#1 - Be More Positive.

50% the way my resting face usually looks (i.e. eternal bitch face), 50% how I actually feel inside. I tend to be a bit of a negative Nancy and it's a bit draining after all these years. I'm trying to have a more positive outlook on life instead of focusing on the bad. Sad Twitter is so 2013, anyway.

Getting there, somehow. 2014 will be the year I finally have a butt, for sure. Last year I was pretty good about running almost every morning but as soon as winter rolled around I started slacking. Not sure if I can commit to the gym membership just yet because of my schedule but we'll see. What works best for your guys?

Anyone who follows me on social media knows about my fascination with fast food. I promise you, I'm not really that bad, I just talk about fast food a lot. Living in San Francisco for me means I only really end up getting fast food once every two or three weeks. For a while, however, I stopped going to good restaurants since I never seemed to have time to go out on the weekends. Now that I have more free time on weekends I hope I can get back into exploring new restaurants, and who knows, maybe I'll even blog about them.

I've been getting back into anime recently and it's drastically improved my mood. Anime was a fundamental part of growing up for me and it's refreshing to step back and revisit old favorites like Bleach and Naruto while also exploring new shows like Attack On Titan. I've also been getting back into video games and beat Pokemon Y recently, moving onto the new Zelda game next.

In 2014 I resolve to cut my closet in half. I only wear a fraction things that are in there anyway. I'm sitting on years worth of clothes that I keep telling myself I'll wear but never do. This also applies to any purchases I make this year, they HAVE to be very carefully selected and worth it. If I don't wear it multiple times, it's not worth it. This Everlane bag has already been my main daily bag since I got it before Christmas and was worth every penny.