Saturday, May 30, 2009

suburban relapse

vintage top, silence and noise highwaisted shorts, thrifted belt + booties

I forgot to mention this but I'm pretty sure I suffered a minor concussion a few days ago while watching the Cavs play the Magic. I went to the fridge to get ice, dropped a few, bent over to pick them up, got up suddenly when BF called as the game went into overtime, and BAM! I ended up spending the rest of the night with a pack of frozen meatballs on my head and was pretty disoriented for a couple of days. I'm surprised you can't see more bruises on my totally accident prone body.

Erm, I don't know what that rant has to do with the outfit but in any case here's what I wore to take care of a few loose ends while watching what may be the last game of the Eastern Conference finals. I also just booked my flight for LA to surprise my momma for her birthday! I just hope they don't try to convince me to stay home for the summer. I mean, I love my family and all but living in the suburbs of LA just doesn't cut it at the moment. I may have lived there for 18 years but it just doesn't feel like "home" anymore.

(Although I do wish I could be in LA one week earlier to see my fellow blog buddies at the Blogger Shop Day!)


The Stylish Wanderer said...

oh you look gorgeous.

btw lady, you go/went to berkely right? how do you like it? (I mean obviously you DO like it, but how does it compare to other colleges?)

Shen-Shen said...

Cute blouse! I'm actually going to LA next year for college, and my family is moving to the Bay Area. I love California!

Cypriotchick said...

love the shorts! wow u got concussed that would have really sucked... hope ur feeling better orientated now :D


Damsels said...

i reall y love the minimalist pictures

and i love the top !!

nikky said...

loving your shirt and hope your head feels better!


Bianca said...

amazingly amazing.

Indy said...

I love your blog! You have killer style!

cuteseas said...

your outfit is lovely! i love the blouse!

Molly Gertenbach said...

I love the brown booties with the navy shorts and white top, it looks really good.

Scarlett H said...

Lovely blog you have here