Monday, December 7, 2009

study study study

acne v-neck, vintage silk top, bdg jeans, anthropologie boots

Yes, it's that time again. Final exams, papers, yada yada.. I'll spare you guys from the annoying details. I'm unusually calm at the moment but I don't expect it to last very long, I think it's the eight cups of tea I've consumed compulsively. Here's what I wore today to, umm, not leave my apartment after coming back from an optional class. I went out in an oversized sweater and froze my ass off in the sunny 40 something degree weather and refused to leave my place for the rest of the day. I know this weather is not terrible for most people but when you're as spoiled as we Californians are, it's really unbearable. The other day my friend and I were talking to a sales rep at Barneys (where I just bought this super soft Acne top, btw) who's from England and was loving the weather; unfortunately it's just not our thing.

I also spent the day taking new photos for the shop! Sorry to anyone who has emailed me within the past month inquiring about items, I closed the shop without saying anything. I'll get back to you guys ASAP. Most of the clothes I posted are perfect for winter and cold weather so check it out!

vintage oversized oatmeal cableknit sweater



Jenny said...

The sweater looks so so so cozy! I remember complaining about San Francisco's 40 degree weather way more than I ever complained about Iowa's -40 degree winter. I'm not sure why--I think it's just because I'm expecting to lose my extremities to cold in Iowa, but if it's even a little cold in California, I feel annoyed.

xo Jenny Fashion for Writers


ha! i almost bought that acne T at the barneys in union square, 49 bucks right? i decided against it though cause, well, im poor. glad it went to good hands :)


denise - SUPERWOWOMG said...

omg those boots.....

what dia like said...

lovely boots!

Heart Charlie said...

I love this outfit! I can only hope that Barneys on the east coast has that acne top!

jette said...

cool boots!
and good luck on all your finals, being a fellow UC student.

Coline said...

I love love love your boots!

And thanks for your comment on my blog last time ;)

danmyy said...

ooh I love your red top! its such a vibrant colour! Love the cute ensemble!


Urban Lullaby said...

lovely boots. x

The Starving Stylist said...

wicked boots. love it.

lau-ra said...

your boots kick ass! i love them. good luck on your exams. i graduated in september so i know how you feel and a lot of my friends are studying. it sucks but you'll get thru it. be brave ;)

M. said...

love your outfit, your boots are amazing!

mens casual jacket said...

Really liking that sweater! However, i'm absolutely loving those boots!

theflawlet said...

I really love this, it looks gorgeous!

Erica from Unfunded said...

oooh! I love! posting about it now....

Kait said...

Love the red silk! San Francisco is sooo cold today! I just moved here from NYC and was NOT expecting this...I didn't even bring my winter coat!

missnonhuman said...

such a pretty color and the boots are amazing!

Anonymous said...

It has to be colder than 40 in Berkeley...

Nana MoonDancer said...


Georgia said...

Yess, that sounds warm.. :)
love the red with those boots
It would be mine

the style spotter said...

great sweater!

Chelsea said...

I love this look. The red is such a great color and the boots keep the whole look from venturing into a sad, preppy land.

Unknown said...

love this look. your style is amazing! following you!

Anonymous said...

i like the lightness of the acne shirt! very dreamy

Emilie said...

I COULD NOT BE MORE OBSESSED WITH THE ANTHROPOLOGIE BOOTS AND THE DUFFLE COAT..I have been looking for a pair of boots and those are unbelievable. Did you get them recently?

Anonymous said...

finals, i completely understand. caffeine is the best remedy to survive haha.
btw i love the look!! especially the boots!

Antonio Barros said...

Amazing boots!

Unknown said...

Hey there =) I love your style, it's so pretty and relaxed. Vintage silk shirts are gorgeous, i totally agree. I own none however, which does suck quite a lot... Love your blog *follows you*

Panda xx

Joelle said...

Love love the boots! And just be glad that you guys don't have any snow like we do! :(
Good luck on your finals! i'm off to study my self

Anonymous said...

oh snap i love those boots!

Bianca Nieves said...

Lovely outfit!

shopahallic said...

amazing boots!

Lauren said...

those boots are fantastic!!

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gives you soft and bouncy curls - I use it to style and comb my hair (when wet) and then finish with a bit of MoroccanOil and have hair that looks great all day long

Anonymous said...


starting using this oil when I colored my hair at the recommendation of my hairdresser because my hair sometimes felt limp and lifeless. I still use it now that I've let my gray grow out. It makes my hair

feel and smell great. I found that I don't have to wash my hair every day; I just spread some Curl Cream on my hands and scrunch it through my hair and it works out the "bedhead" look. I don't have super

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