Not an outfit shot but whatever. I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL!! FOREVER! We're getting ready for a pretty big storm here and it looks like it's going to rain when my family is up for my graduation. Wow, I'm graduating guys! Feels nice. After that I'll be in LA for a week or so. Is the weather really that awesome over there? I hear people complaining that it's supposed to be winter and all but I'd rather have that over dealing with my frozen fingers as I type this. IT'S COLD! My parka + (aweeeesome) wool sweater barely kept me warm today.
Also, check out my Q&A with Teen Vogue. Thanks Naomi!
Also, check out my Q&A with Teen Vogue. Thanks Naomi!
Man, I wish I could be done with school already. I'm in the middle of my sophomore year. Congratulations!
Also, did you thrift that sweater? It's amazing! :)
cute cute CUTE sweater. i can never pull off thick xmas-themed sweaters lol. i always feel like a goof :(
Congratulations that must feel amazing! I'm so jealous haha. And I'm not even in college yet. Couldn't come soon enough though.
congratulations for your graduation. love your photos :)
congratulations for your upcoming graduation! :)
Congratulations Anabel. Cant say I miss the Chicago Winter at all. I love the Indian winter- a long sleeved shirt is perfect.. :)
Yay! Congratulations!
That's so awesome, I'm jealous.
We got a big storm where I live yesterday, it was literally white when I looked outside (from the rain, not snow!). We even lost electricity for a few hours, that was fun. But that's what you get in the subtropics in summer haha.
bah I have too many backpacks but every time I see your kanken, I want one too
Cool sweater.
Congrats for your graduation Annabel.
Congratulations on graduating!!! Must be a very exciting moment for you. Hope you have lots of fun in LA as well.
Very cozy! Nice outfit
Congrats on your graduation! Hope it doesn't rain on your parade!
congrats! I know how big of a relief graduating is :)
Now to celebrate!
Just found your blog via Bloglovin'. Congrats on graduating, that's such a fun step in life. Good luck!
hope you have a good graduation day!
I'm graduating next spring and I'm so nervous!
the weather here is great but most la'ers are worried because its strange
global warming!
Congratulations for graduating!!
I just read the interview with Teen Vogue and it's so fantastic :)
I'm jealous that you are 21 and already finish college
congrats on graduation! enjoy LA!
Congratulations!! That is a huge feeling of relief to know you dont have to study for anymore finals. I still have 2 more years.
And the weather is just right. Perfect Southern California weather. And that's reporting from San Gabriel Valley.
amazing! congrats. doesn't it feel good to be done, maybe a bit scary too.
you look so dreamy in these pics. i think it's the soft light and your hair, pretty!
C O N G R A T S ! ! !
Congratulations! Graduating is so exciting (even though the actual ceremony can be a bit of a bore - the upside is that you get to wear a gown and pretend that you're at Hogwarts). All the best!
That jumper's so cute x
Congrats!! I'm in Irvine and it was rainy today and I heard the storm is moving down this way too.. I'm actually headed up to the Bay Area so i'm bracing myself for the rain and wind..
Aw man, HIGH FIVE!!!
looking pretty cool in the cold there lady! congratulations on finishing the finals - enjoy the break
Congrats on the graduation! I wonder you'll do next :) Wish I could go to L.A.!
Congrats! I remember that feeling, and it is a good one. Definitely take some time for yourself before you start the good old job hunt. LA sounds like a great place to do it.....
Congratulations! I imagine that's such a good feeling!
Lovely jumper :)
And thank you for the mention. A belated one for Modcloth too.
this is gorgeous, i love your hair too :) xxx
Pretty jacket!!
Congrats on finishing school! I love your parka btw :D
congrats! whats next? I graduated just two weeks ago myself.
Wish I could pull off your bangs.
don't complain about winter. you don't live in norway, weather-lucky bastards. great outfit though!
really love your hair. i just have my hair cut just like yours yesterday and still figuring how to work it out. since mine is curly.
Haha, wish I had finished school. But some years to go...
Wish you the best for your 'life after school'!
I have a terrible want for a parka but some how can't commit. yours looks so comfy tho i just might have to get me one.
