Saturday, December 11, 2010

burger bar

burger barburger bar
burger barburger bar

Went to Burger Bar last week. It was kind of overpriced but I still enjoyed it (plus I didn't have to pay, hah). Word of advice: don't get a milkshake AND burger for lunch. Actually, we all got booze in ours. Was it even noon yet? Jeez. I hope you guys don't think I'm trying to promote bad eating habits...

burger bar
burger bar
burger bar

And because he paid for me (and some of you seem to like him?), here's Mike. Thanks, Mike.

burger bar


Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

If I move up to the Bay Area, this place is definitely going on my list of places to go. Actually, all the places you post are worthy of a list. Asael loves milkshakes and I think he'll really love that one.

Unknown said...

damn that looks so good~

afrobinxy said...

LOL love your last comment hahah he must love it!

Kathleen said...

looks so goood! always love your food posts :), can't wait for more, esp in Berkeley. Have you tried Love At First Bite for cupcakes? soo goood. sorry i'm food obsessed lol.

<3, Kathleen.

Kennedy said...

you always take the most delicious photos of food!

pancakestacker said...

MMM! That looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing! I will have to make a trip to Burger Bar and have some tasty noms :)

Stop by sometime!

Silkybow said...

ooh it looks so tasty nom!! <3
The fries.. haha I feel so hungry now.

Olivia.Dee said...

burger bar is quite delicious. I loved the surf n turf burger. but yes... very overpriced.

Lorena said...

Is that avocado and bacon together? Such an awesome combination! I've never had booze in a milkshake before, it seems like something that would make me feel ill. The milkshakes look really good though, so thick!

Emilie said...

Well I can't comment on the alcohol since I'm not even 18 haha but the food looks AMAZING! I am starving right now so that's just making it worse? And not having to pay sounds pretty sweet. Ahhh I want a burger/shake so badly now.

Anonymous said...

that milkshake looks so good <3


Thanh said...

Burger Bar? The place located in Union Square? Aww, I hated that place! I thought it was so terrible and mediocre. I didn't like the fact that they allowed you to build your own burger. When I pay $20+ for one, I expect someone to make it for me because I assume the chef should know better than I do. Especially with all those sauces available. It looks wonderful in pictures, but overall, I thought it was extremely bland. I remember I ordered mushrooms on mine and it wasn't even seasoned. I was quite disappointed. I'm gonna have to agree with most of the Yelp reviewers. Because of this place, I vowed to never go to a Yelp 4 Star ever again. The only thing I enjoyed were their sweet potato fries.

Thanh said...

Oops, I meant a Yelp 3 Star restaurant. Any new restaurants I visit have to have 4+ stars now. If you ever visit San Diego, you must try these burger joints: Burger Lounge, Hodad's, and Western Steakburger! These are my absolute favorites.

LUU H. said...

ohmyohmy, i just woke up, and I can feel clearly that my stomach is for sure hungry after junkfood !

LUU H. said...

ohmyohmy, i just woke up, and I can feel clearly that my stomach is for sure hungry after junkfood !

LUU H. said...

ohmyohmy, i just woke up, and I can feel clearly that my stomach is for sure hungry after junkfood !

Chantelle said...

I always manage to read your food posts in the middle of the night (4am), whilst studying for a final/test, and too lazy to grab food. Thanks Annabel, thanks.

Style-Pursuit said...

That looks TOO good! Can I guys join you next time you go there?! ;o)


Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

OMG I'm seriously hungry now!!! :D

Shini said...

Duuuuude you can't do this to me, it's 10am here and far away from reasonable Burger hour and I'm under home arrest because of flu and argggg I guess I'll eat your pikchas.

Jan said...

Ah this looks so delicious to me,
while I'm having my morningbreakfast, I'm getting hungry already for lunch/dinner haha :)

mariontchik said...

looks sooo good!

Anonymous said...

Marry me! Mike! <3 <3

arttu said...

oohh that food looks sooo good! i'm hungry now :D love your blog <3

No Alice No said...

It seems very good.
Love your food posts.



Georgia said...

Ohh I wish me and Mike were friends. We could do great things together (travelling the world, eating. And me not paying). That milkshake looks incredible good... I think the way to do it is just to have one loooong sitting. I couldn't decide
It would be mine

Nettie S. said...

This post is totes making me hungry again. :D~

Biaa said...

Mmmm! The food looks so good and I'm definitely craving a milkshake now :(

callie said...

