thrifted top, vintage dress via Pretty Penny, drugstore tights, Rachel Comey bernard platforms via Jeremys
I cut my bangs too short last night and developed a giant pimple on my cheek. What am I, 15 again? I suppose I also decided to dress the part when I was pressed for time this morning before Megan picked me up to go to San Jose for the day and night. Actually, when I was 15 I had razor cut hair, wore really dark eye make up, and was 25 pounds lighter so I wore super tight tops and skinny jeans (yet I still managed to be voted most fashionable in my high school yearbook?)
Is it just me or are teenagers so much more well dressed now than when I was growing up? I get a little jealous when I see girls pull off super adorable outfits on their blogs that I definitely wouldn't be able to wear right now. Well, I could, but I would honestly just feel really ridiculous. Someone once asked me if I was ever afraid of looking too old because of my current style but I admitted that at this point in my life I would prefer to appear like I'm older than to look like I'm trying to look younger and keep up with trends.
Is it just me or are teenagers so much more well dressed now than when I was growing up? I get a little jealous when I see girls pull off super adorable outfits on their blogs that I definitely wouldn't be able to wear right now. Well, I could, but I would honestly just feel really ridiculous. Someone once asked me if I was ever afraid of looking too old because of my current style but I admitted that at this point in my life I would prefer to appear like I'm older than to look like I'm trying to look younger and keep up with trends.

Well, being in your early 20s isn't exactly old but it's more of a difference in lifestyle thing I suppose. Being out of college and being on my own feels so much more different than it did when I was still in school surrounded by my peers. Ahh well, I'll still love these mini dresses.

I love this connection ! :)
lookin good! That dress is so cute!
hey girl, those are the bernard platforms! You look really cute with those bangs :D
I love that top, I've been looking for a similar one for awhile now! And it looks perfect with that dress. xx
you are so cute, like this outfit :)
you seem so playful in this shoot. your bangs are awkwardly nice. haha, it suits you well.
You look adorable! Florals and knits looks so good together!
Your hair is so cute!! You look adorable :)
such a cute outfit... love the shoes!
Your outfit is so cute! And so are your bangs. I definitely don't think they are too short!
You're too cute! I love your pictures so freakin much! And your style is SO you, I even apply it to every day outfits I see, "Oh she's so channeling blushing ambition right now" ya diggg?
I'm a little jealous too, I used to wear just band shirts XD and all was black
Well I'm 21, but I look like 17, not so bad :P
btw you look lovely.
so cute! luv the cute innocent faces too!!
♥ thesoundoflace.blogspot.com ♥
nice pics !(=
Haha I'm so over-cuted out by you in this post! So playful! You can hardly tell about your bangs... and um, voted most fashionable? Prophetic, perhaps?
I want to see pics of what you looked like in highschool! PS. You're in my homework :D Were you at Coffee Society??
You look lovely!
Also, I love your shoes...
About the style thing, I don't think you look old at all, if it makes any difference... and fifteen isn't exactly the most fashionable age, no?
yes i agree how so many teenage girls are so much more well-dressed than when i was in high school... it's creepy though when they dress like 20 year olds but u can tell they're 10.
you actually a girl on blog who makes me jealous of your cute outfits too.
love this so much.
cute dress with a cute oversized jumper.
pretty! ahhh back to 15 is nice. just consider your pimple as an anti aging. lol.
amazing pics and very nice skirt! <3
i love your bangs and this outfit is very girly and sweet! i know what you mean, i feel so old sometimes too compared to some bloggers, and i definitely did not dress as cute as most girls do these days!
Fashion Bag 411
such a great shoes!!
great pics, you have a beautiful smile!
your hair is looking less fluffy compared to the post where you're wearing the APC trench coat
you look FAB!!!
xoxo from rome
(there's a GIVE-AWAY)
Great casual outfit! I love mixing up knit wear and florals for that vintage feel! You look great xx :o)
giiiirrrl you have nothing to worry about.
luuv your blog.
I love it ! I want your sweater ^^
cute outfit.. xx
Perfect outfit ;)
Oh I do love the boots!
Fab boots! I feel like since I left high school I don't have to try so hard with the things that I'm wearing. I prefer a more relaxed style with mussed up hair and little makeup...
