Saturday, February 27, 2010

cookies solve all of life's problems



After telling myself that I wouldn't let my cabin fever get the best of me this weekend, I ventured out for the first time in two weeks to hang out with Pika and Mike. Needless to say, I was exhausted, cranky, and in pain less than an hour in, but it was still a vast improvement from festering all weekend in my bedroom. I'm surprised Pika was actually willing to curb his fast pace and walk slowly beside me (although not without the occasional jest about my gimp walk). Thankfully I'm now back in my cozy apartment and do not plan on leaving until I absolutely must for class on Monday. At least I retained my sanity.

Muni was a pain in the ass and for some reason it took us three buses to get to Haight Street. Somehow we ended up in the Castro after a bus stopped running halfway through and stumbled into Hot Cookie for some, well, cookies obviously. The three of us were quite satisfied with our choices (the white chocolate macadamia cookie was mine if anyone was wondering) and a lot less grumpy thanks to the sugar in our systems.

white chocolate macadamia


fudge cookie


Urban Lullaby said...

looks yum! :)

Unknown said...

Looks YUMMY : ) I love cookies

_ said...

Ugh I just got done whining to my sister about how the torta you posted on twitter looked so delicious and how I can't wait to get some food with real, fresh ingredients in california soon, and now these! the last cookie looks so fucking perfect!!! ahhhh.

Anonymous said...

holy shit that last one looks intense

Lillian said...

I always bake when I'm stressed for this very reason. Something about taking raw flour, sugar and butter and turning it into golden brown, crunchy, chewy, tender cookies makes it all seem better. White chocolate macadamia are some of my favorites but macadamia nuts are SO expensive! So they are a rare treat.

raven said...

Don't worry. It's not a gimp walk, bc if you own that shit - it's a pimp walk ;)

I gave up sweets for lent, so these look EXTRA amazing!


kayang said...


Lorena said...

Ahh these cookies all look so good, especially the last one since I'm a sucker for chocolate. I love your gorgeous natural long nails, how do you take care of them and keep them from breaking or are they just naturally tough?


The cookies look SO delicious! xo

Chiffon Dreams said...

Yum!! I go for chocolate when I need something to cheer me up:)

stop by my blogs!

Debby said...

i love this place! for my birthday last year, my friend who lives in SF, managed to carry a genital shaped one in a gift bag through security, onto a plane, all the way to orange county for me. =) needless to say, airport security gave her quite a teasing.

Leigh said...

I think we have the same taste in cookies.

Bookworm Bitch said...

oh i lurve cookies- i had a couble chocolate one yesterday... gorgeous!!!
plz visit my blog xx

sha said...

mm cookies really do solve some seemingly unsolvable problems. I think a lot of foods do that (namely spinach and artichoke dip for me)

hope you feel better <3

Gela said...

mmmmmmmm cookies. =P~

William Street Store said...

The cookies look divine!
Well done for venturing out! Even though you were in agony :(
get better soon xx

Iulia Romana said...

Oh gosh,I love the food post ! Delicious & mouthwatering !

Unknown said...

Looks so yummy!

phantom; said...

Goddamn yes cookies solve everything. Those ones look really good D:
Glad you are feeling better enough to get cookies :P

estelleblogmode said...

Mmm, they look divine !!

You are so beautiful. I wish you the best, as you had bad things in the last weeks.

Victoria Jin said...

NOMNOMNOM at the cookies!


Lyly skell x said...

Awww, the last one made me want eat it !

Anonymous said...

It's great to see you feel a bit better, now =)
The sunglasses look SO great on you, seriously!

Wish you all the best

Clara said...

These photos are amazing, great idea - it's like, "show me your cookie, i'll tell you who you are"

Jenn said...

Ohhh. Cookies do make the world go 'round, don't they? :)

Zoe said...

long live all the cookies!!!

Hanna said...

mmmmm, they look delicious!

Sharan said...

Hi Annabel!

I just started following your blog and it has become a major reason for my procrastination :)

I don't really have a sweet tooth but cookies do solve life's problems!


Unknown said...