THIS LOOKS SO GOOD. I always want to dive right into your food photos. YUM.

Anonymous said...

mike is awesome!!
the burger looks so small! haha

Hanna said...

Now im hungry!

Unknown said...

oh god!!! I'm hungry right now!!!

Behind the Lashes said...

That looks like one serious milkshake! You get bonus points for it having booze in it!!! hahaha

RAYNE said...

Omg that looks delicious! It's noon right now so I think it totally be ok for me to go to my nearest burger joint haha.


Jennifer said...

everything looks delish! your blog has not only become a dose of inspiration but a list of all the places to check out in sf :) you rock!

Anonymous said...

damn that looks good.........and so do the burger/fries. oh hey mike.

just saying what all these readers are actually thinking!

Arielle said...

I could use a milkshake with booze in it right about now.

marcela said...

mmmmmmmmmm yummy :)

The Bambina said...

Oh my god give it to me.
I usually say that about clothes, but your blog does strange things to me.

Mici Mathonka said...

I totally adore your hair!!

naomi said...

i love all of your food photos.

finally hatachi

kimb said...

what the hell. milkshake looks so much better than burger, but hey i don't mind having both :) reallyyyy need to visit sf!

Birgitte said...

Looks nice! Such a cute pictures!

X Birgitte

Veronica said...

beautiful pics..i love your blog..:)

S said...

You have to try the Chocolate-Nutella Shake next time! Holy Decadence!

Jasmin said...

I want a burger now...and I'm not even hungry...great pics!

Anonymous said...

oh god that burger and the milkshake looks sooo good right now!! im hungry

margaret said...

Damn you. Going to go to BurgerMeister now :(

margaret said...

Burger Bar looks like a good place to share a meal :)

I'd love to share a burger and a milkshake o_o the milkshake looks especially incredible...mmm

Lulu's Dance said...

That milkshake looks SOOOO good!

Shevah said...

How I wish I lived in San Francisco. There is a place called Burger Bar in my local mall's food court. Doesn't look as good as all. Haha.

Brooke said...

I went there for the first time two nights ago. I wish I had stayed away from the milkshake. :( It was delicious (Nutella!!!) but then when my $15 burger came, I only ate about two bites.

Carolyn said...

that milkshake looks ridiculous! yum

blue said...

YUM! great food shots.

Brittany said...

that looks so good, my mouth is watering

Beny said...

YAiii!!! Yummmy!!!! i want it! iwant it! i want it!

Beny Ricardo Sadewo

MELISSA Z. said...

Everything seems delicious! Yummy! amazing pics!

Nikki C said...

It's 4pm where I am right now and this is really killing me. Love your blog though!

Nikki xx

M said...

yum! i went to get a burger as well this past weekend! :D

Come visit my blog and I would love it if you would follow mine, if you haven't already! I'm following you ;)

M from TOKYO

Katherine said...

I would have just gotten the shakes, they look intense!

Ina said...

your pictures are amazing!!!

kisses frm germany

SAMANTHA said...

wow that looks SO good I am starving + craving that so bad now. spiked milkshake = yum ;) first time on your blog I love it!! following immediately.


Thrifted and Modern said...


Kara Endres said...

That milkshake needs to be in my stomach right now! It looks amazing!!

Ruth said...

delicious photos (yes, including Mike) :)

Kristen said...

Found you on Bloglove... love your blog... love the milkshake & Mike, LOL! I'm your newest follower.


Caroline said...

Oh my goodness that milkshake looks amazing!


MissAlyssaDawn said...

booze in your milkshake AND lunch that looks that amazing... who cares how much it was!! YUM

Anonymous said...

looks tasty

Sarah said...

I have a craving for hamburgers and fries now

Anonymous said...

That milkshake looks really good about now. Hungry :(
Thanks for the cute picture of that gorjuss Mike, bb!

v o j a c q u e said...

the burger and fries look amazing!

Niki said...

Those milkshakes look divine and I heart the baskets the fries came in. Mike is a total hottie, btw. Yumminess all around.

Barbara Malewicz said...

OMG that looks so tasty !! milkshake and marshmallows *o*

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

that looks so tasty!

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

that looks so tasty!

Suzie Wilkinson said...

Nothing beats fries and a milkshake. Controversially though, I think the best way to eat them is together - dip the fries in the shake and you'll NEVER look back. Salt and sweet together - it never fails. Loving the blog x

Edelweissnyc said...

That shake looks de-lish!