vintage collared shirt, gifted Siwy denim cutoffs,vintage lace-up booties, Fjallraven backpack, Ray Ban Wayfarers
My favorite outfit from the weekend on day two of Coachella! Please excuse the crappy iPhone pictures, I didn't feel like lugging around my SLR and wanted to enjoy myself as much as I could without worrying about pictures and whatnot. I'm currently sitting in my room in SF with the heater on full blast since I still can't get used to the cold. I really miss the desert. When I got off the car Monday night to go into my apartment wearing only shorts and a cropped top I was greeted by the freezing rain (and this little cutie, of course). Man, it felt good to go on vacation. We stayed in a condo in Palm Springs with some friends from SF that I didn't know very well in the beginning but ended up really getting along with by the end of the trip.

crochet one piece from UO, vintage floral maxi skirt from Painted Bird, vintage Capezio bucket bag, American Apparel floppy hat, Rachel Comey boots
Friday was cooler than the rest of the weekend so I was a little more adventurous with my outfit and wore this maxi skirt that I'd picked up at Painted Bird the day before I left. It's hard to tell in the picture but the top part ties in the back and is connected to the bottom by a crochet pattern in the front so it's more risque than what I usually wear. Oh well, I tried right? I forgot my hat in the car when we got to the festival but I was better off without it later on when I was dancing to sets by Cut Copy and Boys Noize.

Every morning I'd wake up to this suit of armor in the corner of the room in my cozy little futon. The decor was so weird. There were also two dog statues in the living room and a pair of mannequin legs outside that were upside down in the corner of the back patio next to some cacti (our condo mates scared the crap out of us with this little arrangement on the last night). So many weird (but funny) things happened this weekend that I can't even begin to list all of them.

This was actually my first time going to Coachella so I didn't know what to expect so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Reception was the worst problem and it was difficult to get a hold of people most of the time so I had a couple bad scares after being separated from friends but everything worked out in the end.

Friday was pretty chill, I saw Interpol but wasn't very into it since 1. I've already seen them multiple times, and 2. I didn't really like their new album. Next I met up with my roommates to dance to Cut Copy which was way more fun then sat down to listen to Crystal Castles which was okay but their live shows aren't very exciting. I like that you had the option of sitting things out if you weren't very into it or tired, the music still sounded great no matter where you were. I also got to see a band from my childhood, Caifanes, who were reuniting for the first time in more than a decade and a half. It was great to see a bunch of people who flew in from Mexico and all over the world just to see them and I talked to a few in the crowd while I enjoyed songs that I used to sing in the car with my mom as a kid when they came on the radio. For the last set of the day, I had originally planned to watch Chemical Brothers with my roommates but had to meet with my condo mates at Boys Noize because my phone was dying and they were my ride home. I ended up dancing my ass off there to a KILLER set and light show which blew my mind and made my night.

So let's see. Day two? I wore a white top and these Siwy shorts that my friends and I were randomly given outside the Ace Hotel on Friday (see first picture). I swear, after I put those shorts on I refused to wear anything else, they were so perfect for the weather in Indio. Sucks that I can't really wear them here in SF save a few random days in the year where it reaches 80-90 degrees. Also, I somehow managed to forget to eat (it happens to me sometimes) on Friday so I made up for it on Saturday with Chinese food and an ice cream sandwich from the COOL HAUS truck in the VIP section while hanging out with the people from the H&M tent and listening to Gogol Bordello.

