american apparel striped sweater, theory shorts, hansel from basel tuxedo socks
I'm sitting on my bed procrastinating a research paper while wearing Hansel From Basel socks I forgot I had (from their first collection) and a sweater originally purchased for BF which he admitted he couldn't see himself wearing. Did I mention it was our one year anniversary last week? We intended to go on a picnic but it rained on the day that we chose so we held it indoors. I still haven't received my present (Lulu says it's good, so I'm trusting her judgment) because of FedEx but there's no rush.
In other news, I'm used to my short hair now but can't figure out what to do on days when the frizz won't go away (like today). I'm trying to stay away from heat and styling tools but am really tempted to dye my hair a lighter brown. bad idea? Also, any solutions for cracked lips? Nothing I use seems to be working.
In other news, I'm used to my short hair now but can't figure out what to do on days when the frizz won't go away (like today). I'm trying to stay away from heat and styling tools but am really tempted to dye my hair a lighter brown. bad idea? Also, any solutions for cracked lips? Nothing I use seems to be working.
And finally, because I love torturing you guys with photos of food (just kidding) here's some Tartine for the road. I always take for granted that BF lives within walking distance from there.

I love your dark hair color! Stick with it! I like the volume. It's not frizzy at all.
As for cracked lips, Aquaphor and A & D ointment work wonders. A little goes a long way!
I use Burts Bees, the original stuff. It's got a little hint of peppermint oil, so everytime you breathe in your breath smells minty fresh!
And I absolutely adoreee those socks!
for cracked lips- rosebud salve, everyone swears by it! cute sweater!
rosebud salve link:
aw, hansel from basel. i just barely discovered them and bought a pair of ankle socks from them last week. they are so cute! and i like your shorter hairs. :)
Too cute for words! Seriously!! Those socks are so cute! I need the trick for chapped lips too :x
I loooove your hair. So so much. And your socks are so killer.
My sis had extreme chapped lips and nothing worked except the Nivea Kiss of Moisture (the daker blue one)
I love your socks.
Your hair is gorgeous. You are giving me ideas to cut my own real short. I hate how my hair gets because of the humidity! And please don't color your hair. Black is always gorgeous. People pay money to get their hair colored darker or blonder. Your pictures are so adorable. Very cute! As for cracked lips, try butter. Its yummy and it works! ;)
Try Argon Oil for frizziness. You're too cute ^-^
I use Carmex for chapped lips. Works so well sometimes I think its crack in a tub!
Love the hair and outfit!!
vasaline for chapped lips! works wonders
Rosebud Salve my go to for chapped lips. I give every woman in my family/friends it for Christmas, Birthday's etc. and I've got them ALL hooked (even my 94 year old Great-Grandmother). Yes, it's that good. Go buy it, you won't regret it!
I actually have Rosebud Salve but it's not working!!
those socks are adorable, and I wear my boyfriends shirts all the time, they are so much more comfortable
lovelove, M.
you are the cutest person ever, hands down!
xo tiffany
I like the hair cut! I also celebrated my one year last week! Love the blog!!!
<3 the hair.
and try aquaphor for the lips. does wonders.
You are just too freakin adorable.
Try to stay away from the heating tools, tempting as it may be! Loving your hair that short by the way, it suits you so much.
I can't go anywhere without a tube of Lucas's PawPaw. Everyone seems to use it but it's just so handy it's not hard to see why!
I love your socks and the food looks so cute, haha
YUM. i love when you post food pictures. ;) your socks are rad!
i have a really good lip cream from elizabeth arden. it's a bit expensive but it lasts forever and works wonders! i can't find it right now but i'll post the full name later :)
Dont go with Carmex. Its addictive, ick.
I lllllove Burts Bee's original lipbalm. Not the honey flavored, just the medicated. Its got a hint of minty freshness thats so amzing.
But you might want to start with basic vaseline or bag balm to heal the cracks first.
Dont dye your hair! It's so beautiful, and i think the cut's fresh enough. It looks great, by the way!
Omigosh, I looooove tartine. Each time I'm in SF, I go there like 5 times. Anyhow, love your hair.
As for cracked lips, have you tried exfoliating gently with a wet toothbrush? Then rosebud salve.
my lips get cracked all the time too, i think it's the norcal dryness. usually when mine get really bad I drink lots of water and use classic burt's bees lip balm, it helps a ton! =)
I had this b&b fruit pudding not long time ago http://www.flickr.com/photos/42829923@N08/4405106621/ and it's one my favorite things at Tartine...
use the c.o. bigelow mint balm. works like a charm. i used to have seriously chapped lips, but that c.o. bigelow junk is so awesome.
oh, also, your hair is really nice! but for days when it gets hard to manage, dove is the best for asian hair! fekkai is better, but so much more expensive.
it's the elizabeth arden eight hour cream (skin protectant). it cured my split lip in two days! i use my flatmate's but i'll definitely buy my own... tell me if it worked if u decided to use this one ;)
Love the sweater + socks combo, so cute!