Big jumpers over a dress and flats is a great outfit for any day of the week!
looking good :)
Lovely! Love the sweater and shoes :)
You look stunning!
I love this. Your photos are so fun. The subtle colors are amazing.
I love this. Your photos are so fun. The subtle colors are amazing.
LIKE!!!!!!!!! :D
how adorable are you!! i love your happy attitude. great navy stockings and skirt contrast
i adore this outfit, the sweater looks so comfortable! and i love it over the floral! um, i totally agree. i wish i was fashionable when i was tiny at 15 because all the clothes would have looked so much better on me!!!! teens now are so lucky :)
<3 steffy
Love this outfit! And ahh...to be 15 again XD
love this outfit!
Very cute outfit!
I love the top!
You're adorable in this outfit!
I tend not to pay much attention about age/style etcetera. It doesn't matter how old you are but the clothes you feel comfortable in haha.
Have a great weekend.
Naaw, cute outfit!! The sweater looks cute with the outfit!
love your shoes :)
Loved what you said in this post!
But you're so tiny already; I can't believe you were ever 25 pounds lighter!
I don't think your style makes you look old. It's cute, without being inappropriately young. No-one wants to be that pathetic girl who dresses in hotpants and belly tops.
Haha, I'm a young blogger! You kind of have the cute retro-date going on. Love it. Love those shoes, the dress...the whole outfit, really. Also, I think your hair looks adorable. :)
I know what you mean. i am looking around at all these stylish little highschoolers and thinking DAMNNN! I looked like a dork when i was in highschool.
On another note I have been living in sweater + grungey floral skirt combinations myself. Heaven.
Bea from A plus B
I think you look fantastic and definitely not like a sullen awkward teenager :) The dress is beautiful and I continue to be obsessed with those shoes. If only I could justify buying a pair...
It really is such a different mentality once you hit a certain age or are out of school. I used to live in crop tops and now I'm like...uh no. I want to be daring again.
Amazing outfit! I love it!
Love your outfit! I'm going through the same thing right now (currently 23 but feeling the awkward 15 with my skin and hair)I needed a hair cut badly so my friend recommended me this site to get the most flattering haircut
and this for my skin (I've always had troubled skin and this really helped me out)
Have a great day =]
You already finished school? Ugh lucky I'm in my last stretch- six more weeks to go! There's a sticky note count down above my bed. I like your baggy looks, I always feel my most confident in effortless pieces. I'd quite literally live in that white sweater, you look all ready for spring :) (which probably isn't saying much when you live in san fran, but when you live in chicago you're just about ready to dance in the streets)
Aww, I want to wear clogs and thigts and skirts too! But it´s still a full winter here, so...
I think you´re style is an interesting mixture of an adult kind of look and a girly girl. And I like it!
have to agree, younger girls dress so much more mature!...kind of get this from my mum saying it all the time aha!
cute outfit!! you look adorable!
Krissy xoxo
Réagissons face à la publicité The Kooples mettant en scène une jeune femme anorexique.
love the ensemble! you look fantastic. xo have a great weekend!
you look great!
Great photograph! Love your outfit!
this is one of my favorite photo sessions you've done! love.
You look adorable! (And I think your hair looks nice like this, for what it's worth)
K xx
I think your hair is cool. :) I like bangs, i do a side and front but lately im loving the front now.
Haha tis true, teeners have style.
annabel! i love this outfit :) especially the jumper layered over the dress and that drink in your hand looks yum!
love this
Liking this a LOT :)
Xisses, Onyxsta
cute skirt!
i couldn't agree more... kids these days are dressing a lot more fashionable than when I was in high school (7 years ago!)
Cute photos! They make me smile!
Love your sunglasses big time!
xo thefashionguitar
Girl, you need to stop being so cute! Your bangs look good and love your outfit.
Cute photos!!!
you look great your bangs suit you <3
you are adorable..love the big sweater!
you are adorable..love the big sweater!
ahhah you are so funny! and i LOVE your style. not too old at all. btw, i really like the short bangs. so cute!! i always feel like a turtle/mushroom thing when i accidentally trim mine too short hahah, but u work it! :)
i want your boots!!
i like the short bangs on you!!