I dubbed Saturday my "high school playlist day" so most of the bands that I saw were ones that I listened to heavily at the time like Broken Social Scene, New Pornographers, Bright Eyes, Animal Collective, and Arcade Fire. Prior to this I had met up with my best friend from home, Karen, but we were separated and I ended up spending most of Saturday between 6pm-2am by myself. It was actually kind of nice to be alone while listening to bands that shaped into the person that I was back in high school and although I'd seen most of them live already it was still a new experience. Bright Eyes was the biggest surprise since my last two experiences seeing them hadn't been too fun but Conor put on an amazing show and it was awesome to sing to songs like "Lover I Don't Have To Love" and "Calendar Hung Itself" one last time while still knowing the lyrics by heart after not having heard the songs in years. During Bright Eyes' set I ended up fairly close to the right side of the stage but as soon as it ended people started pushing forward and I found myself stuck in the middle of this crowd unable to get out since Arcade Fire fans were pushing to get as close as possible to the stage. See that last picture of Mumford and Sons before my phone died? I ended up a few feet closer than I was when I took that picture so I was in the front row by the time Arcade Fire came on. Animal Collective came before them, however, and they were fantastic as usual but I felt a little silly dancing to every song while everyone around me wasn't really into it and seemed to only be there for Arcade Fire. I even heard someone ask "Who's Animal Collective?" and this one group of teenage girls made faces when the music started and started taking pictures of themselves because they were bored. Seriously? Hard to believe that at one point Animal Collective was bigger than Arcade Fire but that just shows how far they've come, I guess.
Anyway, being front row by myself for Arcade Fire was a surreal experience I'll never forget. I already saw them a few years ago but this time around it was so much more different. The Suburbs came out in the middle of a fairly difficult year for me and I would listen to the album multiple times a day all the way through during long walks or commutes while reflecting on recent events and my feelings at the time. Arcade Fire put on one of THE best performances I've ever experienced and I can't even begin to describe how it felt to dance and sing along to the lyrics without ever missing a word or beat and getting to see them perform right in front of me every single song that I wanted to hear. I'd always listened to them all throughout high school when Funeral came out and a bit in college after Neon Bible but I'd never considered them my favorite band until it kind of just hit me in the middle of the show and I felt so incredibly lucky to be there witnessing that performance. When I looked up into the sky during "Wake Up" and saw those glowing inflated balls come down at me I actually teared up a little and it's an incredible image that I'll never forget even though my phone had died and I didn't have a camera to capture it... okay, maybe the moment didn't last very long since I spent the rest of the song deflecting hundreds of balls with my arms and trying not to get hit in the head but hey, it's still something.

T By Alexander Wang striped top, Siwy denim cutoffs, vintage lace-up booties, Fjallraven backpack, Ray Ban Wayfarers
Okay, okay. I digress. Seems like most people have been concerned more with the festivities than with the music itself which I went in thinking too but ended up touched my experiences, as cheesy as that sounds. Sunday, however, was mostly spent poolside at the Ace Hotel since I was way too exhausted from the night before to be there all day again so we didn't show up until later. I made the unwise choice to forget my bathing suit (after having in on me all day the day before, too) so I could only dip my legs in the water as I jealously watched everyone else swim in the water.

Ah well, I still had fun. I ended up really liking the Ace Hotel, maybe I'll take a trip back down there sometime to actually stay there although it wouldn't be as active and bustling as it was this past weekend. I always forget how fun it is to hang out by a pool now that I've been living in the Bay Area for so long. Is this enough of a reason for me to move back to LA? Doubt it, but it's a nice luxury to have when you're on vacation at least. As I write this I am curling up further under my two layers of blankets and covers and sighing repeatedly, I never though I'd miss the warm weather this much...

Don't know what I'm doing in that last picture but everyone looks cute so whatever, I'll still post it! I never realized how great cutoffs and boots go together until this weekend and I'm glad I went with boots rather than sandals, they really saved my life at the festival. At one point in the crowd this guy passed out and his head landed right on my toe... so scary. I was really good about staying hydrated so I didn't have any problems while I was there thankfully. Anyway, after the pool party we finally piled back into the car and tried to make it in time for Duran Duran whose performance was a HUGE disappointment for me mostly because I really wanted to hear Come Undone but they didn't end up playing it and chose to focus more on newer, crappier songs. Bummer. Afterward we wandered over to the other stage to dance to Chromeo instead of seeing The Strokes (I was never really into them, don't know why) was even joined by my friend from home again for a bit. Twenty years together and counting, right?

And finally, Kanye. What else is there to say? It felt like I was witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime performance and like at Arcade Fire I felt very lucky to be there in real life. I had a lot more to say about him but I'll just keep it to myself since I already went on that long tangent about Arcade Fire. Some things are better left unsaid.

