Friday, September 18, 2009

insalata caprese

insalata caprese

insalata caprese

insalata caprese

insalata caprese

insalata caprese

I may be an inept fool when it comes to cooking and depend on my boyfriend for those types of things, but as long as I stay away from the stove (and even microwave in some instances) I'm set. I'm pretty sure this series of photos should suffice to understand how to easily put this together. I used grape tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, (keyword: FRESH, sans preservatives and all), and basil from my local organic market, Berkeley Bowl. That place is definitely poisonous to your wallet but oh so heavenly to your tummy. Did I mention that I paid $4.99 for the Kewpie and found it for $1.50 at another market? UGH. Anyway, for the salad, cut everything up, drizzle some extra virgin olive oil, and top it off with salt and pepper. It's so easy even a child could do it. Oh wait, you can't let a kid handle knives; hell, I shouldn't even be near knives...


ScribbleBabbles said...

man, that's definitely looks yummy! I'm such an avid fans of grape tomatoes! Not to mention cheese!

liz. said...

yum that looks so delicious and so well presented! I could really go for that salad right about now...
And, as always, your pictures are beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

mozarella has got to be one of my favourite cheese.

this looks so good!

Style Search said...

oh, cool pictures, and so healthy! :))

YUKO said...

Kewpie is the best!! Japanese mayonnaise is always better...

L.T. said...

Looks so good and simple =) Ill try

The Zsa Zsa Zsu said...

soo hungry now! beautiful presentation!

JOWY said...

OWhhh yummyy..easy and delicious!

One Love,

Anonymous said...

My favorite salad! Love your foodie pics.

Anonymous said...

My favorite salad! Love your foodie pics.

What Was I Thinking? said...

MMM, I know you said you're better off without the oven, but throw that salad on top of a pizza crust & it's heavenly!

Lovely pictures, it really captures the deliciousness!

XOXO Christine
What Was I Thinking?

Mimi said...

Only one word for this:


l said...

I love salads like this, it looks delicious :d

Taylor Sterling said...

This looks so fresh and yummy. I want it now!

lahlah said...

looks heavenly...
and so clean

heleen said...

uhhh mouthwatering.
although I just binged on mozarella and tomatoes, one can never be satisfied when it comes to divine food!

swl said...

I've been living off this salad over the summer! However, my poor little basil plant just can't keep up. I've stripped it almost to the point of no return..

Anonymous said...

You are my idol (:

Christina of Profresh Style said...

your fucking adore. love this lil blurb.

Unknown said...

I feel the same way about cooking. I love to eat delicious things so it often becomes a problem.

Anonymous said...

This is so good... I eat this too often.

Louise said...

Delicious - the mozerella looks like icecream!

Ali said...

this is my favourite salad... for some reason it's not really popular in Australia, I only first had it when I was 18 and went to Germany - they serve it everywhere there!
Now there's a german bakery near my uni and they have a caprese salad sandwich on a delicious bread roll and it so soooo good!

Anonymous said...

hi annabel, i'm a fan of your food shots...everything always looks so delectable. the mozzarella looks incredibly tempting!

Lexi said...

That looks so good.

Anonymous said...

definitely the best salad of all time. i sometimes add cucumbers to the mix and a little zaktar - a sesame seed/herb concoction you can find at armenian grocers.

absolutely ADORE your blog! xx joanna

Flashes of Style said...

Ooo this is one of my favorite salads! I usually add balsamic vinegar. yum :)

Georgia said...

I love your food posts. They make me hungry.
It would be mine

Anonymous said...

Your blog attracts my attention!

Unknown said...

oh yum!

pink horrorshow said...

simplicity at its best!!!

Mm, I would love some fresh mozzarella with balsamic vinegar right now.

Aney Mei said...

Mm, that looks lovely. Simple and delicious. I adore your blog dear :)

the desert foxx said...

Yummy! I wish I could make that...

LD said...

hi, i've given you a blog award, if you're interested in it, its over at my blog :)

invasionista said...

this post has revived my infatuation with fresh mozzarella! i became addicted to tomato, fresh mozzarella, and arugula sandwiches in italy. this calls for a grocery run!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

this looks unbelievable and a perfect way to enjoy the last few days of summer.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm that looks so tasty! :)

phresh-produce said...

i just made that dish last night...daily obsession with caprese salads!!!

Bisous Natasha said...

wow. capturing. i love how you add food posts in between fashion posts. great display.

Anonymous said...

I love doing that! What i like to do is add some roasted pine nuts, red onions, and balsamic vinegar, chop everything up and make a salad. So good!

KIM said...

you have such a lovely blog here. love your crisp, bright photos!

Anonymous said...

Grow up a little and take a look at yourself before you insult others and pass judgment.

SUNNY KANG said...


WREN said...

That looks so refreshing! Makes me hungry. Love your blog. You are so adorable. Check out our clothing line Wren at Our blog is

gennie said...

this looks divine. i don't know how you manage to make food that looks this good all the time!!

Roxane said...

wow nice before/after shots. Your photos are delicious, and the food looks delicious. sweeeet

Sushi said...

Looks delicious and so healthy! By the way, I'm holding a giveaway at my blog atm :) x Sushi

Little Bo Peeep said...

Yumm it looks healthy and really good to eat! You are lucky having a boyfriend who's good at cooking! :)

Emmy said...

your blog always makes me hungry ahhaaa!!!
-i love it :) xxx

Kayla said...

YUM. Give me fresh mozzarella, basil & tomatoes over ANYTHING any day!

Fashion Is Poison said...

WHOA I want some!

Grace said...

Fresh mozzarella makes a world of difference.

Love Grace.

Kendra Alexandra said...


Anonymous said...

i LOVE this combination! And I absolutely love your blog. You have such a great life; you're so smart, fashionable, a good cook haha, you have a boyfriend, and you live in sf!

Catherine said...

Woah, that looks so good! Caprese salad is my favorite kind of salad =)


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