I love your outfit and your hair!
I have noticed how stylish high school kids are these days... though I wonder if we seemed stylish to people who were older back when we were in high school? Haha, probably not (for me anyway)... early 2000s fashion was not exactly the best.
xo, alison*elle
This outfit is so lovely, I love the combination! Lovely blog too girl, I am going to follow you :)
love it!!!
this style is super..=P
you´re great
Your outfit is so cute!
im quite the opposite - 23, about to graduate law school and trying to figure out how to look young and fun in a corporate environment with a required corporate wardrobe!
you look gorgeous as always though. you have the right combination of looking great but always comfortable x
Love your jumper. You look lovely & great blog xx
You look so cute with your bangs! :P
dejoiss ♥
I love the skirt! I'm actually really curious about what you looked like in your high school years, you don't happen to have any photos? Haha :)
Love, Lisa
You remind me of Winona Ryder from Reality Bites in this outfit. So lovely!
Great pictures!
By the way, I love your blog so much, that I've given you an award on my newest blog post :)
like always you look lovely.
¡adoro los zapatos!
no use to let a comment, but who know, maybe you'll b pleased to know that you are one of the blogger I follow with a lot of attention.
sorry for my poor english
come to see me if you want, it's another thing but maybe you'll like it
I love the platforms, especially the color.
I don't think you look older than your age!
it's nice still!
amazing outfit post! i was wondering what you were majoring in, at berkeley?
you are so effing cute!!!- tee heee...i bought something from a pretty penny also!!!
It's so true. Younger kids are so much more fashionable these days! My little sister gives me styling advice...
I just visit your blog for the first time and I love it, you've such a nice style! This sweater is lovely, so cosy!
The print on your dress is super cute. And don't worry about the bangs, they fit for now and will be grown out in no time!
first time visiting your blog & I think I'm in love!
I have a tendency to cut my bangs too short too... then try to regrow them.. then cut them too short again, its an addictive downward spiral..
great outfit by the way & definitely will be following on bloglovin : )
an oversize sweater can be worn so many different ways and is now becoming a staple in my closet!! LOVE the shoes
love your boots and the fringe is adorable, not too short at all!
Great look, you have a lovely blog :)
so cute, i love this
Love it! And I feel ya on the teens being better dressed now than in the past--when I was 15, my idea of high style was Abercrombie and Fitch! Don't worry, you don't look older at all--the mini skirt is fierce!
i love the skirt!!
hi there!!!!!!!!
your blog is gorgeous...
if you want we could follow each other...
let me know..
Love the sweater on this outfit! looks so damn good!
Very simple, yet the floral skirt comprehend with the soft sweater so well!
Cheers, B & Liv
B L I V B O O K: darling&diva ♥
you look so beautiful you got such a great style
IN LOVE with your Rachel Comey's. :)
Love this outfit!!!!
Beautiful look.
Love your blog, do you want to follow each other?
so jealous of your new Rachel Comey's! I had been eyeing them on sale online but they sold out... I take too long to decide. And definitely feel you about the young girls dressing so chic these days. Maybe it's the fashion blogosphere? Who knows, I just know that I agree with you, being 24, and realizing I can't wear what I wore when I was 20, even...
oh, man, I feel old!
Love the contrast of the loose sweater with the patterned mini dress!
I really like you style!
I really like your sense of style. These boots look so nice. You dont really look like you're dressing like a 15 year old though. Haha.
You have an interesting blog ! New reader here :)
Mon Mode Blog
You look great! Love the outfit, and the boots specially!!
The pics are really natural!
Check out our blog!! We definitely follow you!
You're so cute!
Bex xox
Really love your blog! Great, simple outfits that make you look so cute and comfy!
Oh lovely, you look so springy! A simple, romantic and perfectly put together outfit :)
Love your outfit! Your shoes are adorable too and I think your hair looks great. I'm in love with your bangs!
Love, love, love your boots. amazing shoes and personality ;p you may also want to visit my blog c,")
Don't you love Pretty Penny? One of my favorite local vintage shops! ;) And loving your Rachel Comey scores!;)
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