And that concludes one of the best weekends of my life, thanks to everyone who actually took the time to read all of it.
oh what a gorgeous post. it looks and sounds absolutely amazing and i can only hope i can make it next year! arcade fire sounds so good, and i'm glad you had such a brilliant time! boys noize always does such a good set! x
oh man i would so want to see arcade fire.
I just want the ice cream sandwich!!!!
i seriously envy you.
looks like you had so much fun.
your outfits are so rad by the way.
you totally pulled the 'festival-look' off!
lovelovelove it.
ah you do festival style so well. very jealous sounds like a brill weekend
I love your faces in both of those photos :) Very jealous I couldn't be in America to go, Reading festival again for me this year... Can't believe I missed Arcade Fire last year, bet they were AMAZING
It would be mine
+The crochet is niiiice
Ahhh, you're lucky one! Great weather, great people, great clothing and so so so great music. Like in heaven. BUT that holiday I will post very similar post about music festival in Poland, Opener Festival in Gdynia with The Strokes, Chromeo, The Wombats, The National, Simian Mobile Disco and my big love, Coldplay ;)
oh yeah, whenever i think of cutoff shorts, i think of tobias funke .. lol just saying :p
Oh what fun! All the photos look great. I can't wait to go eventually one time :) xo
amazing post! so envious you got to go. and i looove those cutoff's, they look great!
So funny pictures! Love them :)
Greetings from Germany,
GOSH ! my stomac want this giant cookie ! Anyway...
You look perfect ! x
Nice pics
FENTON Jewellery: http://magmoiselle.fr
man that looks amazing! down for that ice cream cookie sandwich, looks sahhh good!!
Awesome pics! Looks like so much fun!
♥ Gina Michele
oh wow, looks like the best time ever! x
loveeee these photos! and what you're wearing :)
coachella looks so fun!
That's so great that you had such a fantastic experience at Coachella. That is so surreal about Arcade Fire. You look so adorable with the cutoffs and boots, and I especially like your hair pulled up like that, it's a very pretty look.
Hopefully it will get warmer for you so that you won't miss the desert weather too much!
much love.
so wishing i could have been at coachella! your second look is absolutely fabulous.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com
Love all the looks! Great pictures! Looks like a lot fun! :)
Sounds great!
I would love some of that kind of weather right now... I woke up this morning to frost on the ground. Spring needs to hurry up and get to Minnesota!
omg I was going to write a post about the music and then the earlier outfits....BUT THEN I SAW THE ICE CREAM SANDWICH
and it was all down hill from there...drool!
Nice Post!! Amazing pictures!! LUCKY YOU!! got to go to Coachella!! you look so nice in all the different outfits you wore! oh and sorry to hear/read that you forgot your bathing suit!! Hate it when that happens!!
i am soooo jealous you went!!!!! i love your black boots and your maxi skirt, you looked adorable!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Aah..love all the looks..u look grt as always:-)adore ur denim dear..so envy u ,u gt 2 b ter.So want 2 be ter:-)
i seriously really, really enjoyed that post, thank you!
I wonder if I'll EVER be able to get my ass to Coachella :( looks amazing.
Dude I can't believe they were giving out free Siwy shorts???
It seems like you're having a blast. I love the first outfit you're wearing, it looks gorgeous :).
Is that the brown butter candied bacon Cool Haus sandwich? Everything about this post looks so fun but I don't think it is enough to convince me to go back to Coachella ever again.
Wow! If I get to spend a year living in California like I want to, I'm going to put Coachella on my list of things I must, must do!
if you move to LA will there be as good of food?why do I doubt it??????
I love that striped tee.
I watched some performances on youtube's coachella channel, but it just wasn't the same. It's awesome to hear you got so much personal stuff out of it.
Ohlord it looks so amazing! Looks like you had so much fun you look lovely <3
wow what an amazing experience! I'm so jealous.
i actually read everything :) everything sounds amazing, i'm even more excited for my first festival this summer now!
It all sounds amazing! I'm super jealous, Arcade Fire were just so unbelievable live when I saw them back in December. Definitely one of the best live performances I've ever seen!
Emma x
Looks fun!
waow ! it's sound amazing ! such a dream for me to go there...and I love your outifits ! very cool ! grettings from France !
Wow, everything sounds so exciting! And that ice cream sandwich is to die for! :D
I like your all girl band album jacket photo :)
Looks like an amazing weekend!!
Oh my gosh, too jealous of your amazing weekend. Photo quality still ok though in spite of not having your SLR with you.
what happened to lulu?!
Yeah looks like you had a good time.
From the sounds of it, you had the best time! That's wonderful!
Love these photos!
I was too poor to go to coachella this year :( wahhh
glad you had fun though, looked like a good time! :)
alot of bands I wanted to see this year ::sighhhh:: Makes me a litte wee upset that lil girls who don't really appreciate the music go with no problem boo!!!! Sure glad you do though! :) awesome post
you are too cute! looks like a brilliant time! :)