Those socks are adorable.
I just tried using the new Neosporin lip treatment. The commercials really sold me and it really does work. Pretty amazing.
I just tried using the new Neosporin lip treatment. The commercials really sold me and it really does work. Pretty amazing.
UGH I have perpetually chapped lips and I have tried so many products! If you find one that works will you post it? And your hair looks adorable but it is always fun to try something new.
Please...I love the pictures of the food! Soo yummy. :] By the way, I can't take how adorable you look with your new hair!
Take care.
simple solution to cracked lips: vaseline and plenty of water. i put vas on my lips before i go to bed and whenever i head out the door. the water keeps you hydrated.
hope that helps!
i agree with the aquaphor. i love it. you can also use it for dry spots on your skin, cuticle cream and an eye cream at night. so many uses! definitely worth the money. and my dermatologist recommended to it me many moons ago. and she hasn't failed me yet. aquaphor is aaaaaaaaamaaazing. i like the dark hair on you. it bring our your eyes.
Cute and thank you for sharing all your recipes they are great!!
aww i love the hfb socks! I wanted to get the otk ones with the knee pads but they sold out so fast ):
your short curly hair has made me want to perm mine too!!! ugh but my hair is so dead and fried from bleaching/dying that I should wait to grow it all out first ):
lastly, dry rough lips? I normally exfoliate by scrubbing my lips with my toothbrush lol sounds weird but honestly it works haha
i love your socks! :D and your new hair really suits you
beautiful photos!
and i love your sweater!
i remember those socks from long ago! do you always look this adorable even when you're just lounging around at home? <3 also, i use petroleum jelly for cracked lips.
happy anniversary to you & Pika! more cuteness abound~ :3
Great sweater! I wish we could have a better peek at the shorts.
I don't know if it's available in the US, but blistex relief cream (this one specifically) is THE most amazing lip balm (it used to be called blisteze) it's a cream and minty scented and honestly the best thing i've ever found. Anyone i lend it to loves it. My friend was on medication which made their skin peel terribly and this stuff was magic for them :)
I don't know if it's available in the US, but blistex relief cream (this one specifically) is THE most amazing lip balm (it used to be called blisteze) it's a cream and minty scented and honestly the best thing i've ever found. Anyone i lend it to loves it. My friend was on medication which made their skin peel terribly and this stuff was magic for them :)
For cracked lips I would say try Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream or if you're in the mood to splurge Estee Lauder lip conditioner, if you can find it.
Love those socks!!!!
ahhhh this is such a cute post i love it. those socks are mega and cute jumper too. just found your blog and im following now! wohooo!
happy anniversary! yummy food pics! mmmm
i'm having a giveaway for a reconstructed spring mini skirt on my blog, doll. check it out!
happy anniversary! yummy food pics! mmmm
i'm having a giveaway for a reconstructed spring mini skirt on my blog, doll. check it out!
Personally, I've found the Strawberry Rosebud Salve to work wonders on my chapped lips (and taste yummy), but I also use some Vaseline before I go to bed and occasionally switch it out with C.O. Bigelow mint gloss.
I LOVE your socks.
You're adorable and I love all your scrumptious food photos. YUMMMM :)
I'm really into Perfumeria Gal lip balms. Urban carries them now, but they're big in Spain.
really cool look!
x amber
Haven't been by in ages, lovin the new hair, so cute!
Try Blistex, it's what I use when I'm skiing. Anything that heals lips that have been chapped from -20 degree, 40km winds has gotta be good.
you look adorable in this outfit and those socks! definitely try aquaphor or vaseline... a staple in my purse for chapped lips.
i love your short hair but i hear you re the fuzz days. Sadly, I still revert to my GHD in hard times because you just cant get past that polished finish! Plus, i mean, cos your hair is so short you're only using it for like 10 seconds. That's my argument :)
as for cracked/dry lips - every tried Kiehl's lip balm? Mango rocks.
GUESS Maeve Black Ankle Boots
I swear by Benefit's Dr. Feelgood's lipscription. It scrubs away all my chapped stuff and the lip balm hydrates throughout the day. I like to leave it on while I'm sleeping and wake up to soft lips. :)
I love your hair, don't you feel so much lighter after cutting off so much? And those socks are amazing. As for your cracked lips, I find Blistex (the one in the blue pot)and Aveeno ointments work best, and their drugstore so pretty cheap too.
I love your hair! It suits you perfectly.
