn't about being alone, it was about being in a situation where I made an effort to see something I'd already seen and felt weird upon realizing I may be just like them. Eeeesh. At least I didn't audibly gasp and say "OMG!" in a creepy way every time a certain cute character came on? You have no idea how many times I shuddered during the movie. People are so weird.
*by this I should clarify that by then I'd already watched the movie over five times since I wrote half of my senior seminar's final research paper on it and it was a bit absurd to be purposely hanging around there alone with all these overtly crazy people. My real problem wasn't about being alone, it was about being in a situation where I made an effort to see something I'd already seen and felt weird upon realizing I may be just like them. Eeeesh. At least I didn't audibly gasp and say "OMG!" in a creepy way every time a certain cute character came on? You have no idea how many times I shuddered during the movie. People are so weird.

I love your bf's shoes!
I agree! Those are some Greeeat shoes :)
Ruth X.x.
twocoathangers Vintage Store HERE
my bf is a huge anime fan, i tease him about it but i think it's quite cool really :)
i love your style!
lucky, i really want to see the haruhi movie! i doubt it'll come to australia anytime soon though
Me and bf are anime fans and he just recently got me into The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I'm working on finishing up the second season.
I'm glad to hear that you're a bit of an anime fan :)
Also, kind of sucks that most anime fans seem to be creepy middle aged men...but meh.
What other series do you watch?
Cool bow tie and your bfs shoes are awesome. xx
Aww, too bad you couldn't enjoy the movie as much as you expected to! I'm guessing you had this kind of experience at the theater: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTFZyl7hfBw
I watched both seasons of Haruhi (the second one was pretty disappointing since 1/3 of it was different iterations of the same thing) but I had no idea a film came out too. I'm going to see if I can find it anywhere to download or else I don't think there is any way I'm going to watch it since anime is crazy expensive and I refuse English dubs. You should just force your friends to watch some anime with you and then before they know it they'll be hooked too. Like any other medium there is good and bad but the good is REALLY good.
Oh and cute outfit (as always)!
your boots, your boots, your boots!! and the ring too...LOVE
Oh man, FUK U Shushi... that's the first thing i noticed - i'm so immature xx (and your bf's shoes. niiiiiiice)
meh, I feel like there's a lot of unwarranted stigma over people doing things alone. if anything, doing things like shopping or watching a movie is better when you're not with anyone.
Fantastic outfit girl!! Love your BF'S SHOES..How lovely!!
stephanie - i just finally watched kimi ni todoke and am moving on to angel beats. i'm also watching the second season of k-on as it premieres!
ganymede girl - yeeeah, i wrote half of my paper on endless eight in combination with the movie. i probably watched each version at least five times for that paper. i found the movie online but it's a really crappy camera rip.
Hahaha, I like anime (the good stuff of course) but it's a real shame that it appeals so strongly to the kind of people who seem to substitute their anime fandom for a personality and band together in creepy little groups, each trying out-fan each other in a weird, almost ritualistic display of shouting catchphrases and acting embarrassingly in public...and those are the more socially adept ones, ahaha.
Anyway, I would really like to read your paper! You must be a bit of a masochist for watching those episodes so many times, I'm interested in seeing what you wrote about them.
love those shoes - - the woven ones, , , will be on the look out for something similar this summer! ck :) x
Aw sorry you went alone! Hope you enjoyed it! I still need to catch on my Haruhi >.< I know shame shame!
Lovely outfit!
Love the BFs shoes. Was that you or him ;) ??
Supercute outfit!!! I'm such a b&w freak!!! :) And the weather... looks like crazy May is a global fenomenon! :)
i love his shoes! and i'm visiting sf tomorrow.. packing winter clothes :(
That bow is so cute. By the way, you shouldn't feel so bad about watching movies alone. My boyfriend used to do it all the time (when he had time) and Steven Spielberg prefers to do it alone also!
Love your boyfriend's shoes. Have you seen Bleach? That's my most favorite anime evvveerrrrr.
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+ + + + + + + + + + + +
lmbo to the people saying omg and your shuddering! that must have been extremely weird lol you look very adorable ...and carefree hair is the best hair
hey..i am from germany, and i was waiting for a new post since days (^_^)...i usually watch whole other seasons of series or animes during times i should learn, too. it started with my brother, who have shown me a anime series years ago...i am always looking for good lovely animes, so i will watch this film within the next few days...i am really curious, but also i don't think my friends would be interested..
awesome outfit!
your bf's shoes is so awsome ! LOVE !
lol I've always really liked manga and anime and I've always been REALLY embarrassed about it.. Mainly because none of my other friends are interested in that sort of thing.
Plus the people who are really obsessed always seem a little off...and that doesn't make me feel any better about myself.
u're too cute; im a super big fan!
need a cuppa coffee now...ahhh...so jealous that u're done with finals!
You both have amazing shoes!