There's nothing like cookies to brighten up your day :)

DaMonique said...

Mmm... I would like to know what that second cookie is?! It looks like a blueberry sugar cookie- YUM!

La Lionne said...

Hmmmmmm, yummy! It makes me hungry!

Zuzolińska said...

mmmmmm, looks delicious, especially chocolate one!

Anonymous said...

mmmm.. those are some wonderful, scrumptious shots of those cookies :)

Nana MoonDancer said...

love your glasses.
and yeah,
cookies really do solve all of life's problems

Anonymous said...

Those cookies look delish!

Anonymous said...

can we get a picture of mike? he looks cute! haha.

Katie said...

I LOVE Hot Cookie! Sounds like an excellent outing.

Lainey said...

Those cookie pictures are making me crazy. I recently gave up chocolate for lent, and anything I see with chocolate sends me on this crazy craving. Lol. Don't worry it's not your fault. They're just really great pics on a really great blog.

DarlingMegan said...

omg those look delicious! I really enjoy that a lot of your posts include food as I'm a food junky myself!


Gillian Hannah Berry said...

goodness, you post such delicious looking food.

Shelby said...

YUM! I just thought you should know that you have the best hair known to man.

the desert foxx said...

I loveee Hot Cookie. The interior is so adorable also. Try the rice krispies-- they're really good.

anyways, i really hope that you recover soon, from whathever it is that is so unfairly attacking you!


Wei's said...

Cookies! One of my fav indulgence.. =D Glad you are better now...

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Lillian C said...

Ohmygosh, those cookies look amazingly delicious!!
I'll have to make a trip up to SF just to try some!!
(And I agree with your title...they do solve all problems :)


Awh they look gorgeous.. wish we had HC here!

Get well soon :)

M said...


denise - SUPERWOWOMG said...

mmmm white chocolate macadamia is one of my favourites..especially from mrs. fields. Back in the day they used ot make them huugge like the size of my palm, but now they're super cheapos and they've shrunk like half the diameter ): SAD.
hope you're doing okayyyyyyyyy!

what dia like said...

great pictures:)

the style crusader said...

these cookies look incredible! i always love your food photos! xx

Whoopi said...

Those look so good!!!

A. said...

100% agree. cookies are the answer to al of life's troubles.


Taylor Sterling said...

couldn't agree more! xo

the not so dumb blonde said...

these cookies are awesome! they're making me hungry...
anyway you look like a really nice and sweet girl, and i hope you get better soon!!

elspeth angharad said...

quite honestly makes me want to reach for my apron and bake :) xx

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Thao said...

Glad to see you back on your feet :) Those cookies look yummmmmyy om nom nom.

Luxe. said...

Me want COOKIE!!! This blog makes me so hungry!!.x

Sandra said...

I love cookies!! I could never stop eating them!!! (L)


IKS said...

:) I came today just to see if you posted anything, and praying in side of me for a yes! `cos that means you are getting better :) I am sorry for the pain you are still feeling but it is nice to see you, and to see you are posting :) cookies look yummy, and you gorgeous as always :)
Take care :)

Christine Lane said...

glad you got to get out for a day!
cookies look delish


Anonymous said...

i hope you get better soon! those cookies look delicious by the way. also, i watched the enchilada video again. i just loved it. make more! :)

lauren said...

what happy photos!? i suppose if i was eating those cookies i would be happy too!
be a follower, not a hater

iliketweet said...

Those cookies look a-mazing. Could eat one right now!



dy of ghost said...

the cookies look awesome!


insane chocolate cookie...

kulululu said...

mmm..i want that cookies


cookie names?

Allegra said...

loove cookies. can't get enough of them.. haha

The Starving Stylist said...

i really want a cookie right now.

tdw said...

mmmmhhh cookies!! I'm hungry now XD

(News on

Meru said...

Ms. Annabel, how do you eat so much good food and stay so thin and beautiful?

Anonymous said...

oh that cookies are soooooooo attractive :)

Youna said...

It looks reaaaaally good !

Ana said...

I just found your blog, and I like you instantly based on your view on cookies. They definitely solve problems!

- Ana

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