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I don't think I've ever commented here, but I've been following you for a while and your blog is def one of my favorites!
lips: smear on some vaseline, leave it on for a few minutes, then scrub it (along with the dry skin) off with a warm & damp face cloth and apply your favorite lip moisturizer. (sometimes I skip the vaseline step when I'm lazy, but the wash cloth is a sure fix!)
from the pictures you've shown, i think your bf would look great in that sweater! my own guy & I share that sweater too haha.
Nice socks!
wow, i love your blog
Put some eye cream on your lips before you go to bed. The luxe moisturizer helps to prevent chapped lips.
For cracked lips one thing that really got mine in a better condition was the Neosporine Lip Treatment. I put it on before going to bed and wake up with soft non-cracked lips, and that's huge for me. And for frizz, you can try the John Frieda's Frizz-Ease products, i use the serum and it works really well.
I also stand by Aquaphor for dry skin. And drinking a grip of water, seriously! Gotta hydrate from the inside. My mom also just got me started on Badger Balm, their all-natural lip butters have a great consistency, moisturize with natural oils, and even leave your lips a little shiny. Pretty good stuff.
Burts bees with peppermint during the day. Slather on the Aquaphor at night.
Burts bees with peppermint during the day. Slather on the Aquaphor at night.
Give Burt's Bees lip balm a try. My lips used to be permanently cracked and I'd tried everything from Vaseline to Rosebud Salve. But Burt's Bees is absolute genius. I just need to apply it every now and then and my lips don't crack anymore. Also it has this tingly feeling which most people find odd, but I love. I hope this helped :)
i think your hair is nice the colour it is, but maybe a bit of a red tinge would be cool too :)
LUCAS PAWPAW OITMENT is the BEST for cracked lips!
Heyyy I've been discovering all these other Bay Area fashion bloggers it's super exciting. I live in No. Oak, do you go to Cal? I'm going to grad this may. Obsessed with those socks.
xo, Caitlin
Ooo that food does look good.
I absolutely love your tuxedo socks.
Congratulations on your year anniversary, cute! :)
yummy. i always get hungry when i visit your blog. but i dont mind it, because photos of food you post look so nice every time... if nothing it is nice to look at them. socks are supšer cute, and stripes - of course wonderful, we are all into stripes this year, but honestly, i really like them. your hair looks great, even if you say it doesnt.
congrats on your happy lovely anniversary. i wish you whole bunch more of them :) it is so great to be in love :)
black and white stripes with those fun knee highs! love it! great look fabulous post!
dying your hair will dry it out and make it frizzier!! you should just give it a quick rough blowdry when its wet, so it doesn't dry so frizzy.
also, pawpaw ointment is the best for cracked lips!
I loved Tartine when I visited SF but I wish it wasn't so busy. I've been following your blog for a bit and I've gotta say your new haircut is cute. Maybe you can just use some kind of cuticle sealant. I'm currently using something from the brand "Organix" which has minimal chemicals and smells great. I rub it in when I wash my hair before bed and in the morning it's messy-ish but not frizzy. :)
I use Kiehl's serum, it's pretty pricey, about $35 I'd say (rough conversion in my head), but it works wonders, it's light (doesn't feel oily), made of good stuff, and you can use it on wet hair or dry hair to de-frizz. I swear by it!! And I have pretty wavy hair!
the food looks amazing and you look ADORABLLEE!!!
Very cute outfit!
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omg neosporin lip treatment FTW srsly! then when it's healed try the new EOS lip balm (the cute egg-shaped ones). i'm not a big fan of how it feels but it really does keep my lips hydrated--they NEVER peel anymore.
I love sharing my favorite lip balm its called Nanak's Lip Smoothie (I love it in Coconut) it is perfect. Not too oily or greasy, not too thick, not to dry. Perfection. I love coconut so I usually buy that flavor but they have different kinds. They are about $3 and last forever. I am obsessed with this product. http://www.webvitamins.com/product.aspx?id=30482&wvaid=IN&term=become
I love the pops of color constrasting the neutrals! Anni, u have an excellent eye!
I second exfoliating with a wet toothbrush (electric), as well as paw paw ointment although I only found it in Australia.
I've been using Korres lip balm for the past 6 months and absolutely love it! I wear it every day all day :)
Gaaa! Loving your new hair. Looks good on you even though I'll be missing your long locks. Your socks are lovely as well.
For really bad cracked lips, I use petroleum jelly before going to bed and use Bloom's lip balm during the day. =)
LUCAS PAPAW OINTMENT!I've actually recently written a post on my blog about papaw stuff
yes to dying your hair a lighter brown! :)
Stick to the dark hair color! It really works well with your skin tone.
Also, a tip for cracked lips.
Try blistex medicated lip balm. It will sting a bit at first, but that generally means that it's working.
Other than that, Aquaphor works well.
Both can be found at Walgreens or any other pharmacy.
cracked lips....good old fashioned vaseline (petroleum jelly) and once they heal go to rosebud because you can carry that in your purse :) you are gorgeous.
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