I salute you for your solo cinema trip. You never talk to people you're with in the cinema anyway. Maybe I shall take the step to cinema-it alone.
You both look fab! Love your outfit, such a cute monochrome look!
Love what you are wearing!!!! You look amazing!
Those shoes are gorgeous!! I love how you're wearing so much black on such a gloomy weather day :)
stop by my blogs!
so adorable!! and i love love LOVE your ring!!
Your boyfriend's shoes are amazing!
AHH!! Japantown! That was the only place I forgot to visit when I was in Cali. Sounds like you had fun though.
btw, have you ever tried to force your bf to have a blog? 'cause i really adore his style !
Your outfit is so cute. I totally get the wierd anime fans thing. I work at a library and we have an Otakus for life anime fan night and the people who attend are almost certifiable!
I really adore your boots, so cool!! I wish I had de same..
Really cute outfit! Love the bow! And I agree, your bf's shoes is amazing!
hah aw, my best friend is an anime fan but not too crazy. It sounds like you had a lot of fun though. That coffee looks yummy.
Sounds like you had fun! I love your trench. x
You look adorable as always! ^^
love the black bow! and love the coffee shot ;) haha
i think i find most american otaku repulsive as i've gone to fanime almost every year since high school and none of them seem to shower, ever and insist on making "free hugs and kisses" signs.
haha my bf just bought exactly the same shoes! great taste!! if only my feet were a bit bigger and his were much smaller - I would borrow them all the time! hehe
What are your favorite anime series? I'd have to say mine are Naruto, FLCL, and Azumanga Daioh :D
Where do you watch the series for Haruhi? Can you link please?
Gorgeous photos!!
Adorably cute black bow you have there, and I always LOVE when you wear those sunglasses, so gorgeous. I need to invest in a new pair for winter, me thinks.
Don't stress, btw, I can think of many people who are far weirder than you :P It's good to have a passion for something a little off centre, it is what makes us all interesting. :D
Looking forward to the more frequent updates, I always make a point of checking here for updates before I head off in the morning, you're my dose of coffee!
wow like your bf shoes its pretty cool
Other blog's
you guys are awesome..:)
like your bf shoes its pretty cool..
Other blog's
that outfit is incredible, has to be one of my favorites! I like to think that I'm a huge anime fan but then I notice the otaku's and I come to a realization that yup i'm pretty much normal :D
I read more manga than i actually watch anime for some reason. Paradise Kiss, Cowboy Bebop, Case Closed, Lovely Complex are some favorites. What are yours?
sorry for the long post :)
Great tunic.
I actually love going to movies alone... I just sit at the back with a huge bag of popcorn.
Great blog!
Fun pictures!
Love your sunglasses!!
Xoxo Birgitte
I love your outfit, it is very very very cute :)
Is that your boyfriend? I like his style!
new people is my favorite place in the world. Have you seen detroit metal city? my faveee
what great pictures, youre beautiful!
Love Poppy
i know what you mean. in my experience anime fans are loud/annoying/creepy & don't wash their hair nearly often enough.
is that a stereotype? i don't know. but anyway, i love your outfit, so cute!
the black bow is so cute.
it really makes the outfit :)
Great bow!
This post was pretty freaking hysterical. I know the feeling. Oh man, wackos of the world---keep on keepin' on.
love the boots ^^
Hello! I've just recently discovered your blog, it's great.
I also struggle to find anyone to come see anime films with me - mostly I wait for the DVDs, but I admire you for braving the cinema alone!
Bella x
i love the mel. of haruhi suzumiya, but sometimes anime fans *especially males* kind of kill that feeling instead i just watch anime at home hahaha
Anime fest? love that...
And a good job to BF; great shoes AND great boyfriend-ness for accompanying you on the 'japantown date'...:)
chloe ** http://flowerponychloe.blogspot.com
I'm really curious about your paper, could you possibly post it?
You have such a fun clothing style, I love your bow tie!
I'm not an anime fan at all, but I think it's kind of lame that in lots of entries you pretty much brag about how weird you think you are (the pika thing comes to mind, among others things), yet when you encounter it in people whose idiosyncrasies don't meet your approval, you immediately judge and mock them on your blog. I guess weirdness is only acceptable in good-looking or fashionable people and their friends, and only then if it's something you can use your blog to make seem 'cute' or 'eccentric'...
anonymous - how does this sound: rofl brb, jerking off to loli/child anime porn. putting it lightly, these guys in their late 20s and 30s were sounded like they were jizzing in their pants ("OH GOD OH GOD! OHHHH MY GOD!") when they would make a commotion about a certain character coming on screen. even if i am weird in certain regards, how in the hell would any sane person respond to these people who are so obviously intimately attached to cartoon characters that don't exist? these habits go far beyond idiosyncrasies and venture way into the realm of crippling social behaviors...