okay WHY OH WHY haven't i found this blog before? you seem like a genuinely sweet and fun person + you're gorgeous + you listen to pretty much exactly the same stuff a me? hai new favourite blog! really though, this post is just wonderful and i can totally relate to that Arcade Fire experience after seeing them from front row in Helsinki last June, they started off with Wake Up and it's still one of the best memories i have! do you have a lastfm account?
What happened to Lulu?
Thank you so much for sharing!!!! I saw the live stream of Arcade Fire on YouTube and it was unbelievable. I saw them live last October and it was the best s I can only imagine what it must have been like to witness them at Coachella.
Ah! Looks like you had so much fun. My friend and I are planning our trip to Coachella now, even though we'll probably go 3 years from now. This post really got me excited to go. Thanks so much. x
this was such a great post, i felt like you were sitting in front of me and telling me about it!
you looked tres cool too :)
oh my gosh! what an amazing time you had!! xx
I saw Boys Noize 3 Years ago at Melt!-Festival! They were mind blowing! It was 7 in the morning and I had danced all night, I thougt I might fall asleep every second, and then Boyz Noize started to play their set! BOOOM! Awake again!
And the best thing: I get to see them again in july! Yippie!
I looove music and arts festivals! One of the best things about summer! Can't wait for my festival season to start!
Great post! Seems that you had an amazing time there!
So jealous. I've been a Coachella-goer since '07 but sadly couldn't manage to go this year. It seems like the Hollywood factor of Los Angeles has been getting too close to distorting what Coachella has been in the past years, but it looks like you had the proper Coachella experience. Glad to see that.
It really is still one of the best music & art festivals out there.
pools exist in the bay area
i want that ice cream sandwich
looks so fun. Coachella is on my bucket list. and one day i plan to make it real . amazing post!!!!
Thank you for the fun post!!! I actually watched it from the youtube live, and I gotta say, Arcade Fire was the BOMB!!!! They were absolutely fired it up. Amazing performance and the lightings...GAAAHHH!!!! I hope I could go to Coachella anytime soon!!! Again, thanks for sharing. x
this looks pretty fun. i watched arcade fire's performance of wake up on youtube, and i thought it was amazing, you're so lucky to have been able to be there! great post about the festival, i hope to go there one day.
I would love to see coachella next year but yeah that hotel you stayed at after with the cool poolside outfit and pics is so cool.
And a place in palm springs, really a cool adventure.
Im not sure how I ended up on your page, but, I did... so hello... I am from Palm Springs, Used to go to Coachella all the time! I love it!! And at our hotel The Colony Palms, we host parties there, like the one you where at... sooo fun!! Good times!
Looks so fun! Coachella is not that far away from where I live, yet I have never gone.
I did, however, just return from Palm Springs today. Stayed at the Ace. It wasn't busy like was this past weekend, but it was definitely still fun. I would recommend you stay there. :)
Lucky Butt!!! Cant believe you got to see CAIFANES!!! :D My dad said I was obsessed with them when I was little! Hahaha I wouldnt stop singing afuera :)
So awesome that you got to go to coachella. and i actually did read your whole post.
Sounds like an amazing experience- I would absolutely love to go one day! When I was in Spain, I went to Rock in Rio Madrid and it sounds a bit like what you're describing- an experience I'll never forget.
star-crossed smile
amazing pics and great experience!
I think you've had an amazing time there and this must be a very unic and fun experience. so happy for you:) these pics are amazing.
owkaayyy,,, i want the ice cream like NOW!!!
It's absurd how I live in California yet I have never gone to Coachella. Coachella has always been on my list of things to do yet I always have something conflicting. Last year, I wanted to go to Coachella to volunteer for a charity organization but I had classes to attend (midterms). This year, I saw the amazing list but my friend had to go to Ohio for a competition. I am hoping that I go next year but I'm probably going to study abroad. Anyway, I have no idea why I felt the need to let you know why I couldn't attend Coachella.
Well, your experience sounds amazing. It truly does. I wish I did attend Coachella this year. Your account on Arcade Fire sounds amazing. I wish I had the chance to see them. Also, Kanye West sounds amazing. I'm not the greatest fan of his but I feel I would have enjoyed the experience. I heard loads of great accounts of his performance. I wish you wrote more about the experience on Kanye. Nevertheless, I love reading everything you wrote about Coachella. It makes me look forward for my future attendance.
By the way, the photo of Cool Haus ice cream sandwich looks divine. They are always around Pasadena and I have no idea why I'm too lazy to go and give it a try... :D
Anyway, great post about Coachella. I also love all the photos of your great weekend. Thanks for sharing. :D
fun photos
omg it looks like an awesome time!!
So jealous. Especially since I can see this festival going on from my house.
Oh, 2 be poor!
Qt outfits.
You took great photos even with an iphone! I love what you wore, that massive icecream sandwhich looks amazing! Maybe one day I'll get to go too.
La Petite Marmoset