Congrats on the graduation.
Congratulations on the graduation!!! I remember I was so excited when I graduated!! your sweater look so cute!!
you must be freaking excited that school is over.
but this post us cute! love your parka!
congratulations! oh, how i cannot wait to graduate myself!
Love the outfit and YAY for being done with school!!!
congratulations!!! boooooo, rain.
congratulations! that's such a great feeling. and your sweater is adorable.
Congrats! I graduated college not too long ago and moved directly into graduate school for creative writing. I'm happy where I am, but I also secretly wish I was done with school. There's something satisfying about leaving the pop quizes and papers behind, even for a little while :)
Do you know what you want to do after graduation? I wish you the best of luck :D
you're sooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!! :)
It's not cold:>
-14 celsius...this is COLD..I have no idea how to survive.they say you get used to it.
do you straighten your bangs? i love your hairstyle! and sweater!
finally hatachi
jealous. :<
where are you graduating from???!!!
wow such awesome shots
im amazed on you here
hey, how do you get your hair to look so perfectly tousled like that? thanks!
Congratulations girl!!!! :)
love your hair! <3
you look adorable in that sweater and jacket.
Thats such a beautiful jumper and so fitting for the season! Lovely, xxx
lust lust lusting that sweater and jacket combo! So adorable :) Now following you on bloglovin'
HI! I've been reading your blog for a while and never left a comment, but I really wanted to congratulate you for finally finishing school. I graduated last year so I know exactly how it feels.
Oh, by the way, I'm a huge Real Madrid and Spain football (soccer) fan and I'm extremely happy that there's a blogger out there who is actually into sports. Yay!
Keep up the great work!
That sweater inspires me to want to go to Goodwill. They have tons of them around this time!
Congratulations! What are the plans for the future?
lovely outfit!
I really like your hair!
loove these photos! xx
the sweater is so great, I'd love one too ;D
And, I really like all the music on your blog :)
Wow, Congratulation for finally making it to your graduation. I'm happy for you.
Have fun.
I would like to congratulate your for this wonderful achievement!!
What's your next plan after this event? Well I can only hope for the best.
I would like to congratulate your for this wonderful achievement!!
What's your next plan after this event? Well I can only hope for the best.
off to check out your Q&As
Congrats on your graduation! Woohoo Class of 2010! Haha I graduated back in May. Love your sweater. I just wore something similar (it has snowflakes too).
oops! jealous that you're done with school!
it's huge that you're in teen vogue ~! :) very cool
I love that little detailed Christmas sweater hiding behind the parka!!!!
Nikki xx
LOVE the jacket :)
congrats on graduating & your interview with teen vogue!
Cute sweater!
i love the stuff you're wearing here and your interview with the teen vogue. ♥
Congrats on being finished with school!!!! That must be so exciting and relieving. :] I wish you all the success in the future.
I love your red sweater, perfect for the holidays!
love your style! following xx
Yes! Snowflake sweaters ROCK!
That's rad.
chloe ** http://flowerponychloe.blogspot.com
I love parkas...and it's freezing cold here too, I took out my wool scarves and thick hats and gloves.Love the pattern on the sweater.
alexandra @
Congrats on finishing school! I just graduated, it's a great feeling =)
Congratulations! And goodluck to your next stage in life.
aww lovely ! <3
I'm so glad i found your blog, you have such great style!<3
What a great outfit. So cozy yet chic for the winter weather. You are too adorable!
Xo Chelle
looooooooooooooove yout style. really! You're so cool xoxo
very nice!
oh! congratulations on your graduation! =D I hope everything is good in the future.
it has been crazy rainy over here in LA, the sun has finally come out for the first time this week. Hopefully by the time you visit the storm will have passed.
p.s. I love your christmas sweater!
im so glad i found your blog, i loooove it
congratulations on finishing school lovely!
your sweater is just adorable, very holiday appropriate :)
Just found your blog - your hair is awesome, it's giving me total hair envy! x
congratS. love the sweater you're wearing dear
you're SO beautiful!
Cute sweatshirt! I love it.
Congratulations! You look a little like Alexa Chung here, especially the photo on the right..
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