if you weren't there to see that and don't know anything about it, don't say shit. i'll rip you a new one, even if i have to resort to vulgar language and making you feel like the miserable idiot that you are for taking the time to comment on that. COOL STORY BRO.
the bow is a really great touch!
xo Carlina
eemmm sounds yummy... u have to try benihana also in japantown.
how is what you're talking about that much different from girls screaming their panties off at male celebrities (and/or the characters they play, i.e. twilight), which is considered fairly socially acceptable; probably because they tend to be girls, and many of them are good-looking. that's not really even the point though. the fact that there are thousands of these kinds of people who gather and hang out together means that clearly what these people do is socially acceptable, just not in the social circle you hang out it. the same could be said about the things that you like and the stuff that you do, again by people that are outside your social circle. i know that you're not reaching a huge audience here, but i still think it's unfair to call people out on your blog b/c they're more invested in something that you yourself are clearly really into. i assume they were not actually jerking off in the theater, since that would be illegal. if they do jerk off to anime porn in private, who are you to judge what they do in their own homes? i'm sure you wouldn't seem quite so cool if all your readers knew about everything you do in private.
by the way - you're cute, and you have decent style, but you're not really clever enough to 'rip me a new one' and lol @ you thinking you have the ability to make me feel like a 'miserable idiot' with your super harsh internet comments. sorry if i don't feel like jumping in line to kiss your ass and tell you how awesome you are every time you lift a finger.
miserable idiot = the retard with no life who actually takes time out of her day to post these comments and check for my response. do you really not have anything better to do with your time than check my comments compulsively? i am exempt because i get comments emailed to me on my phone and i'm not really going out of my way when i respond to you in my defense on my own blog. if anything, i think it's hilarious to respond because without a doubt, i know you're making an effort to come back here just to see if i've responded to you. i was actually doubting you would come back since that would just make you look more pathetic but oh well, what can i do?
next order of business: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2006-03-11/virginia-man-gets-20-years-for-anime-child-porn
also look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolicon
i just took a class on anime where we studied otaku culture and specific cases where you won't imagine how fucked in the mind some of these people are. like i said (if you were paying attention) it goes way beyond being "too weird" in the comfort of their own homes and translates into social behaviors and problems that affect society and their own abilities to integrate themselves into it. these guys were not only fetishizing a fake cartoon character; they were going crazy over the character which resembled a child most out of all the characters on screen. the scene which made me the most uncomfortable to be there was one where the character in question found herself in a helpless situation and a guy behind me went ahead and commented (to himself, mind you, he was there alone) about how "hot" she looked right as she was cowering and whimpering. how am i supposed to feel when i was sitting there alone thinking about how i still needed to walk in the dark to get to my bus stop and wait 20 minutes for it? as for the comment about these people hanging out and gathering together, most of them were there alone; i spent enough time before the movie waiting in the theater with them for an hour to see which people were there socializing with friends and which ones were keeping to themselves while just staring at others.
i don't expect anyone to jump in line and kiss my ass all the time but your comments ON MY PERSONAL BLOG and the time you put into attempting to berate someone you obviously don't know show how self righteous you are for thinking you can call me out on something that you not only did not experience and were not there to witness but also clearly know nothing about. if i were not an anime fan, maybe this would have come off as shallow coming from an outsider but because i have been watching these shows and interacting with these people for years (in addition to studying the otaku subculture in an academic setting in a senior seminar at uc berkeley) i know enough to understand what behaviors cross the line and turn into something that is more than just weird.
Your BF's shoes are great! And I love your blog. But the fact that you're complaining over people who just act differently than you/are different than you is just plain silly. You're the reason why people complain about hipsters.
Pretentious high horse.
anonymous again? this is way too easy. i'm not going to repeat anything i already said so just read the above comments (unless you are an illiterate idiot like the rest of the anons).
i'm pretty sure that you're the one who should get get your high horse since you are the one who found it necessary to take the time out of your life to post a comment on MY blog criticizing what i choose to complain about without really knowing shit about what i am saying. you really don't have anything better to do? really? i feel sorry for you. i'm sorry your life sucks so much that you feel you have to talk about me like this on my blog. truly sorry.
Agh! You are so lucky to be living in SF! I wish they screened The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya in Los Angeles. We unlucky ones have to wait for the dvd release :(
so beautiful look...lovely blog :ň
Cappuccino and woven amazing shoes, perfect!
Cutest outfit. I love the mesh of food and fashion. Makes me hungry.
love your outfit. your style is fantastic and the mouthwatering photos of food make me deliciously happy.
anyway, i've been following your blog a bit, never commented before though. if you have a chance, take a quick browse through my blog (where i've linked your blog as a favorite)
...and ignore cowardly "anonymous" people who feel the need to comment on your personal opinions and observations... at least you are not hiding behind "anonymity". when it comes down to it, if they don't like your opinion they simply don't have to read your blog, easy as that...
love your booties!
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