Wow. It look so incredible, I love weekends where you have no responsibilities and you get to take things at your own pace and thats exactly what Coachella seems like. Glad to hear that you had a wonderful time :)
love the pictures :)
It sounds like you had an incredible experience... thanks for sharing it with us!
ooooh I envy you. BIG TIME. looks like LOADS of fun :)
Great striped outfit! Looks like you had a blast!
You look amazing, love your midi skirt xoxo
I'm so jealous that you got to go to Coachella. Also, I love your Coachella style. It's so minimalist and casual - while a lot of girls use it as a reason to go all out hippie/hipster/bohemian/etc. It's kind of frustrating. But your style is so refreshing
xo Sherrie
Closet Hound
That was really enjoyable reading! ♥ Sounded like you had fun, and on a side note I love your shorts!
wow! love to party too with so many people around.
One day I will go to Coachella !
It looks like so much fun in these pictures !
I wish I was there ! Great shoes , I really enjoy your blog ! Greetings from Swiss :)
Wish i was there too, looks awesome!
Sounds absolutely amazing, as expected!
And I totally would have been dancing my ass off to Animal Collective ;)
Wish I could have made it to Coachella this year, that ice cream sandwich has me drooling at the computer screen lol.
Chyna D'Jae
I read this entire post and I related so much I just needed to comment. I felt the exact same way about seeing Arcade Fire- it sounds so cheesy to say things like "life-changing," but there is no better way to describe an experience like that. I had no words to explain to people how incredible seeing them was, but you captured it so perfectly! It was so heartfelt, genuine and just amazing! Ah, reading what you wrote made me remember it so well. So thank you :) I also never considered them my favourite band, but they are now right up there.
Oh, and I absolutely love what you wore, and have decided that not camping is definitely the way to go.
Sorry for rambling!
I am sooo jealous! Looks like you had an overly amazing time! (-:
looks like so much fun!!! ive had a nice time browsing through various coachella posts. i have to go next year!!
omg such an experience!
In all honesty I have been following the trends and celebrities who have been in Coachella, and hadn´t liked any of them.
When I saw your pictures I completely feel in love with your outfits, they are simple and amazing. My most sincere and deepest congrats! You nailed it!
I KNEW that was you that walked by during The New Porns!!! :D I just thought I was seeing things cause I was tripping rofl.
Yayyyyy haha
you look super cute in all your outfits!!! that ice cream cookie sandwich looks INCREDIBLE. omg, craving like crazy right now.
january, x
This looks amazing. You know what's really stealing the show though? Your friend's raspberry lipstick. Must. Have. Now. The girl in the white tank top...please ask her what that is because I think we should all do ourselves a favor and buy it!
I also feel awkward because I know like one song by Arcade Fire and all of Animal Collective's songs. I guess I'm not longer "with it."
Girl, you're so lucky to have been there ! How is it like really ? I love your outfit, and you and your friends look so stylish, I swear !
www.coralieslooks.com - FRENCH FASHION BLOG
Wait, so you got those beautiful shorts for FREE? My jaw is dropped in jealousy.
It looks like you had a wonderful time at Coachella, and I adore your simple-yet-amazing outfits as usual. You seriously put a lot of other "fashion" girls to shame, judging by the sad/monotonous state of a lot of Coachella style reports.
Huhu i've been following yout tumblr and your blog and i just realised now that you are only one person :3
Nice photo diary!
Marianne / AS
besides you're attending the festival of my life your outfit there is do die for! you look very good indeed. i'm a faaan
I LOVE KANYE! And your gorgeous shorts of course x
I’m from Australia and it’s always exciting to see someone from the States rave about cut copy; I used to go see them play years ago, when their gigs were full of cute indie boys and the band played songs from their first album. Hearts on fire is still the best song ever!
Looks like you had so much fun there and the ice cream sandwich looks so yummy! :)
Really nice blog!
Greetings from Germany,
One word:LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to go to Coachella!
Also I have just found your blog and my name is Annabel aswell!('cept my names spelt Annabelle)
No matter how many times I read this, I still enjoy it, along with all the pictures. I live in Malaysia and we rarely get awesome music festivals like Coachella or Lollapalooza so reading this just helps me experience it even for a bit. :) Love your blog! Big fan.
I was there too! That was easily my favorite time at Coachella, all of the headliners were just unreal. Glad you enjoyed it and documented it so well!
Check out my Coachella blog sometime! Started following your site.
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As Rage Against the Machine and Travis Scott have confirmed their attendance at the festival, it's time to start planning your look for Coachella Festival 2022! This two-day festival is one of the best festivals around, so don't wait too long to plan your outfit. Because of the photo-friendly vibe of the music festival, trendsetters often save their boldest looks for this infamous event. Take a look at the hottest Coachella festival Outfits for 2022.
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